
Chapter 7 -?

Thinking about it, Shopkeeper Zhang immediately sighed. "Lady, you really are the most amazing woman I've ever met. Today, I'll teach you as my friend."

After he finished speaking, Shopkeeper Zhang said in a blink of an eye: "Shun Zi, go and fetch two taels of silver."

The shop assistant's eyes immediately widened, "Two..." Two taels? shopkeeper, are you sure you're not mistaken? "

The shopkeeper frowned, "What? These few days, you've been too idle and your ears can't be used, right? Do you want me to give you a long vacation to rest up? "

Hearing that, the shop assistant immediately shrunk his head and ran.

Lin Lil 'Ye smiled.

It seemed like this shopkeeper was quite powerful. Fine, two taels of silver. I can't force him to do business for the first time. Who knows, maybe he might even have business dealings with him in the future?

As he was thinking, Shopkeeper Zhang spoke.

"Miss, I don't know where else you have good stuff?"

Lin Lil 'Ye was stunned, she rubbed her palms together.

Heavens, how could she still have good stuff? She was just randomly spouting nonsense just now.

"Of course there are good things, but you'll have to wait a while. You know, good things need to be nurtured in special places. It will definitely take time to transport them, right?"

After saying this, the two of them politely smiled.

Shopkeeper Zhang nodded his head. "You are right, young lady. Are we satisfied with our business today?" "If we can work together in the future, I can assure you that the price will only get better in the future."

"Alright, I like to negotiate business with straightforward people like the manager!"

If he knew that she had nothing in her hands, the shopkeeper would probably regret it to death.

Lin Lil 'Ye took two taels of silver and left the medicinal herb shop.

She didn't know why, but although she was holding a silver stone in her hand, her heart was filled with an indescribable excitement. This was the first money she earned since arriving in this era, so she had to reward herself well.

As he was thinking, he raised his head and saw a grain and oil shop. Suddenly, he remembered that there was nothing at home but salt. He immediately walked in.

There were many people inside the grain and oil stores. There were also many stalls of varying sizes. The items sold in each stall were all different.

There were really too many people here. Lin Lil 'Ye was worried that they wouldn't be able to squeeze out when the time came, so she bought some common seasonings, pepper, chili, and salt and vinegar from the entrance.

After exiting the grain and oil store, he suddenly frowned when he saw the items in his hands.

"Eh? Why didn't I see any oil? "

He looked around and realized that there wasn't any place that sold oil.

Don't the people here eat oil?

"Ah, let's go and take a look. I just killed pork today, it's fresh …"

The sound of hawkers came from nearby, and quite a few people hurriedly ran over.

Lin Lil 'Ye was stunned.

Pork? It's not bad to buy some fat to refine the oil.

Thinking about that, Lin Lil 'Ye immediately ran over happily. At that moment, she felt that there were benefits to having a skinny body, so she managed to get to the front after a short while.

The butcher opened his mouth and said, "How much fresh pork do you want?"

Lin Lil 'Ye took a look, and saw ribs, pork elbows, and pork on the chopping board. She did not see many pieces of fat.

Do you want to buy some ribs and go back to the stew?

Just as he was deep in thought, a sarcastic voice sounded from behind him.

"Yo yo yo! Look at how worn out your clothes are. You still want to buy meat for your meal?"

"That's right, he pushed his way to the front even though he doesn't have money, aren't he afraid of being laughed at?"

"Buy it or not, hurry up and leave. There are a lot of people waiting behind us."

"That's right …"

With that, those aunts gave each other a look, wanting to push Lin Lil 'Ye out. Lin Lil' Ye immediately grabbed onto the chopping board with her hands, and allowed those people to pull her. She couldn't move at all.

One of his aunts took two deep breaths. "Your body is so small, but you still have so much strength?"

Lin Lil 'Ye smiled, that was a must.

"Aunts, don't worry, I will definitely buy meat."

With that, Lin Lil 'Ye looked at the meat on the chopping board.

"Boss, do you have any fat here?"

Hearing this, the surrounding people started to mock him.

"Come on, you can't even afford thin meat, and you still want to buy fat?"

"That's right …"

Lin Lil 'Ye was stunned. What happened to the fat? Isn't fat cheaper than lean?

He heard the boss say, "Yes, yes. I was the one who cut off my fat. How much do you want?"

As he spoke, he saw the boss bring up a wooden bucket filled with fat.

"Sure, how much is one catty of fat?"

"Thirty copper coins for one catty."

"Thirty?" Lin Lil 'Ye was shocked.

It was indeed a little expensive.

Behind him, someone taunted, "Hmph, if you can't afford it, don't buy it. You're still smacking your face and making yourself look like a fatty."

"That's right. You better ask this boss if he can help you pick some bones to go back home. Don't even think about eating meat."

"Bones? "Hmph, I don't think she can even afford to eat bones. Look at her poverty-stricken appearance and that face. What kind of cloth is that?"

"It's probably because he's too ugly and is afraid of scaring everyone!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of mockery from the surroundings. The anger in Lin Ye's heart was triggered, and her palm tightened.

Hmph, saying that she has no money?

As he thought, he pointed at the wooden bucket.

"Boss, give me ten catties of fat."

Everyone was shocked when they heard that. They all stared at her with widened eyes. Even the owner was surprised.

"Miss, are you sure you want ten pounds?"

Lin Lil 'Ye instantly glanced at him: "What?" Are you worried that I won't be able to pay? "

With that, Lin Lil 'Ye reached out with her hand and took out one tael of silver.

The owner nodded immediately. "Miss, please wait a moment. I will pack it for you right now. Do you still want anything else?"

Lin Leyan glanced at him and said, "Another two catties of lean meat and two catties of ribs. Put them away properly for me."

"Alright!" The butcher was instantly overjoyed.

At this moment, the arrogance of the surrounding women had lessened significantly.

"She really is rich, actually buying ten catties in one go. I don't even dare to buy that much."

"Yeah, looking at her clothes, I thought she didn't have any money."

As he spoke, the voices of these people became quieter and quieter. They no longer dared to move forward anymore.

Lin Lil 'Ye raised her chin.

He picked up the meat and left.

However, once she walked out of the crowd, she immediately looked at the silver in her hands with a sullen look.

How rash is the devil!

Lin Lil 'Ye, ah Lin Lil, I just can't hold it. This is 10 catties of meat, it only cost me half a tael of silver to buy it.

Thinking that, Lin Lil 'Ye turned around and looked at those people with a sad expression, but she still left with those pieces of meat.

When she passed by the tailor shop, she had been suffering in her heart for quite a while. Buying clothes was a woman's nature, especially since she had just been left behind by those people. At the start, it was all because she did not have any decent clothes.

However, after considering the amount of silver in his possession, he gritted his teeth and quickly walked forward.

Lin Lil 'Ye, ah Lin Lil' Ye, you have to hold it in!