Hate that old woman!

Hate that old woman!

Lan Lan immediately rolled his eyes and walked to Sun with a wronged expression.

"Aunt, look at my new dress, it's being poured on my body by this little b * tch. Look at my skirt, where else can I wear it? If I can't wear it beautifully, then who would give it to me as a gift? How can I honor my aunt in the future?"

With that, Alan began to sob.

Hearing this, how could Sun still hold on? In a blink of an eye, he looked at her skirt and then at the pig grass scattered on the ground. Then, he immediately ran in front of Lady Wang and Xiao Ya with a fiendish look.

He then cursed out loud, "You bastard, it looks like I haven't taught you a lesson enough, right? How dare you do such a thing, let's see if this old lady will skin you alive today! "

After saying that, Sun used his palm to viciously slap Lady Wang's head. He then pinched Lady Wang's body a few times, and even on Xiao Ya's body, he used a lot of strength. The two of them were immediately pinched by Sun until they became red and purple.

Even those passersby couldn't help but sigh when they saw this scene.

"Look at that Lin family beating up their own daughter-in-law and granddaughter. They are truly guilty!"

"Sigh, just the old Lin family, they never knew how to treat their own daughter-in-law well. After all, a daughter-in-law is raised by humans, so they let her ruin it like this."


Sun did not care about what the villagers thought of her. She only felt that she had been taught a lesson and gotten used to it.

Sun was panting heavily from the fight. He stopped and put his hands on his waist as he stared at the two of them.

"I think that it must be all your bad luck that caused our Lin Family to be like this. Since you came, when was this courtyard peaceful?"

Hearing that, Alan suddenly rolled his eyes and immediately smiled as he walked in front of Sun.

"Aiyo, Aunt, it's been really hard on you. I knew Aunt dotes on Lan. Please take a quick rest, how can these lowly people be worthy of your anger?"

With that, Lan Lan went close to the Sun and whispered in his ear.

"Aunt, this b * tch is so unlucky, I can't bear to watch any longer. Don't tell me you want her to harm you again in the future?"

Hearing that, the Sun looked at Lan in doubt.

He only saw Lan give her a look and then looked at Xiao Ya, Sun immediately understood.

"I'll let you off today, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and go cook. What will happen when the people at home come back? "

With that, Sun gave Wang Shi another kick, and left after glaring at them.

She stuck her head out and looked at Lady Wang.

"Mom, are you alright?"

Seeing the bruises on Lady Wang's face, Xiao Ya secretly tightened her grip.

She could only blame herself for being too weak and not capable. Otherwise, she definitely wouldn't have allowed anyone to bully her mother.

He only heard Lady Wang say, "Mother is fine."

Saying so, Lady Wang rubbed Xiao Ya's head in heartache.

"Xiao Ya, do you hate your mother?"

Xiao Ya immediately shook her head, "In terms of hatred, you should also hate that old woman!"

Hearing that, Lady Wang quickly reached out her hand to cover Xiao Ya's mouth.

"Xiao Ya, she's your breast after all. You can't be so uncultured. If others were to listen to her, your reputation will be ruined in the future."

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Ya fiercely glanced at Sun's house.

"What do you want that reputation for? She can even disregard our lives."

When née Wang saw Xiao Ya's appearance, then looked at the wound on her face, she immediately touched it with heartache.

This injury would leave behind scars. If there was something on her face, who would dare to take it in the future? Wasn't it because there was a birthmark on her face that no one dared to take it?

Thinking of this, Lady Wang began to cry again.

Lin Xiaoshan was the first to return. Seeing Wang Shi and Xiao Ya covered in injuries, he was shocked.

"What's going on with all of you?"

Née Wang's face was still covered in tears as she helplessly looked at him before pulling Xiao Ya back into the room.

At this time, even if Lin Xiaoshan was any stupider, he knew what was going on. Only, he didn't have any reaction, and could only sigh helplessly.

When Lin Lil 'Ye returned home, Huo Li had already cleared that plot of land.

Lin Lil 'Ye went back to take a look, and couldn't help but exclaim, "Isn't your speed a bit too fast?"

It's almost as fast as an ox.

However, Lin Lil 'Ye did not dare to say that out loud.

Huo Li put down his hoe and said, "The ground is a bit dry."

If he hadn't done this, he would have reclaimed the land long ago, and he wouldn't have waited till now.

Right, I still want to bring back two pigs in two days time. When the time comes, you can set up a yard, and then we can also raise some pigs and chickens, and we won't need to go out and buy them next year. "

You can eat eggs every day.

After all, Lin Lil 'Ye knew that no matter what era it was, it would be hard to earn money. Furthermore, she would have to spend it quickly, since she still had to live in the village for a long time.

Moreover, if he had enough money, he could buy a shop in the town to do business. Then, he could sell the pigs and chickens here, or eat them during New Year's Eve.

Huo Li looked deeply at her in the blink of an eye.

Now, she knew how to live her life.

However, his eyes immediately darkened, "Raising pigs is not easy."

He had to wake up early in the morning to get his hands on the pig grass. Moreover, it was now winter and the pig grass in the mountains was about to wilt.

What's more, even though Lin Lil 'Ye was a bit hardworking now, it was not guaranteed that she would be able to get up early in the morning and go in the dark to mow the pig grass.

Lin Lil 'Ye thought for a moment: "You're right, then let this matter go for now."

However, if Lin Lil 'Ye said so openly, she would definitely keep thinking about it.

Following that, Lin Lil 'Ye and Huo Li also busied themselves with watering the land for a while, but this was still not enough. They still had to fertilize the land, and the village's special fecal pond was just to prevent everyone from pouring those things everywhere, so the village head had someone specially build a fecal pond, which would make it easier for everyone to fertilize the land in the future.

Huo Li brought Lin Lil to the manure pool. From far away, Lin Lil 'Ye could smell a stench. This stench was even worse than the stench of a fox on her, and it almost made her puke.

For some reason, a hint of a smile actually appeared on Huo Li's lips when he looked at Lin Lil 'Ye.

The two of them stood by the manure pool and looked around, and Lin Lil 'Ye really couldn't take it anymore.

"Brother Huo, I'll trouble you on this matter. I really can't take it anymore, I'll go get some fresh air first."

With that, Lin Lil 'Ye quickly ran off.

The smile on Huo Li's face couldn't help but deepen a bit when he saw Lin Lil 'Ye running around like a rabbit. However, at this moment, he didn't realize that Lin Lil' Ye had already changed in his heart.