Life-suspended line

Chapter 7 - Lifeline

Mo Xiyan originally did not need to go deeper into the mountains.

After all, wood gas who had already absorbed a portion of the energy had increased the stats of his body.

Based on her current situation, her current body was more than sufficient to deal with it.

Right now, she was only a weak girl. If she suddenly became a martial arts expert, she would probably be treated as a monster.

The main reason she did so was naturally for the masked man who was heavily injured and unconscious.

After making sure that no one was following him, Mo Xiyan took the man out of the spatial ring and threw him on the grass without a trace of politeness.

"Hm." The man subconsciously groaned. The pain didn't make him completely sober up, and he only recovered some of his consciousness.

"Alright, since you're already injured like this, stop trying to be brave."

Although Mo Xiyan said this, in her heart, her affection for the man rose a little.

She crouched down beside the man and tore off his belt without a care in the world.

However, that was where she stopped.

"Tsk tsk, sorry for the trouble."

The man's outer robes were very easy to take off. After all, it was made from silk, so it was very slippery.

However, the inner garment was made of a thin material, causing it to merge tightly with the large wound on the man's chest.

Mo Xiyan tried to pull it apart with force, but the wounds that had been cut open by the blade started to move along with the clothes.

She looked unhappily at the man's wound. To be more accurate, she looked at the part where the meat and clothes were all stuck together. She could not help but pout her lips in annoyance.

"I said I hated treating wounds like this the most."

Mo Xiyan said that, but her hand movements were extremely decisive.

She placed her palm on the uninjured part of the man, and then mobilized the rich wood gas in the space to send it into the man's body through her palm.

She was very careful and very slow.

This was because she clearly understood that the people in this world would be different from those who had experienced the light of the unparalleled sun.

If something went wrong, it could very well turn into a situation where saving others from harm would not work.

She didn't want to do such a thankless and wasteful thing.

Fortunately, the recovery ability of the wood gas was not bad. Not only did the man not feel any discomfort, even the injuries on his body had mostly healed in just a short half an hour.

"Very well, I'll help you get rid of the poison as well."

As the saying goes, a good person should go all the way to the end and send Buddha to hell.

When Mo Xiyan was channeling the wood gas into the man's body, she had also checked his body.

He then found out that the man not only suffered from internal injuries, but also from the poison in the cup.

If it were an ordinary doctor, he would probably not dare to touch this cup.

After all, if something was not good, a man would die because of it.

But Mo Xiyan was not afraid.

This was because the Discipline in her possession matched up with the cup.

That's right, it was just a small bug, a bug that ate leaves for a living.

The leaves were wood. As long as the wood gas was used as a bait, the bugs would obediently follow the wood gas outside the man's body.

However, Mo Xiyan was not sure how long the entire process would take.

Once the cysticercus was lured, they could not be disturbed.

Mo Xiyan stood up, frowning as she looked around at her surroundings, "Mn, the wood gas here should be fine."

She planned to use the wood gas to set up a barrier, making it convenient for her to act.

It was just that she, who had just arrived, was not sure if these wood gas were as useful as they were before the era.

"Regardless, I'll give it a try."

After making his decision, Mo Xiyan closed his eyes and slowly felt the distribution of the wood gas around him.

She then summoned a group of wood gas s from her own space as a guide, bringing the surrounding wood gas to surround her.

"Very good."

After a long while, Mo Xiyan opened her eyes, and looked at the completed barrier with satisfaction.

"This way, I'll be able to get rid of the teacup without any worries."

She sat cross-legged beside the man, spread his palms flat on the grass, and pressed her palms together with his.

She then closed her eyes again, and took out a strand of wood gas from her body, pushing it along the man's veins, bit by bit, towards the location of the cysticercus.

The cysticercus was located in the heart of a man, and it was the most important organ to a person, related to their life and death.

As long as the cysticercus got angry, it would immediately drill a hole in the man's heart …

Then Mo Xiyan's efforts would have been in vain.

Therefore, Mo Xiyan was especially careful when doing all of this.

He had also restrained the killing intent that his own wood gas had, making him appear abnormally gentle.

cysticercus s were indeed fond of this sort of thing.

After a moment of hesitation, it followed Mo Xiyan's wood gas and slowly moved towards the man's body.

The cysticercus was not big. Walking in a man's veins wasn't difficult at all.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly.

However, the bad thing was that a man would actually wake up during the process of removing the cup.

Mo Xiyan noticed the abnormality the moment the man woke up.

"If you don't want to die, then don't move."

The man was slightly stunned when he heard it, and immediately felt the existence of the cysticercus as well. At the same time, he understood that Mo Xiyan was helping him to clear the cup.

This kind of understanding caused the man to be secretly shocked.

This cup was not just any ordinary cup, but the Golden Silk Mother cup.

This kind of cup is planted in the body of the person, unless the mother of the cup dies, or the person of the cup dies, otherwise will not leave the body of the lodger.

But not only could this girl lure the cysticercus, she could even lure it out of his body with her current speed.

Previously, she claimed that she was the direct daughter of the Prime Minister, but as far as he knew, none of the daughters of the Prime Minister were for learning medicine …

Was she really the direct daughter of the Prime Minister?

The man added a big question mark to Mo Xiyan's heart.

He silently looked at Mo Xiyan's serious and cautious expression and actions, and the wariness in his heart towards her receded quite a bit.

After all, since she could remove the cup, she could naturally use this cup to directly take his life.

Mo Xiyan was very satisfied with the man's cooperation, and after looking at him in admiration, she continued to concentrate on luring the cysticercus.

However, just as she thought victory was in sight, the cysticercus seemed to have woken up and turned around to leave.

Not good!

To let the cysticercus return like this, men must die!

Mo Xiyan didn't have enough time to think about this as she directly channeled more wood gas into the man's body.

This time, it was not to attract cysticercus, but to directly strangle them.

The reason she hadn't chosen to do this before was because she didn't want a man to wake up.

Because there were too many wood gas s, men would feel an intense pain.

If it was a person with insufficient willpower, perhaps they would bite their tongue to commit suicide.

In the past, such cases were common.


The man slowly twisted due to the pain, and the more he twisted, the faster the cysticercus would run back to him.

Mo Xiyan shouted anxiously to stop him, "Don't move!"

The man's life was on the line, so she had no choice but to increase the number of wood gas s and chase after the cysticercus s with an even faster speed …