
Chapter 10 - Reinstall?

Huo Li's palm tightened as the anger in his heart surged. He raised his hand and viciously pinched her arm.


"Ahh, my hand, my bones are about to break. Can't you say it properly?"

Lin Lil 'Ye immediately felt a crushing pain from her wrist, causing her entire face to twist in pain. However, Huo Li had no intention of letting go, so he immediately took a step forward.

"Why are you doing this? "What is his purpose?"

As Lin Lil 'Ye tried to pry his hand away, she asked, "What other reason can I have?" I just want to live a good life, okay? "

Huo Li withdrew his neck and stared at her.

This kind of weak woman had never been able to do anything. Could it be that he was overthinking things?

"Hey, if you don't let go, my hand will break!"

Lin Lil 'Ye roared in pain.

Huo Li glanced at her before letting go.

Lin Lil 'Ye immediately felt like she had been reborn. She quickly rubbed her wrist and moved it again.

Fortunately, it wasn't broken.

Huo Li asked, "Then why did you do those things before?"

With that, Huo Li squinted his eyes again, carefully sizing up Lin Lil 'Ye.

Lin Lil 'Ye rolled her eyes at him in the blink of an eye.

Did this man not know how to speak properly? Must we attack? He was not like the original owner, but he was not a spy, right?

"Can't I have a clean head before? This time, after I went through the gates of hell, I finally understand. What kind of people are good to me, and what kind of people are bad to me, I can still tell. In the past, I lived too muddle-headedly, but now, I want to properly change my life, live a good life, and take good care of everyone, don't you want to give them a chance to start anew? "

With that, Lin Lil 'Ye tiptoed over.

Immediately, the two of them could feel each other's breath at a distance. As she looked at Huo Li's exquisite face that was inhuman, Lin Lil 'Ye felt her heart beat suddenly faster, and a warm feeling gradually spread across his face.

Why was he looking at her like that?

As for Huo Li, he looked at the woman in front of him. His clear and bright eyes were pure and innocent, full of his own reflection. There was no impurities in them at all.

Thinking about this, Huo Li didn't know that the temperature on his face had increased a little. However, after seeing her expression, his eyebrows creased.

"Why are you blushing?"

Lin Leyan was stunned for a moment. She quickly turned her head away and touched her own face, only to discover that it was burning hot.

He suddenly felt a little guilty: "About that, let's go in quickly. The group should be worried."

With that, Lin Lil 'Ye hurried back into the house.

Huo Li only relaxed a little when he saw Lin Lil 'Ye's leaving figure.

It would be a good thing if he really changed it!

Lin Lil 'Ye hurried back to the table, hugged the bowl, and started to eat.

At this moment, a voice came from outside.

"Old Huo, is Old Huo here?"

Lin Lil 'Ye looked over in the blink of an eye and saw that it was from Old Hu's house. She immediately put down her utensils.

"He's here."

Old Hu immediately walked over with a smile.

"Where's the meal?"

Lin Lil 'Ye immediately went out the door as well.

"I'm eating. What's the matter, Aunt?" By the way, what happened to your son? Are you better? "

Old Hu smiled and said, "That's great, that's much better. It's all thanks to you. If it weren't for you, my son would've been long gone."

With that, Old Hu handed over the basket in his hand.

"Nothing good. I'll just treat it as thanking you for saving my son."

Lin Lil 'Ye opened the cloth and saw that there were quite a few eggs inside.

"Fine, then I won't be polite with my aunt, it's fine as long as your son can be fine."

With that, Lin Lil 'Ye took the basket into the house and picked up all the eggs.

Although this item wasn't expensive, it was still a good thing for their family. Moreover, she helped them, so it was only right for her to take some of their items.

Thinking about that, Lin Lil 'Ye suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"That's right, rope him in!"

Lin Lil 'Ye came out with her basket.

"You're being too polite, aunty. You even brought so many eggs. How can I be embarrassed about this?"

Old Hu smiled, "Sister, you don't have to be so polite. Everyone knows your family's situation, and I don't have anything good for you. It was all laid down by my own family, how could it be worth the money that you saved my son's life?"

"That's right, that's right. Your son is naturally the most important person. Alright, aunty, if there's anything that you need help with in the future, just come and say it. As long as it's something that sis can do, I will definitely help you."

Lin Lil 'Ye was the first to mention it.

Old Hu's heart was filled with gratitude towards Lin Lil 'Ye, but he did not think too much into it, and immediately agreed.

"Don't worry, if there's anything you need in the future, just go to my place and speak to me. I won't disturb your meal any longer, so I'll be going back first."

With that, Old Hu took his basket and left. After walking a short distance, he turned around to take another look.

"Why is the Old Huo family different from before?"

As he was thinking, a person suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Sister-in-law Hu, did you just deliver something to Lin Lil 'Ye?"

The one who spoke was none other than Lai Wengui.

Old Hu was stunned.

He came to look for Old Huo again? This matter was going to get out of hand, she couldn't be bothered about it.

As he thought about it, he smiled, "Didn't Old Huo save my son last time? The chicken in the house laid a few eggs, so I came over to give her two eggs. As you know, my mother-in-law values my son a lot. "

Lai Wengui immediately smiled politely as well.

"Yes, yes, yes. Sister-in-law, you'd better watch the child properly next time."

"Sigh … Alright, I'll be leaving first then." With that, Old Hu and his men quickly left.

Lai Wengui looked at the house in the blink of an eye and immediately furrowed his brows.

"Why isn't this ugly woman giving me anything?"

As he thought of this, Lai Wengui looked at the Old Hu family member who had already walked far away and his palm suddenly tightened.

He turned around and walked to the edge of the Huo family's courtyard. He immediately found a corner to take a look. Then, he pinched his lower lip with one hand and whistled.

Ye Zichen immediately looked carefully, and thought that Lin Lil 'Ye would come out right away, but she didn't react at all after waiting for a long time.

"Didn't you hear it?"

He immediately blew again, but there was no reaction. He exerted all his strength and blew again. This business was really big.

Only after Lin Lil 'Ye was full did she put down her chopsticks in satisfaction. When she heard this sound, she was momentarily stunned.

Who was whistling? This sound...

As he was thinking, a memory suddenly popped up in his mind and he was suddenly enlightened.

So this was the contact signal between the original owner and Lai Wengui. He immediately took a look.

Lai Wengui came?

However, Huo Li had heard the sound a long time ago. Furthermore, he knew that this was the signal for Lin Lil 'Ye and Lai Wengui to meet up.

In the blink of an eye, he turned to look at Lin Lil 'Ye.

Would she go out?