Buy Little Ya

Chapter 145 - Buying Little Ya

"No, no, you, hurry up and take this money loser away, take him away quickly!"

Sun was panicking in her heart. It was really bad luck to have someone die in her own yard, she didn't want any money right now, she just wanted Lin Lil 'Ye to take Xiao Ya away. She couldn't just let her girl die in her yard.

Seeing that, the corner of Lin Lil 'Ye's mouth curled up.

"Fine, you're the one who said that. I'll bring Xiao Ya over to my place first, but I definitely won't let you suffer a loss. I'll come back later to give you the silver."

Not only should he give Sun money, he must also give her an agreement.

The Sun did not care that much at the moment, but when Lan Lan and Luo Shi saw that Lin Xiao was willing to carry a dead person back, and even gave her money, they could not be happier.

In the end, Lin Xiaoxiao and née Wang carried Lil 'Ya and left.