Meet the Wild Boar

After lunch, Mrs. Yang and Madame Yang were still making shoes on the ground.

If Bai Xiao didn't know, she would just play with her herbs.

She was missing two types of herbs to expel the poison, Yang Dingchu and Yang Chonghuan had to go weed the ground.

"Mom, I'm going to dig up some wild vegetables."

"Alright, be careful. Don't go too far."

"Mm, got it."

Using the excuse that she was digging wild vegetables, Bai Xiao carried her basket and entered the mountain.

Along the way, she saw other herbs that she had not harvested. She was thinking about the herbs that surrounded her and the ones that she needed.

Without stopping, they quickly arrived at the border between the inner and outer perimeter. This place was relatively moist, and many wild beasts liked to roam about here.

Carefully, he opened the fence and went inside.

There was only a fence separating the inner and outer perimeter. The inside was lush and overgrown with trees, and both were greener than the ones outside.

They were anxiously waiting for Yang Dingchu to say the words, on one side they were picking the herbs needed, on the other side they were paying attention to the surroundings for any wild beasts.

As he collected the herbs, he unknowingly walked a little further in.

"Ah!" There are actually so many ginseng? " Furthermore, he was at least ten years old, and the youngest was at least three or four years old.

Holding the small hoe, he carefully aimed at the biggest ginseng.

He was only interested in digging for ginseng, so he relaxed his vigilance. He was completely unaware that he was being treated as an intruder.

He dug out the last ginseng and was startled when he saw the wild boar approaching him.

Wild boars weighed around four hundred jin. In the modern world, they were all raised domestically and would be sent to the slaughterhouse when they reached two hundred jin in length. It was rare to see a pig that weighed over four hundred jin.

After a moment of panic, Bai Xiao calmed herself down. She had even experienced life and death situations before, how could she be afraid of an animal?

He looked at the wild boar defensively as he quickly thought of a plan to deal with the wild boar.

Perhaps because she had exhausted her patience, the wild boar did not let her think for long, and rushed towards Bai Xiao.

Yang Dingchu who was finishing his work in the fields did not see Bai Xiao when she returned home. After asking around, he said that he had gone out to dig out wild vegetables, and followed him over.

The villagers would dig wild vegetables at the outermost edge of Yunshen Mountain, and after searching for a circle, they didn't find anyone, so they went up the mountain.

Yunshen Mountain, even if it was the outer perimeter, ordinary people would not come.

Yang Dingchu didn't walk too far before he saw the traces left behind by someone as they walked past. As expected, they allowed him to find his disobedient wife.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw a wild boar, ready to attack Bai Xiao.

Yang Dingchu was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. Before he even had the chance to attack, Bai Xiao had already made his move and leaped up a large tree that was as thick as a man's arms.

The wild boar saw its target climbing up the tree and anxiously tried to run into the tree with all its might.

Bai Xiao, on the other hand, was not afraid. She had bent over two branches as thick as a person's wrist, and used the knife at her waist to cut the branches at a sharp angle.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Yang Dingchu heading over, and anxiously said: "Don't come over."

Yang Dingchu stood still and looked at Bai Xiao who was sitting on the tree, then looked at the wild boar under the tree.

Every time it collided with the tree, it would sway a lot, causing a lot of leaves to fall off.

He was worried that if she fell off the tree, what would he do?

He kicked a rock, bent down to pick it up and was about to throw it at the wild boar, but what he saw shocked him.

Bai Xiao jumped down from the tree and landed on the wild boar's body.

As it fell, the machete in his hand slashed at the neck artery of the wild boar.

The wild boar sensed that something was wrong and wanted to throw the extra weight off its body.

However, there was a sudden pain in her neck. Due to Bai Xiaoxiao's actions, the force in her hands had been deflected. She only injured the wild boar, but did not cut its arteries.

The wild boar chased after Bai Xiao crazily. Yang Dingchu raised his voice and rushed forward, trying to draw the wild boar's attention to himself.

However, the wild boar seemed to have its eyes on Bai Xiao, it did not even place Yang Dingchu in its eyes and continued to chase after him.

After running a few laps around, Bai Xiao was also extremely tired.

The one who was unlucky was him, why not take advantage of the fact that he still had the strength to fight?

He turned a corner and picked up a sharpened wooden stick from before. His expression was calm as he looked at the wild boar that was running towards him with a cold gaze.

"Xiao, dodge." Yang Dingchu saw the wild boar charge towards Bai Xiao, but she was still standing there without moving. He wanted to block it for her, but he was too far away.

Seeing the wild boar coming towards him, not only did Bai Xiao not avoid it, she charged forward face to face.

Her right hand held a wooden stick. When she was about to put it on the wild boar, she slightly leaned her body and the wooden stick pierced the wild boar's eye, while she dodged the wild boar's attack.

The wild boar, once again injured, began to charge madly at the surroundings. It ran into trees, rocks, and even trees.

Very quickly, not many parts of his body were in good condition. All of them were drenched in blood.

Just then, Yang Dingchu caught up with him and kicked the wild boar that was going crazy from the pain far away.

The wild boar fell to the ground, still struggling to get up. However, it could only move a few times as its life gradually faded away.

Yang Dingchu hugged Bai Xiao in his arms. He really thought that he would lose her just now.

"Yang Dingchu, let me go, I'm going to be strangled to death by you."

"It would be better to strangle you than to be bitten to death by a wild boar."

Yang Dingchu said snappily, "Do you know how dangerous it was just now?"

Bai Xiao knew of the danger she had just faced, "I will pay attention to it next time."

"Next time?" Yang Dingchu's eyes widened as he glared fiercely at Bai Xiao.

"Next time, you won't even have the chance to enter the mountain."

"Don't, my good Brother Chu, you can't not allow me to enter the mountain."

If she could not make it into the mountains, how could she make it?

She still wanted to rebuild her house, a thatched cottage made of mud bricks. If she entered the house, she would have to worry about a headbutt, and if there was a storm, she would worry about a leak.

"No, you're so disobedient, don't even think about going up the mountain in the future, I'll let mom watch over you."

"Hmph, can mother keep an eye on me? If you don't want me to go up the mountain, then I will do it myself. "

No one could stop her from making money.

"Can't you just follow your mother and sister-in-law and learn how to be a girl?"

"You let me take the stitches. I don't sew clothes. "I don't care. I just want to enter the mountain, whether you let me or not."

Yang Dingchu was helpless, "Okay, but every time you enter the mountain, you must always call me to accompany you, you can't go up the mountain alone."

"No problem." "Hurry and carry the wild boar back to us."

Yang Dingchu shook his head helplessly. Marrying such an inconsiderate wife, it looked like he would have to put in a lot of effort in the future.

Bai Xiao carried her medicine basket, Yang Dingchu carried the wild boar, and the two of them faced the afterglow of the sunset as they walked back.

"I just dug up a lot of wild ginseng, look."

Bai Xiao took out the oldest ginseng like a treasure, "This ginseng will be given to Father and Mother to nourish their bodies. We can take the rest to the town to exchange."

Bai Xiao calculated, according to the three years and two taels of silver, she had dug out seven or eight of them. There were still two that could be sold for five or six taels, which was about five or six taels of silver.

If this was the case, she would be able to sell her ginseng for at least twenty taels of silver and other medicinal herbs. No matter what, she would be able to earn thirty taels of silver by going to the market.

Not bad, not bad.

Bai Xiao couldn't help but laugh foolishly.

Yang Dingchu looked at his wife's silly laughter, which was very cute. As he watched, his anger disappeared.