Still alive!

He was still alive!

With that, Lin Lil 'Ye took out a money bag from her clothes.

Sun saw that the money bag was bulging. Forget about two or three, there must be more, for him to be surprised for a moment.

This damned girl could actually take out that much silver? It seemed like she should have said more just now.

When Sun turned around to look at the silver, Lin Ye quickly looked at Fructus Epimedii.

"Fructus Epimedii, I want this person. What meaning do you have if you continue staying here? Could it be that you are hoping that Sun, who is used to being stingy, will give you some benefits? "

Hearing that, Fructus Epimedii glared at Sun.

"Today is truly unlucky. You old woman, it's one thing to be stingy, but doing things is so unreliable. In the future, I won't be doing business with you."

With that, Fructus Epimedii threw the handkerchief in her hand, turned around, and left with her big fat butt.