What the hell is this place?

What the hell is this place?

He was very confident in his diet.

After all, in this world, there weren't many people who could use food to treat their illness.

After dealing with this matter, Lin Lil 'Ye hurried back.

As for Lan Lan, he had never thought that Huo Li would bring this little bun to the mountain when he said he was taking a group with him.

She was wearing a flowery dress today, so she could only walk leisurely. Coming all the way up here, wasn't that just asking for her life?

Lan furrowed his brows, gasping for breath as he climbed up the stairs. His hair had originally been tied up in a bun, but now it had been scraped into a mess by the branches around him.

There was also a lot of leaves and mud on the back of her skirt, and when you looked at her walking posture, it was completely different from the way Alan had looked at the man from the village.

Finally reaching a small hill, Alan took a few deep breaths and then raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his face. Unexpectedly, he looked up and saw that there was no one around him.

"Hey, where are the Brother Huo people? Weren't you in front just now? "

He looked around but couldn't see Huo Li. Although it was noon, the mountain was quiet. The weather was getting colder and colder.

Lan took a deep breath and frowned. However, Huo Li was nowhere to be seen. Lan immediately felt anxious.

He shouted loudly, "Brother Huo, where are you? Brother Huo, Brother Huo, big brother, brother … "

The echo in the mountain suddenly became a little bit more terrifying. The birds that were initially in the mountain suddenly flew up and scared Alan so much that he quickly found a tree to hold on to.

"What the hell is this place?"

He quickly looked around, his eyes filled with fear.

If only he had known earlier that things would turn out like this, he wouldn't have followed them here. What was he to do now?

"What are you doing?"


Just as he was thinking about this, a voice suddenly sounded in his ears, scaring Alan out of his wits.

Huo Li stared at her coldly, holding a ball by his hand.

When Alan regained his senses, he rolled his eyes and burst into tears.

"Brother Huo, you scared me to death. I thought, I thought you left me alone here!"

Alan threw himself into Huo Li's arms. He thought he could lie in Huo Li's arms, but when she fell down, there was nothing in front of her.

Alan's heart skipped a beat. He looked at the puddle and fell to the ground.

With a splash, Alan was splashed with mud.

When she raised her head to look at Huo Li, she saw a group of people walking over. A cute face looked at her.

Alan's heart skipped a beat.

Didn't they say that Huo Li doted on his son the most?

"You must be a b * stard, right? "I …"

He didn't wait for her to finish and turned around to run in front of Huo Li, grabbing Huo Li's leg.

Lan was startled, and the anger in his heart rushed to his head.

Damn it, even a child dared to bully her?

Alan stood up, but before he could leave, he realized a serious problem.

Wait! Her dress...


Alain cried out, and her flowery skirt was covered with mud.

"This, this dress is the best and most expensive dress I have!"

Alan was crying as he worked at the muddy water on his skirt, but it was too late now.

As for Huo Li, he glanced at her in the blink of an eye. He didn't plan on paying any attention to her. He picked up his bundle and left the mountain.

Alain naturally followed.

When they were almost home, Lin Lil 'Ye had just returned. The group saw her from far away, so they quickly reached out their hands towards her and made a noise.

Huo Li looked over in the blink of an eye. When he saw that it was Lin Lil 'Ye and the other group of people, he felt a little better.

It seemed like Team Samantha was now going to accept Lin Lil 'Ye.

"Bastard, I haven't seen you in the morning. Do you miss your mother?"

Lin Lil 'Ye walked up happily and hugged the ball to her hand, then pinched his soft little face.

A shy blush immediately appeared on his face.

Mother asked me if I miss my mother. Did I miss my mother?

At this moment, Lin Lil 'Ye naturally did not notice that there was a muddy Alan following behind her, and at that moment, Alan saw her.

Hmph, you are truly ugly, you look so ugly, and you think you are worthy to be Brother Huo's wife?

With that thought, the anger in Alan's heart seemed to be extinguished. He shook the clothes on his body, then straightened his body and lifted his chin. He walked up to Lin Lil 'Ye arrogantly.

Ye Zichen coughed softly, "You're Lin Lil 'Ye?"

Lin Leyan was stunned, then looked at the woman in front of her.

Wow, who is this woman? She was pretty good-looking with her willow shaped eyebrows, peach blossom eyes, high nose bridge, and cherry lips. She was quite a beauty.

So there were beauties in this village.

When he looked down, his brow slightly furrowed.

Her gaze was naturally caught by Alan's eyes.

Alain shielded his hand at once, but the arrogance in his face refused to go away.

"Are you always so rude?"

Only then did Lin Lil 'Ye react, and she quickly smiled: "Yes, which family are you from?"

She was already used to being addressed like this.


Lan exclaimed, but when he saw Huo Li standing to the side, he immediately restrained himself.

"I'm not an aunt. I'm still a girl."

Lin Lil 'Ye nodded: "Oh, oh, which family's girl is that? You want to find me for something? "

Hearing that, Huo Li suddenly thought of something and frowned. He didn't wait for Lan Lan to say anything, and pulled Lin Lil into the house.

Lin Lil 'Ye was stunned.

"What's wrong?" Is something wrong? "

Seeing Lin Lil 'Ye being pulled away, Alan also quickly followed.

Huo Li said, "Aunt Hu just came."

Lin Lil 'Ye smiled: "The Hu family's auntie is really polite. You still have to thank me over and over again for that small matter last time?"

Unexpectedly, Huo Li pulled her back. "Something happened to her mother-in-law."

Lin Lil 'Ye was stunned: "Her mother-in-law?"

Why didn't she find a doctor when something happened to her mother-in-law? Why did she come to find me?

Although he thought this in his heart, he had still been a doctor for many years. At this time, it was hard for him not to feel restless.

"What did she say? Are you better now? "

Huo Li shook his head.

Lin Lil 'Ye's eyes darkened: "Let's go."

"Yes." Huo Li replied softly.

Following that, Lin Lil 'Ye put down the ball and was about to leave when she suddenly thought of something.

"Oh yeah, are you looking for me or Huo Li?"