
Chapter 6 - Business?

Thinking of this, his steps sped up.

After walking for a while, Lin Lil 'Ye raised her head and saw a signboard above her head that had the words' Good Harmony Temple 'written on it. This was the place.

Lin Lil 'Ye immediately walked in. There were still no customers in medicinal herb shop, so she only saw a shop assistant tidying something up.

"Buddy, is your storekeeper here?"

The shop assistant yawned and looked over. He was startled and almost gasped for air.

"So ugly, so ugly …"

Lin Lil 'Ye touched her face with her hand.

Sigh, this face is indeed a bit scary. This shop assistant can understand even after being scared like this. It would be better if he had something to hide him for a while.

Thinking about that, Lin Lil 'Ye suddenly had a flash of inspiration. She immediately took out a fair piece of cloth from her waist and tied it around her face. This was the equivalent of a veil.

Although this piece of cloth really couldn't compare with the smooth veil.

"Man, I'm asking you a question."

Only then did the waiter look over. When he saw that she had covered half her face and was much more frightening than before, he heaved a sigh of relief.

"If you want to catch some medicine, you just have to find me. Give me the prescription."

"I'm not here to get medicine, I'm here to discuss business with your storekeeper."

The doorman was shocked, "Business? With just you? "

Lin Lil 'Ye straightened her body: "What?" Can't I have something good right now? "

With that, Lin Lil 'Ye took off the basket and held it in her hands.

The shop assistant immediately stretched out his neck to take a peek at what was in the basket, while Lin Lil 'Ye immediately blocked it. This was a very precious look.

The shop assistant could only pout his lips in boredom.

"Look at yourself, what other precious things can you possibly have? "Wait and see!"

Lin Lil 'Ye rolled her eyes at him.

To judge a person by his appearance? Hmph, grandaunt is a descendant of a traditional Chinese medicine family. It was just a matter of time. Once his grandma was cured, he would scare them to death!

"The shopkeeper is her. She said that she has a treasure for business."

The shop assistant brought the shopkeeper out.

The shopkeeper was wearing a sapphire blue outer coat, looking middle-aged. He was neither fat nor thin, but he had a face full of blessings. The most eye-catching thing was the jade thumb ring on his left hand.

Shopkeeper Zhang looked at Lin Lil 'Ye.

"May I ask what good things you have?"

Lin Lil 'Ye glanced at him, she was a nice person.

"Are you the shopkeeper here? "He can make the decision?"

Shopkeeper Zhang nodded his head: "Don't worry, Miss. As long as it is a good treasure, I will definitely give you a reasonable price."

"Alright then. Take a look at this and see how much it is worth." Lin Lil 'Ye took out the scorpion from the basket.

Shopkeeper Zhang immediately held the scorpion in his palm and squinted his eyes to take a closer look at the sunlight.

The waiter immediately moved closer to take a look.

"Isn't this a scorpion? I thought it was some treasure. "

"Baby! "What a treasure!"

Just as the shop assistant finished speaking, Shopkeeper Zhang's surprised exclamation came out. The shop assistant was instantly at a loss.

"Shopkeeper, isn't this a scorpion? Is it really a treasure? "

This scorpion is not an ordinary scorpion. Look at its body, it's already half the size of a palm. And judging from its color, an ordinary scorpion can only live for 5-7 years at most. However, this scorpion has lived for at least 10 years! "

Lin Lil 'Ye smiled, "Shopkeeper Zhang has great eyesight. This scorpion is indeed a rare treasure. Furthermore, look at the color of its tail. As long as you squeeze out the venom, it would be more valuable than the scorpion itself!"

Shopkeeper Zhang immediately squinted his eyes and took a careful look at the tail.

"Aiya, lady is right. This venom is different from the venom of ordinary scorpions. If it were used in medicinal herbs, it would be a good thing!"

With that, Shopkeeper Zhang's gaze immediately darkened, and in the blink of an eye, he looked at Lin Lil 'Ye.

"Miss, where did you get this scorpion?"

The corner of Lin Lil 'Ye's mouth curled up, how could she tell him something like that?

"Shopkeeper, please be at ease. I unintentionally obtained this scorpion. Its origin must be right. Since you know what it is, you should give me a price."

Manager Zhang nodded.

This girl was not simple!

He immediately had a plan.

"How about this, I've only taken this scorpion from you before, how about I pay you twice the price of an ordinary scorpion?"

After he finished speaking, Shopkeeper Zhang shouted in the blink of an eye: "Shun Zi, go to the account room and fetch four hundred copper coins for this lady."

Lin Lil 'Ye's palm immediately tightened.

Twice as strong? Did he really think that she was a fool?

In this era, ordinary scorpions were all natural. In the modern world, no matter what, they would have to sell for over a thousand pieces. Yet, in this place, there were only a few hundred copper coins?

At this time, the shop assistant, Shun Zi, was still unhappy: "Innkeeper, isn't it just a scorpion? It can be sold for 400 copper coins? "

Just as Shopkeeper Zhang was giving him a meaningful glance, the corner of Lin Ye's mouth hooked up.

"That's right, Shopkeeper Zhang. This scorpion isn't worth 400 copper coins."

Shopkeeper Zhang's palm suddenly emitted a cold feeling as he hurriedly rubbed it.

"Yes, yes, yes. This shop assistant of mine is not sensible and is being laughed at by the lady. Then, according to the lady, which one do you think is suitable?"

Lin Xiao smiled, "Shopkeeper Zhang, you are a businessman, so this matter is naturally your decision. I am a woman from a mountain village, and I don't know much about business matters. If you really can't be sure, why don't I go to the medicinal herb shop and ask for the price first?"

With that, Lin Lil 'Ye prepared to go to the scorpion.

Shopkeeper Zhang immediately became anxious and quickly used his hand to block it.

"Girl, you really know how to joke. Since you've brought all your things here, it's not good for other bosses to see."

With that, Shopkeeper Zhang pondered for a moment and continued: "How about this, the scorpion you sent over is indeed a good item. But as you can see, I'm only a small shop here, so I'll give you a reasonable price. How about one tael of silver?"

One tael of silver? This was still a bit off from his budget. Everyone said that there was no deceit, so it seemed that if he didn't teach this shopkeeper a lesson, he wouldn't give up.

Thinking about that, Lin Lil 'Ye's palm tightened: "Shopkeeper, how would I not know about this treasure? I saw that your signboard was kind, so I came here first. If this business is done well, then my treasures can go somewhere, right?"

Hearing this, Shopkeeper Zhang immediately stretched out his neck and lowered his voice.

"What other good stuff does the lady have?"

Lin Lil 'Ye smiled: "Of course there is something good. I just don't know if the shopkeeper is willing to accept it."

Shopkeeper Zhang was stunned and his gaze darkened. In the blink of an eye, he looked at Lin Lil 'Ye and his palm tightened up.

This girl was really secretive!