Talking about business

Chapter 30 - Business

Thinking about it, Lin Xiao said, "Since Owner Zhang hasn't made up his mind, why not listen to what I have to say first?"

Owner Zhang nodded his head: "Miss Lin, please tell me first."

She only heard Lin Lil 'Ye say, "Let me put it this way first. Although I'm a rural woman, I naturally don't have as much experience in business as you guys, but I, Lin Xiaoxiao, will never let myself suffer a disadvantage. Since we're cooperating, integrity is first."

Owner Zhang immediately nodded. "That's only natural."

The situation now is, since I have the skills and prescriptions, and you have the money and the shop, then I'll provide the ingredients and the manufacturing methods, and then I'll use it to sell things in your shop. As for the profits, other than the cost of the ingredients, we'll split it evenly, and I'll give you sixty to forty, how about that? "

Hearing that, Owner Zhang frowned.

[This girl is really smart. She actually wants 60% of the money from my shop and materials?]

"Girl, should you consider this split? "After all, this shop is mine, and you haven't invested a single cent into it. If the sales aren't good, then wouldn't I be the one to suffer?"

Zhang Yusheng also nodded.

"Owner Zhang doesn't count like that. Those prescriptions in my head are the only ones that exist in this world. They were passed down from my ancestors. I gave them to you like that, why are you still saying that you're the ones who are at a disadvantage?"

With regards to the prescriptions that Lin Lil 'Ye mentioned, the Owner Zhang felt a little itchy in his heart.

He suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Alright, then let's each take a step back. How about fifty cents?"

"Owner Zhang, you should be glad that I didn't yell 73%. Think about it, that recipe is in my head, if I were to wholeheartedly earn money, then I would just have to push a cart to the streets to sell it. When that time comes, all the money I would get would be mine."

Hearing that, Zhang Yusheng became anxious, and immediately pulled on Owner Zhang's sleeves.

"Dad, what she said isn't out of the question."

The Owner Zhang rolled his eyes at Zhang Yusheng in the blink of an eye, and said immediately: "But you also said just now, even if you push a cart yourself, you wouldn't have the money to buy the materials, and your business might not even succeed."

"Owner Zhang, could it be that you want to use this medicinal herb shop to pressure us with a few hundred taels of silver?"

Owner Zhang's palm suddenly tightened.

This medicinal herb shop spent all of his life's work. Back then, wasn't he also a pauper? He did not have anything, and in the end, even took his own wife and ran away poor.

But didn't he wholeheartedly want to open the medicinal herb shop to treat others? After so many years, it could be considered to be somewhat effective, but in the end, a Jishi Hall came along. If not for that, he wouldn't have let Zhang Yusheng do that kind of thing.

Thinking of this, Owner Zhang sighed helplessly.

Seeing that, Lin Lil 'Ye also let out a sigh of relief.

Just now, she was just testing the Owner Zhang. After all, being able to do business in a town, opening a pretty decent shop was not an easy task, which family didn't have a history of grief?

He never expected that she would actually gamble on him.

Lin Xiao said: "How about it, has Owner Zhang thought it over yet?"

Owner Zhang laughed helplessly: "Oh you, I've never seen a girl like you before, to the point where I can't get any benefits from her."

"You can't say that. If you earn money, then don't you have to work with the Jishi Hall anymore?" Lin Lil 'Ye said.

After that, Lin Xiao and the Owner Zhang signed the agreement.

In the end, Lin Lil 'Ye had to pave a path for herself.

"Oh right, Owner Zhang, I passed down this item from my ancestors. Once you learn it, you won't just turn hostile right?"

Owner Zhang laughed: "Of course not, I have been doing business in this town for most of my life, how could I lie to you?"

Lin Lil 'Ye pouted.

"That's hard to say."

With that, Lin Lil 'Ye looked at Owner Zhang: "In order to ensure that our cooperation can continue happily, Owner Zhang, you have to give me a guarantee, or …"

With that, Lin Lil 'Ye looked up at medicinal herb shop: "Then I'll use medicinal herb shop as collateral."

Hearing that, Owner Zhang was annoyed, he immediately stood up, his face had a trace of anger.

"Lin Lil 'Ye, what's the meaning of this? You clearly know that this medicinal herb shop is the foundation of our Old Zhang's family. It's even more important than my life!"

Zhang Yusheng suddenly felt a bit of anger.

"Miss Lin, my father is kind enough to work with you, how can you be so overbearing?"

At first, he wanted to be 6-4, but now, he wanted to get his hands on this medicinal herb shop. Seems like he should never have done it today, but he should not have listened to this woman's words and brought her to the medicinal herb shop for some sort of business.

On the other hand, Lin Xiao did not seem to mind: "Owner Zhang, what's there to be angry about? "What I just said was just in case, think about it, I'm just a weak girl who has gone through so much trouble to come to the town to do business with you, and I also have to give you this ancestral formula behind the backs of my family members. If you don't sell me out honestly when the time comes, then I won't be able to live."

Owner Zhang immediately said in all seriousness: "Does Miss Lin not believe me?"

Lin Leyan quickly waved her hands. "If you don't believe me, then I won't come looking for you. However, you also know that the world is dangerous. If it were the Owner Zhang, I believe you would think of yourself, right?"

With that, Lin Lil 'Ye stood up and looked at the sky. It was almost noon, there was no time to waste.

"Moreover, as long as I take out the prescriptions in my hands, they will definitely be extremely popular. After all, I want to earn some money now, but I have a child to take care of in my family, if I go and look for Jishi Hall now, I believe that Uncle Meng will definitely give me a better price. But when that happens, it will be even more difficult to run your shop here in Owner Zhang."

"You …" Zhang Yusheng glared at Lin Ye.

If it wasn't for the fact that Lin Lil 'Ye was a woman, he definitely would have scolded her.

However, Lin Ye smiled: "How is it, two Owner Zhang s? Rest assured, you will definitely not suffer a loss in this business. Moreover, since you won't do something so wicked, then can I forcefully snatch this shop away? We can all be at peace. "

At this time, Owner Zhang was calmer.

There was no helping it, who asked them to fall into Lin Lil 'Ye's hands now? Furthermore, those prescriptions in her hands were extremely important to him, the medicinal herb shop.

Thinking about it, Owner Zhang shook his head helplessly, before letting out a heavy sigh.

"Whatever, I'll just listen to you."

"Father …" Zhang Yusheng originally wanted to advise something, but the Owner Zhang had already added another one.

Then, the two sides pressed their palms together and the matter was settled.

"Alright, then I'll go back and tidy up the ingredients tonight. I'll send them over to you tomorrow, so we can prepare to earn some money."