Reclamation of fields

Chapter 37 - Reclamation of fields

The water had been poured, the fertilizer applied, and the seeds were ready.

Huo Li frowned. "It's useless, I'm afraid."

As she said that, Lin Lil 'Ye brought a huge pile of grass over.

"Don't just stand there. Come over and help."

Huo Li stepped forward and took the hay from her hands. He carried it to the edge of the field.

"Bring those as well."

Huo Li was confused. "What are we going to do?"

Lin Lil 'Ye smiled, "Didn't you just say that what we did was useless? I'll change the spell so that you can see that even in winter, vegetables can grow in our yard. "

With that, Lin Lil 'Ye started to use the dry grass to make a curtain.

Huo Li still didn't understand. He didn't understand what it meant to change a spell.

However, when she saw Lin Lil 'Ye doing as she was told, she also did the same.

However, she didn't have the money to buy the oilcloth right now, so she could only use this grass curtain to cover herself. When Owner Zhang made some money in a while, she would go and buy the oilcloth.

"Go and get some bamboo, I need some later."

"Yes." Huo Li agreed softly and left.

Perhaps what the two of them did not know was that the two of them had actually lived a life of mutual understanding.

When the grass curtain was ready, Huo Li came over with a bamboo cloth over his shoulder.

Following that, Lin Lil 'Ye stuck the bamboo deeply into the ground and covered up the land. Then, she covered up the grass curtain. With Huo Li's help, not only did Lin Xiaoxiao save a lot of trouble, she was able to move a lot faster.

Waiting for the sky to turn dark, and for the grass to be set up.

Lin Lil 'Ye clapped her hands.

"Sure, we'll have to busy ourselves in the future."

After saying that, he looked over and saw a group of people squatting at the entrance of the yard and playing with the stones on the ground. A small child squatting there by himself couldn't help feeling sad.

It seemed like she had been too busy recently and had even forgotten to worry about the group. It was a pity that he was only a child. It might have been better if he had a sibling or something.


As she thought about it, Lin Lil 'Ye looked at the handsome guy beside her. Handsome was handsome, but she couldn't really do anything to him just because he was handsome, could she?

Besides, she would have to go to town in the future. What if Huo Li didn't want to go? Also, the original owner must have disliked him a lot.

Thinking about that, Lin Lil 'Ye sighed.

Forget it, don't even think about such things. It's best to think about how to make life better for now.

Thinking that, Lin Lil 'Ye cleaned up the courtyard in the blink of an eye and went into the room to prepare dinner.

What he didn't know was that Huo Li had been staring at her ever since.

There was not much food left in the house. Other than them, Lady Wang and the maidservant also had to eat, so the food in the house was soon finished.

Lin Lil 'Ye could only make some wild vegetables and stir them up together with an omelet. She made a fried egg with some wild vegetables and also took out a bit of the coarse grain noodle from before. However, she wasn't just making coarse grain cakes, there were also a lot of wheat bran mixed in the coarse grain noodle.

He mixed it with some sweet potatoes. These sweet potatoes were both fragrant and sticky, and also very sweet.

As she sat on the cake, Lin Lil 'Ye suddenly started to worry.

Although she was confident that her life support soup could be sold, she didn't know how much money she would make. Moreover, she had already taken out all the food in her family, so even if she made money, what she would eat in the next two days would still be a problem.

Thinking about that, Lin Lil 'Ye suddenly twitched her mouth. If something really did drop from the sky, it would be good for her to fill her stomach for the past two days.

Wait! Fish?

Suddenly, the fish she saw by the river that day appeared in her mind, causing her to be overjoyed.

"That's right, fish, you can go fish!"

There were so many fish in the river that she realized that no one in the village seemed to be fishing. Was this stupid? The fish in this natural water was very nutritious and the fish meat was very delicious. It was at this time that they went down into the river and felt a little cold.

However, even eating was a problem now. Who would care if it was cold or not?

Thinking about this, Lin Lil 'Ye suddenly saw the light of dawn on life again. Even the power in making the cake had increased quite a bit, and she even began to hum a little tune.

Meanwhile, at this moment, Huo Li and Wu Qi, who were in the room, were both stunned when they heard Lin Lil 'Ye's humming.

He pulled Huo Li's hand and snorted twice. He looked at Huo Li in anticipation.

"I don't know."

He had never heard what song Lin Lil 'Ye was humming, but it seemed rather nice to hear.

"Time to eat!" Lin Lil 'Ye shouted.

While they were eating, Lin Lil 'Ye asked, "Are you going up the mountain tomorrow?"

Huo Li's expression darkened. "We'll go earlier."

If it was a bit earlier, he should be able to hunt them down.

Lin Lil 'Ye nodded, "Then if you don't have anything to do when you come back, you can go to the river and take a look. I saw a lot of fish by the river that day."

"Yes." Huo Li answered simply.

In his heart, he felt that this was a good idea. However, the river water would probably be ice-cold and bone-piercing.

"I need to go out tomorrow morning too, that group of people …" Lin Lil 'Ye looked carefully at Huo Li.

This group of people was his precious treasure. He had to go out tomorrow morning, so it wasn't appropriate for him to leave them alone at home.

Huo Li raised his eyebrows at her and asked, "Where are you going?"

Lin Xiao quickly put down her utensils and told Huo Li everything that had happened between her and the Owner Zhang.

She thought that now, after all, they were living together and they were husband and wife, so she had to be honest with him. It was best to explain this kind of thing to him.

After hearing what Lin Lil 'Ye said, Huo Li immediately looked up at her in surprise.

How could she know so much? It was one thing for you to possess inferior medical skills in the past, but now you're writing a prescription for something?

As he thought about it, Huo Li raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Lil 'Ye.

However, he had observed her for so long, yet he did not see any other motives from her. Could it be that after dying once, she got over it?

Seeing Huo Li not respond after a long while, Lin Lil 'Ye became worried.

Could it be that he doesn't want him to do business with the Owner Zhang?

This village was too feudal. Even women couldn't go out and show themselves. Did Huo Li think so too? But hadn't he never cared about the original owner before?

Thinking about that, Lin Lil 'Ye said carefully: "About that, I didn't mean anything else. It's just that the sky is getting colder and colder, and it's really hard to find prey on the mountain. There aren't even many wild vegetables left, isn't it nearing the end of the year?" "I was thinking that when the New Year comes, I can also make some new clothes for the Regiment to celebrate with."

With that, Lin Lil 'Ye broke out in a cold sweat.

Huo Li loved people the most, so he shouldn't refuse, right?