Own intentions

Chapter 36 - Ownership

"Lu Jun."

Mo Xiyan did not move, she had already made his move before her.

As he finished speaking, the man in black standing on the right behind him raised his sword to intercept the young girl.

Lu Jun's martial arts was extremely good, he did not unsheathe his sword, he only turned around and sent the sword in the girl's hand flying.

The young lady was also a brash person, after her sword was knocked away, she did not care about it at all and threw a punch towards Lu Jun.

Lu Jun did not actually fight with his and only avoided her attacks when it was unavoidable.

However, even if the difference between the two force value s was extremely huge, the young girl was still in a very sorry state. This caused her temper to become even worse.

"Bro, why aren't you helping me!" Once again, she was avoided by Lu Jun and tripped her over. Then, she angrily shouted at the young man sitting at the same table as her.

"Little sister, stop messing around."

Hearing her words, the youth stood up, but not only did he not help her, he even grabbed her arm and stopped her from taking another step. "You passed this time."

"Where did I go?" "Big brother, you know very well that she is …"

"Enough!" Before the young lady could finish her words, the young man interrupted her.

He forcefully grabbed onto the girl's hand and apologetically smiled at Mo Xiyan and Murong Yu, "I'm sorry, it was my family that spoiled her. I'll apologize on behalf of my two little sisters."

With that, he saluted the two before dragging the girl away without a word.

The young girl seemed to understand that she had almost said something wrong earlier. Although she was still unconvinced in her heart, she did not resist.

But before leaving, he glared fiercely at Mo Xiyan as before.

Mo Xiyan looked at them with interest, a carefree smile on her lips, but her thoughts were spinning extremely quickly.

The young girl hadn't finished speaking, so she clearly told her that the two of them knew her. Moreover, it wasn't her misconception that they were hostile towards her, but rather that they were real.

Before that, of course, she had not known the two of them, not even in the original owner's memory.

Then let her guess why these two people were so hostile towards her in the first place.

The answer didn't seem that hard to guess, because from start to finish, only the Prime Minister and her daughter had been at odds with her.

"Don't mind it."

At this time, Murong Yu sat by her side and looked at her with his burning gaze.

His cold voice interrupted Mo Xiyan's thoughts.

Coming back to his senses, he raised his head to look at Leng Chen's deep gaze.

His gaze was so focused that it made her uncomfortable.

"I don't care." Mo Xiyan shifted his gaze away, picked up the teacup, and drank a mouthful. After stabilizing his emotions, he continued, "Speaking of which, why would a dignified duke like you leave the capital?"

She had originally wanted to hide her mixed feelings, but the moment she said those words, she immediately regretted it.

In this era, it did not seem appropriate to casually inquire about the whereabouts of others.

Would it make people think that she was a spy?

"Sorry, I was rude. If it's not convenient to say, there's no need to say it." Mo Xiyan hurriedly looked at the man again, and said anxiously.

"The army in the southern corner changed. Imperial Father wants me to go take a look." Unexpectedly, right after she finished speaking, Murong Yu had replied to her question seriously.

After saying that, he paused for a moment, looking at her with doubt in his eyes, "Why are you here?"

If someone else asked, Mo Xiyan would definitely not answer.

But the person she was facing was Murong Yu, so she didn't have the slightest burden on her mind as she spoke in an extremely casual tone.

"I left the Prime Minister's Estate. I probably won't be going back."

Then she took another sip of tea and said, "That's why I'm following you. Today is probably the last time."

Pa, the teacup in Murong Yu's hand fell to the ground, he raised his head in shock.

"Sorry, sorry."

The man calmly picked up another teacup and poured himself another cup of tea. He looked at Mo Xiyan and said solemnly, "That may not be so, as long as there's fate, we can always meet."

There seemed to be something in his words, but Mo Xiyan was unable to guess it.

She stared at the man for a long while before speaking hesitantly under his attentive gaze, "Perhaps it is. After all, life is full of surprises."

At this moment, the atmosphere was extremely weird. Mo Xiyan felt that even the air had factors that could cause her heart to beat erratically.

It was out of her control, and she didn't like losing control. It made her want to run.

Of course she did the same, she stood up and pretended to be calm as she looked at Murong Yu, "It's getting late, I will be leaving first, we will meet again if fate allows."

Murong Yu did not stand up, he only picked up the teacup and shook it lightly at her, "We will definitely meet again."

His words caused her heart to skip a beat and her emotions to become even more confused.

"Zhang Ye, let's go."

After she said that, without even looking at Murong Yu, she rushed into the carriage as fast as she could.

Zhang Ye followed closely behind, and after she boarded the carriage, he waited for a moment, then brandished his whip and started his journey again.

Murong Yu's gaze followed the carriage all the way until it disappeared from the public road. Only then did he reluctantly retract his gaze.

"Investigate and see why she left the capital."

If the Prime Minister's Estate could not tolerate her, then she would be expelled, and the capital would no longer need to have a prime minister.

Murong Yu lowered his head, the depths of his eyes as dark as ink.

"Yes, Your Highness." Lu Jun immediately agreed and turned to leave.

Mo Xiyan was naturally unaware of his actions. She was currently sitting in a carriage, and continued towards her destination.

Along the way, Li mama didn't have another chance to wake up.

Qing Qing sucked her blood every day. Under such conditions of severe anemia, even the deities were unable to maintain the physical signs of her body.

Of course, Mo Xiyan wouldn't let her die. Every time she finished drinking, she would treat her. At the same time, she would help her replenish the necessary energy to sustain her life.

After continuously walking for a few days, they had already reached the Jiangnan Realm. Only after Zhang Ye asked the Zhu Yue County about the method to leave, did he continue driving.

In the entire process, although he and Mo Xiyan did not interact much, their tacit understanding grew better and better.

With just a simple sentence from Mo Xiyan, he would be able to help her perfectly accomplish her task.

At the same time, he did not ask the Li mama why he did not exit the carriage nor did he hear her voice.

After all, the reason why she didn't come out was already obvious.

Other than the eldest miss, no one else would act against her.

Of course, Zhang Ye also thought that there were benefits from not waking up the Li mama, at least they wouldn't need to stay on the journey, and just listen to her sharp voice, and wouldn't need to worry about that arrogant old lady causing trouble.

The closer they got to the Mo Village, the more difficult the road became. At the end of it all were mountain roads and horse carriages.

Zhang Ye looked at the steep and narrow path in front of him, and asked emotionally, "Big Miss, what do we do now?"

Mo Xiyan opened the curtain, looked at the mountain path outside, and said indifferently: "Turn around, let's go to Zhu Yue County City."

Zhang Ye was startled, "Aren't we going to the Mo Village?"

Mo Xiyan said mysteriously, "Turn around, I have my own plans."