Bad taste

Chapter 37 - Unpleasantness

Seeing that Mo Xiyan was insistent, Zhang Ye could only turn around.

After arriving at Zhu Yue County City, she first picked the biggest inn to stay in, then asked Zhang Ye to find out if there was any mansion that had sold out.

Zhang Ye took the order and within two days, he received the news.

There really was a house in town that he wanted to sell, because the son of the owner was a gambler and already heavily indebted.

If the house was mortgaged to the gambling den, the money sold wouldn't even be enough to pay off his son's debt.

The owner of the mansion didn't have high requirements. He only hoped that the person who bought the mansion would pay a hundred silver taels.

After Mo Xiyan received the news, she went to the house to observe it. She realized that although this place was called a small house, it was actually only one-third of the size of the Prime Minister's Estate in the capital.

One of the biggest houses in town.

Be it its layout, or the pavilions and decorations, Mo Xiyan was very satisfied with it.

She immediately went to find her host and signed a contract to buy the mansion.

Of course, the Li mama was completely unaware of this matter.

When she woke up, she found that there was a temple in the mountains and the carriage was no longer there.

"Since we're awake, let's wake up. We just happen to be on our way." Mo Xiyan stood at the door of the temple and looked out into the bright sunlight. Taking a deep breath, she said, "The weather today is not bad, if nothing unexpected happens, we should be able to reach Mo Village before nightfall."

Li mama stood up shakily, feeling dizzy and unable to react for a while.

She rested for a while before she finally became a little more clear-headed. Then, she got up and walked over to Mo Xiyan's side.

"Eldest Miss, this old woman is getting old and really can't walk anymore. Please let me ride you …" "Eh, where's the carriage?"

Initially, she wanted to ask Mo Xiyan to allow her to sit in the horse carriage with him, but before she could finish, she realised that there were no horse carriages in front of the temple, and so she shouted loudly.

"There is only a mountain path to Mo Village, the carriage cannot be used, I have already sold it." Mo Xiyan said in an extremely simple manner. After she glanced at the Li mama, he then continued, "If you can't do it, then you can go back. In any case, it might be easier for Zhang Ye and I."

Li mama was furious, but under such circumstances, she could only force herself to repress her anger.

The reason was naturally because she did not receive Mo Xiyan's money. For the sake of paying such a huge sum of money, she could endure any anger.

"Since you don't plan on leaving, then follow me." After Mo Xiyan said this, she passed her and carried Qing Qing out of the temple and up the mountain.

Zhang Ye followed closely. There was nothing Li mama could do, she could only take a deep breath and persevere on as she followed along with her weak body.

It was just that Qing Qing had absorbed too much of her blood, causing her anemia to be too severe.

She had only taken a few steps when she found it difficult to move forward.

"El-Eldest Miss, El-Old Woman, I really can't do it anymore. Can I just stay here and rest for the night?"

The Li mama was panting heavily as he sat in the pavilion at the top of the mountain. He did not want to move even a little bit.

Mo Xiyan did not pay attention to her, but looked into the distance and said to Zhang Ye: "That should be the Mo Village right?"

Zhang Ye gently nodded his head, "According to what the villagers said, I shouldn't be wrong."

After all, within a circumference of fifty kilometers, there was only one village known as Mo Village.

Mo Xiyan liked the fact that the distance between the villages in this era was not short, because it meant that there would be more and more forest around the village, which also meant that she would have more wood gas s to use.

"Then we should be able to get there before dark." Mo Xiyan looked up at the sky and said with certainty.

"Indeed." Zhang Ye nodded in agreement.

Hearing that, Li mama became anxious, "You, you can't leave!"

She really couldn't walk anymore. If she forced herself to follow, she was afraid that her life would be taken.

However, she was unwilling to stay here by herself. After all, her luggage was all on the carriage …

Wait, where are her luggage? Only now did Li mama realize that there were no traces of her luggage in his line of sight.

At this moment, she finally became truly anxious.

"Where are my luggage?" She interrogated Mo Xiyan and Zhang Ye loudly, her eyes filled with ferocity.

Mo Xiyan turned her head and glanced at her, "You yourself aren't optimistic, yet you still have the guts to ask me?"

Snorting, she continued, "I don't have the time to waste time here with you. Since you can't walk, and you want to find your luggage, you should stay here and slowly search."

With that, he no longer cared about Li mama and turned to leave the small pavilion.

"First Miss, you can't leave me behind! I don't have any luggage, I'll starve to death! "

Li mama started shouting at Mo Xiyan's back. Seeing that she was ignoring him, he turned to Zhang Ye and said angrily, "Hurry up and carry me, catch up!"

Right now, the luggage was no longer important. To be able to keep up with Mo Xiyan and not be thrown away was the most important thing.

After all, if he obtained the money from Mo Xiyan, then Li Xing would only be a drop in the bucket.

"I can't carry you like this." Although Zhang Ye's line of sight was much smaller than the Li mama, it could still be called fat as he swept his gaze across the people on the ground, "You, you should walk slowly by yourself."

As he said that, he ignored the flustered and exasperated Li mama and quickly followed behind Mo Xiyan without the slightest burden on her mind.

"Ah, you bitches. When I get back to the mansion, I'll definitely let Madam skin you!"

Li mama shouted at the two's backs, but the two of them did not stop for her.

At this moment, she was truly anxious. She didn't want to be left behind, so she could only force herself to follow them.

However, her body was really too exhausted. She hadn't even taken a few steps when she fell to the ground, finding it hard to get up again.

She could only watch as Mo Xiyan and Zhang Ye disappeared into the mountain road.

"You little bitch! Wait until I take all your money and sell you to Young Sparrow Hawk, then I'll see how you can continue acting!"

The Li mama cursed in anger in the direction Mo Xiyan left.


Accompanied by the sound of a cat, a gust of cold wind rose up from the ground.

Li mama was shocked, he felt that everything in front of him was extremely strange.

Could there be a ghost? She crawled back to the pavilion in fright, shrank inside, and looked around.


The cat meowed again, and the sound seemed very close, but she could not see the cat.

She was even more frightened. She buried her head between her knees, trembling in fear.

The sound of the cat was getting closer and closer. It was unknown if it was just an illusion, but she actually felt that the sound was ringing in her head.

Li mama trembled in fear, she only felt her body getting colder and colder, she was regretting her decision now. If only she could leave with Mo Xiyan, even if she had to support herself with these two legs of hers, she would definitely follow along.

No matter what, it was still better than now.

Pop. A drop of water fell on her neck. It was so cold that it made her tremble even more.

The droplets seemed to be alive as they slowly slid down the curve of her neck.

"Ghost, ghost!"

Unable to hold on any longer, she tumbled and crawled, and with a speed she never had before, chased after Mo Xiyan.

"Truly useless."

After she left, Mo Xiyan walked out of the small forest with Qingqing in his arms, looking at the battered and exhausted Li mama with ridicule in his eyes.

She pretended to leave with Zhang Ye, and then walked back around the mountainside.

She was very satisfied with Li mama's performance.

Mo Xiyan rubbed her chin in a rather naughty manner and laughed mischievously.