
"Would you like to hear a story?"

"If you are willing to speak, I am willing to listen."

Bai Xiao laughed and told her story to Yang Dingchu.

"There was a girl who was raised by a kind grandmother who had no parents. However, when she was twelve years old, her grandmother died from an illness. From then on, she grew up by herself, relying on the help of a kind person."

"Because Grandmother is a Chinese doctor. When she grows up, she also learns medical skills and is the top student in the medical academy. She is always the top student in the department. "She studied while doing her research, and after finally achieving some success, who would have thought that a huge disaster would come from the heavens and cause her to lose her life in a car accident?"

After saying this, Bai Xiao looked at Yang Dingchu. "I had originally thought that she would just die like this, but she didn't appear in another time and space, and instead became another person."

After he finished speaking, he saw that Yang Dingchu did not speak and self-deprecatingly said: "Do you think this matter is absurd?"

"The girl in the story is you, right?"

"That's right. It's me. "

"You … Do you think I'm a monster? "

If others were to find out that the original Bai Xiao was already dead, and that the Bai Xiao right now was a soul from another world, it was unknown whether they would think of her as a monster or not and beat her to death.

"No. You are my wife, how can you be a monster? "

Yang Dingchu held Bai Xiao in his arms, "I don't care where you came from, I only assumed that you were my wife."

"Even if I'm a lone soul from another world, perhaps I'm the unlucky person that people speak of, so I don't care?"

"Nonsense, how can you be an unknown person? Furthermore, even if you are an unlucky person, as long as I like it, I will not care about it and will not allow anyone to harm you either. "

"Brother Chu."

How could the true love of the world be true? This was it.

Even though he knows that you are different from others, he still treats you like one. For your sake, he is willing to make an enemy out of everyone under the heavens.

"Silly girl, what are you crying for?"

"I'm just too happy. You don't know, I've always been afraid that people would know about my background, afraid that I would be treated as a beast race."

"No. If you have any medical knowledge, just say that you learned it in a county city. In the future, I will help you. "

"How are you going to help me?"

"Our Yang Family is not what it looks like on the surface. What we see now is only our appearance. There will be a day when we regain our former glory."

Bai Xiao was a smart person, she could tell just from Yang Dingchu's words that his Yang Family was not an ordinary family.

During breakfast, she saw that Yang Family was at the dining table. Yang Wenyi did not touch his chopsticks, while the others did not. When they ate, they would eat slowly and gracefully.

How could ordinary rural people have such rules and regulations?

When Bai Family ate, it was like a war, with no rules.

"Then wouldn't I earn it? Everyone in the village abhors poor Yang Family and looks down on you all as outsiders.

"Just your skin." Go out and pack up your herbs. I'll take them to the market to sell during the market time. "


Speaking of her herbs, she was a treasure.

In the courtyard, she picked out the herbs she had harvested. For the time being, she planned to bring those that she did not need to the market to exchange for money.

Madame Yang saw that Bai Xiao was fiddling with a pile of grass and asked curiously, "Xiao, why did you pull so much grass out of the ground?"

"Sister-in-law, these are not ordinary herbs. These are all medicine."

Yang Wenyi, who was still basking in the sunlight, turned his head and looked at the bunch of black vines in Bai Xiao's hands.

"What's that in your hand?"

"Dark Vine."

"What effect does it have?"

"The head of black vine has the ability of nourishing the blood and calming the spirit, dispelling wind and clearing the meridians. It is used for insomnia and dreaminess, blood deficiency and body pain, rheumatism and arthralgia, for external treatment of itching of the skin. "

"How should I treat insomnia?"

So her father-in-law was an expert? Bai Xiao replied without hesitation.

"30 grams of black vine, 9 grams of salvia miltiorrhiza, and 3 doses of medicine a day will cure you."

Yang Wenyi nodded his head, "That's right, who taught you medicine?"

Bai Xiao and Yang Dingchu looked at each other, "My father used to like to collect books and solo books. I saw it in his study."

Yang Wenyi looked at his son, and did not pursue the topic.

Mrs. Yang brought a bucket of boiled water and came out from the kitchen: "The water is boiling, Old Third come and help me get rid of the feathers of the chickens, Old Man and Boss, you guys skin the hare, be careful when you skin it, don't break it for me, I still have to make the sleeves for two daughter-in-law s and my granddaughter."

Yang Chonghuan said: "Mother, why are you always thinking about your daughter-in-law? "I am your own son, and I am your son when it comes to work. Good things will never come to me."

"You are not a girl, if you are, then I can flatter you to the heavens, but unfortunately, you are not. Just work with your life on the line."

Yang Dingchu patted his big brother's shoulders, "Mother values my woman more than men. Don't think about challenging her bottom line, otherwise, be careful of father's words."

Yang Chonghuan looked at his father who was staring at him, sighed helplessly, and resigned himself to his fate by flaying the skin of the rabbit.

After all, the rule of their family was that a woman was the leader, and everything had to be done according to the woman's words.

Bai Xiao looked on in disbelief at Yang Chonghuan, who was joking with his elders. Wasn't it extremely obvious in the ancient times when they were divided into different grades? How could he joke around with his elders so brazenly?

Yang Dingchu said: "My family is like this, my father dotes on his wife, always taking mother as the leader."

"So, I can tell mom anything in the future and ask mom to help me out?"

"That's right."

Mrs. Yang interrupted from the side: "Xiao, if the third brat bullies you in the future, you should tell Mother that Mother will help you teach him a lesson."

Yang Dingchu gave Bai Xiao a 'look', and Bai Xiao smiled. "Sure, thank you mother."

In the whole family, other than Qing'er, they would either pull the chicken feathers or skin the rabbit skin.

At noon, Bai Xiao wanted to cook, but she was chased out by Mrs. Yang.

"You're a new wife, what kitchen are you going to enter? "Go outside and bask in the sun. When the meal is ready, I'll ask your eldest sister-in-law to call for you."

He didn't want to do anything, so he let his sister-in-law and his mother cook for him. He felt a little embarrassed.

Madame Yang said: "Mother and I are fine in the kitchen, didn't you just find some herbs? Go and tidy up your herbs. "

Bai Xiao who was chased out, had no choice but to pack her own herbs.

After she was done, she washed the herbs she used to dilute the birthmark on her face. The ones that needed to be dried in the sun, and the ones that needed to be made into juice.

"What are you going to do with all this?" Yang Dingchu was curious to see her take out a portion of the medicinal herbs.

"The birthmark on my face is not innate. It is caused by the accumulation of poison. When used, it will fade away or even disappear."

"Really?" Yang Dingchu was pleasantly surprised.

Seeing that Yang Dingchu was happier than she was, Bai Xiao pretended to be angry: "Why do you dislike my ugly appearance?"

"No, you are very beautiful to begin with. Wouldn't it be better if you became even more beautiful? make those who call you ugly regret it. "

Bai Xiao thought about how Bai Fengya had always called her ugly and weird ever since she was young. If the birthmark on her face one day disappeared and she became a devastatingly beautiful woman, wouldn't that anger her to death?

Two chickens for lunch, a braised pork and a stew.

Mrs. Yang's culinary skills were excellent, the two chickens were both delicious and there was even a plate of wild vegetables, which had a meat taste.

The food was good, but the main dish was not as satisfying. The rice porridge was sparse, but thicker than Bai Family.

It was sunny today, so he placed the dining table in the yard and basked in the sun while eating.

In the rural areas, most people would only eat in the morning and at night, yet Yang Family led a day and three meals.