Tzu Tzu Zi!

Thank you, sir!

With that, Lin Xiaoye raised her hand and patted Huo Li's face, then she continued to stick on his arm.

However, he didn't know that Huo Li's face was darker than coal.

Seeing this, these Aunt immediately felt bored. Originally, they wanted to scold Lin Xiaoye and look at her jokes. However, they did not expect her to be so proud of them.

Aunt Chen immediately whispered: "Isn't it just a man? "What's so great about that!"

The Aunt and the others suddenly had a bad expression. They could only pout their mouths in disdain and start talking about themselves.

In fact, just like Huo Li, there were quite a lot of girls in the village who were thinking about him. Even Aunt and them, who already had a man, would be jealous when they saw him.

Lin Xiaoye immediately raised her chin.

Hmph, you still want to watch her make a joke? None at all!

Not long after, the ox cart arrived at the village. Huo Li was the first to descend from the ox cart, and just as he was about to carry the things into the house, Lin Xiaoye waved at him.

"Old Huo, come over here and give me a hand. If I jump off too high, I'll break my leg."

Hearing that, the Aunt behind them immediately became disgusted.

"Tsk tsk tsk, look at that ugly look on your face. He's actually looking so arrogant."

"Yeah, what's so great about that!"

Lin Xiaoye didn't care that much and waved at Huo Li.

Huo Li was speechless. However, thinking about it, he could only step forward and carry Lin Xiaoye down with one hand.

Just as he was about to let go, Lin Xiaoye grabbed his hand. Huo Li was shocked and looked at Lin Xiaoye in the blink of an eye.

"I'll take some things in first, so don't dawdle."

With that, Lin Xiaoye took the back basket and left the Kitchen.

Huo Li tightened his grip on his palm. He felt a few warm copper plate on his palm and suddenly, he didn't know what to feel.

Lin Xiaoye immediately took out everything from the back basket. Just as she was about to bring out some fat to make oil so that she could cook, a small cephalo- suddenly appeared at the door.

"Team members, come here."

A small cephalo- appeared, blinking its round eyes, and its little finger knocked on the door.

What did mother buy? It smells so good!

As he thought about it, Lin Xiaoye carefully walked in with that radish like leg of hers. She held onto her Clothes tightly with both hands and didn't even dare to raise her head.

Lin Xiaoye took out the steamed buns from the back basket.

"You must be hungry, right? "What good stuff did mother buy?"

The group of people looked at it and their eyes lit up. They groaned and raised their hands to grab it.

Steamed Bun, it's a big bun!

However, she suddenly shrunk back and carefully looked at Lin Xiaoye.

Lin Xiaoye felt her heart ache, and she immediately touched the cephalo-.

"Team member, mother did do something wrong in the past. Don't worry, mother will never hit you again and scold you. mother will take good care of you and Daddy, okay?"

Hearing that, Yuan Zi raised her watery eyes and blinked at Lin Xiaoye.

Did mother really not know how to play anymore?

As he thought about this, he moved his lips and took the steamed buns into his arms. He looked at Lin Xiaoye again to make sure they were ready to be taken away before he turned around.

Lin Xiaoye let out a sigh of relief when she saw how small it looked.

Take it easy, this baby is so cute.

As he was thinking, he was ready to do his work in the blink of an eye.

Lin Xiaoye looked over in the blink of an eye and saw Lin Xiaoye holding a bun carefully with her head tilted upwards.

"Team member, is this for mother?"

The group nodded.

Lin Xiaoye felt her heart ache. She immediately hugged the ball to her chest.

"Thank you, sir!"

Finally, the group began to accept her.

For some reason, despite having only known the little bun for a short period of time, Lin Xiaoye actually liked him so much. Furthermore, she seemed to be the mother of a bunch of friends.

This, she thought, was the natural maternal love of a woman.

Huo Li, who just happened to be back from carrying everything, saw this scene.

Huo Li was slightly surprised.

Aren't you afraid of her anymore?

Seeing the two of them acting in harmony, Huo Li's long tensed eyebrows instantly relaxed.

Looking at the changes in Lin Xiaoye these two days, Huo Li also felt slightly relieved. However, he didn't know if Lin Xiaoye really changed on purpose or not.

Thinking about it, Huo Li frowned and had a plan in his mind.

On the other side, because Lin Xiaoye accepted her, her mood immediately became a lot better, and she was even full of energy from her work.

Lin Xiaoye was even happier when she thought of the fried dumplings she could make while cooking oil in the wok. After cooking for a while, she planned to make some dumpling s to eat with wild vegetables and mixed with pork meat s.

After the dumpling was wrapped, Lin Xiaoye cooked the dumpling once and left half to eat. She then started to make fried dumplings and poured some soy sauce into a bowl.

"It's time to eat the dumpling!" Lin Xiaoye brought two big plates of dumpling into the house.

The group of people immediately ran over and helped to clean up the table. After that, they climbed onto the stool s and looked at the dumpling on the table.

Lin Xiaoye spread the tableware on the table and touched the little cephalo-'s balls.

"This is the dumpling, this one is boiled in water, and this one is fried dumplings. Is it fragrant?"

Yuan Zi quickly nodded. This nod was like chopping garlic.

Lin Xiaoye smiled and gave him two dumplings and another fried dumpling.

At this time, Huo Li also sat down, looking at the dumpling on the table, he was surprised for a moment.

"You did it?"

Lin Xiaoye picked up a fried dumpling for herself and said, "Yes, let's try it."

Huo Li glanced at her. Seeing that she was eating so sweetly, he did not seem to have any other intentions. He picked up a piece of chopsticks and carried it up to her and ate it in one bite.

As soon as it entered his mouth, his eyes lit up.

This taste...

Ye Zichen raised his head and looked at Lin Xiaoye.

She had never been able to cook before, but now she could. Furthermore, the taste was so good. Moreover, from her actions these two days, she seemed like a completely different person.

However, she had always been right under his nose. Besides, there shouldn't be any mistake with her face. Could it be …

Thinking about that, Huo Li put down the chopsticks. Lin Xiaoye was happily eating the dumpling, when Huo Li suddenly rushed over and grabbed her wrist, and carried her out.

"Hey, what are you doing? My dumpling has not been finished yet. "

Lin Xiaoye was still holding a bowl in her hands and eating dumpling s happily from the corner of her mouth.

Huo Li suddenly squinted his eyes.

"Speak, what are you trying to do?"

He didn't fear Lin Xiaoye in the slightest. However, he was worried that Lin Xiaoye wouldn't wait for an opportunity to deal with them.

Lin Xiaoye was stunned.

"What are you talking about?"