Bad news

Chapter 8 - Bad Things

In the end, the wood gas was unable to catch up to the speed of the Gu worms.

Seeing that the Gu worm was going to enter the masked guy's heart, Mo Xiyan was so anxious that he didn't have time to think further.

This move was considered a dangerous one, because the heart was a person's most important organ. An excessive number of wood gas s would also block the blood vessels in the heart, causing one's death.

If not for the fact that he was forced into a corner, Mo Xiyan would not have done this.

The newly-added wood gas rushed towards the Gu worm with a strong momentum. With the cooperation of the original wood gas, the Gu worm was trapped in the man's left blood vessel.


At this moment, the man was in so much pain that he couldn't speak. His originally bloodless face became even paler, and his body trembled continuously from the intense pain.

But even so, the man did not let out a sound of pain, and continued to watch Mo Xiyan's movements with a cold face.

There was no doubt in his eyes, only patience.

This caused Mo Xiyan to look up to him a lot, and she could not help but think: This man is truly a man, it was not in vain that she saved him.

Such a thought made her more focused and serious in her efforts to get rid of the Gu worms.

That Gu worm seemed to know that it couldn't defeat the wood gas, so it just hid there and stopped moving.

Since he did not move, he would just dig it out!

Was it just this tool? Mo Xiyan rolled her eyes and saw the short blade at the man's waist.

Not bad, this is just right for you. She smiled lightly, and after temporarily keeping the two wood gas s inside the man's body, she reached out to remove the short blade.

The short blade was the man's personal weapon. The instant Mo Xiyan took it out, he instinctively wanted to stop it.

But when he turned around and was about to move, his mind stopped him in his tracks.

He clearly knew that if he were to make a move now, he could potentially ruin this young lady's life, causing the Gu worm in his body to take his life.

Mo Xiyan saw the hesitation in the man's eyes, and couldn't help but find it funny: "Don't worry, I'm just borrowing."

She brandished her short blade as she spoke recklessly, "Do I look like someone who can take advantage of someone else?"

Without waiting for the man's reply, she pulled out her short blade and pulled up the hem of the man's clothes. With a raise of her hand, the blade fell, and the material of the hem fell to the ground.

"Cool, not bad." Mo Xiyan grinned at the man, then with lightning speed, she used the short blade and slashed towards the man's left chest.

With a "hua" sound, a 5 centimeter cut appeared on his left chest.

The Gu worm that was feigning death thought that it had a chance of survival, so it crawled out of the opening.

However, the Gu worms quickly realised that they were fooled. However, if they wanted to go back, they had no way out.

Because the instant it left the man's body, Mo Xiyan once again controlled the two wood gas and blocked off the Gu's escape route.

The Gu worm anxiously spun around, and finally crawled towards the man's mouth, intending to return to the man's body.

Mo Xiyan would never give it such an opportunity.

She controlled wood gas with her right hand to quickly pull away from the man's body, condensing the wood gas into a rope. After quickly catching up to the Gu worm, she tied it up in all kinds of ways.

Afterwards, she took out all of the wood gas s from the man's body. Only a small portion of the wood gas s that the man could bear, flowed through his seven veins and eight veins.

The pain receded a little, and the man who had just regained some of his strength raised his eyebrows in doubt. Immediately after, he felt the benefits brought by the wood gas.

Although he did not know what Mo Xiyan left in his body, he could clearly feel his own body, because this energy was slowly recovering.

In addition, the recovery speed was extremely quick. Even the Lin Sheng in his residence would not be able to do such a thing.

He wondered where this lady had learned to be so capable.

While the man was lamenting about Mo Xiyan's superb medical skills, she was holding the Gu worm and going back and forth researching it.

She discovered that the so-called Gu worms were no different from other bugs after dismissing the Gu poison.

Could it be that she could catch some bugs and try to turn them into Gu worms?

Mo Xiyan thought of a certain possibility, and her heart started to stir.

Thinking like this, she brought the Gu worm in front of the man, "Do you still want this?"

The man was stunned for a moment before he shook his head weakly, "If this girl is useful, I'll just take it."

His voice was hoarse and low. Although his aura had greatly decreased due to his injuries, it still carried with it his unique cold arrogance and indifference.

Mo Xiyan did not care about his attitude, furthermore, she was happy that she got such a living specimen.

Mo Xiyan picked up the bug and stood up, she then looked up at the sky and realized that the sky had already darkened.

In that case, she should return. Although she was not afraid of the people in Prime Minister's Estate, but since she was living here instead of the original owner, she couldn't be too out of line.

Mo Xiyan kept the Gu, and at the same time, turned her head to ask the masked guy, "Hey, can you go back by yourself?"

"Sure." As he spoke, the man stood up on his hands and knees as if to prove himself.

"Alright, then I'll go back first. Goodbye." Mo Xiyan casually waved his hand, turned and left.

After she left, the man took out a whistle and sat back down.

He clutched his chest as he panted. The redness on his face faded again.

He had just barely managed to stand up. He already owed that girl a life, and he didn't want to owe her more.

In addition, he could feel that apart from being a little weak, his body had no other problems.

No, not only would it be fine, it would be even better than before.

Just as he was thinking, a few black shadows shuttled back and forth in the forest. In a blink of an eye, they were in front of the man.

"Your Highness, your subordinate has come late, please forgive me!" They all knelt in front of the man, terrified and remorseful.

The man looked at them coldly and said in a low voice, "There won't be a next time."

As he spoke, his tone dropped, "The matters of today cannot be announced to the public. Those who disobey will be executed!"

Everyone's heart trembled as they lowered their heads and replied in unison, "Yes, Your Highness."

Then the man let them take him and leave quickly.

Mo Xiyan who had just returned to her residence had just walked out of the backyard and returned to the Ancestral Hall when she saw Xiao Tao laughing in a hurry, as if she was about to cry.

"Little Peach, what happened? Why are you in such a hurry?"

She turned her head, and seeing that it was Mo Xiyan, she immediately rushed towards her without caring about her shock.

"Li, Young Miss, something bad happened! Li mama found out that you weren't here, and went to report to Master!"

"Oh, so it's this matter. It's not worth it for you to be in such a hurry."

On the way back, when he noticed that the sun had already set in the west, Mo Xiyan had already predicted that someone would find out that she was not in the mansion.

As such, he wasn't surprised at all when he heard her words.

"B-but little …"

Just when Little Peach wanted to say something, a sharp and harsh voice came from behind them. "Yo, Eldest Miss, you're finally back. This old servant has been waiting for you for a long time."