Another Defeat for the Bai Clan

Bai Fengya was slapped twice in a row, and her entire person was in a daze.

Mrs. Bai was at the side, watching her daughter getting beaten up. When she finally reacted, she waved her hands, preparing to beat Bai Xiao up.

Forget about not being able to beat her, just based on the fact that Bai Xiao had someone protecting her and pampered her, even Mrs. Bai wouldn't be able to touch her.

Seeing Mrs. Bai coming over, Bai Yanqing hurriedly pulled his sister back while Yang Dingchu went forward and stopped her.

The Bai Family people reacted, and pounced towards Bai Xiao.

"Bai Xiao you lowly son of a bitch, you actually dared to hit my daughter, see if I don't beat you to death or bring disaster upon you." Bai Defu was counting on Bai Fengya to marry into a rich family to give him money.

Now that he saw his daughter's face swollen and red from being slapped, how could he not be angry?

The Old Madame Bai had the same mentality as Bai Defu, and Bai Fengya was the money tree that they had cultivated.

Now that Bai Xiao had made a move on them, what was the point?

Especially for Mrs. Bai, Bai Fengya was the one and only hope she had, she was more precious than her two sons.

"You jinx, you killed your parents, and now you still want to harm my daughter, see if I beat you to death."

Yang Dingchu and Bai Yanqing hid and protected Bai Xiao behind them again and again.

Although Bai Xiao did not like to cause trouble, she was not afraid of trouble.

He went around to the front and kicked Mrs. Bai out.

"This is the Lee Family, scram back to your Bai Family and make a scene."

Mrs. Bai was kicked silly, she fell on the ground and did not react for a long time.

However, Bai Defu suddenly shouted from the side, "My god, this is what a niece should be like. He actually fought with his own aunt.

"Pah!" Bai Xiao slapped Bai Defu, "Can't you hear what I'm saying? "Do you believe that I won't throw you out?"

Bai Defu looked at Bai Xiao in disbelief, "You, you actually hit me?"

"So what if I hit you? "If you don't leave, I'll kick you again."

Seeing that her son had suffered a loss, Old Madame Bai wanted to seek justice for her son. However, she was afraid of getting beaten up by Bai Xiao, so she could only hide far away.

"Bai Xiao, you are f * cking a thunderbolt from the heavens, why doesn't the heavens accept you, a scourge that will harm others?"

"I'm really sorry. Heaven does not accept. Hell is full. I had no choice but to stay in the human world to harm you."

Senior Bai said: "Bai Xiao, no matter what, you are still a descendant of our Bai Family. Aren't you afraid of getting poked in the spine by others for treating your uncle and aunt this way?"

"What am I afraid of? Which of the things you did wasn't the one that got poked in the back? You guys are not afraid of me, so what are you afraid of? "

"Old man, why are you still talking to her? Our family can't afford to supply our ancestors, scram as far away as you can."

He had his own thoughts if the Senior Bai didn't accept him.

Having been in the same village for so many years, although he didn't chat with many villagers, he still knew what kind of family Yang Family was.

It could be said that they were families that had eaten all the food in the past, if not for Yang Dingchu killing some prey to improve their living conditions, they would have probably starved to death by now.

And Bai Xiao had only married for two days, yet his Yang Family was able to present so many gifts when she returned. If it wasn't because Bai Xiao was concealing her abilities, it was because his Yang Family was concealing her family background.

No matter what it was, based on the current situation of their Bai Family, they could not expel Bai Xiao.

Even if their relationship was any worse, they were still fellow clansmen with broken bones and broken tendons. If he chased her out of her house and hurt her heart, she would probably watch with her hands crossed if anything happened to her Bai Family in the future.

Moreover, there was also Bai Yanqing. That child was a material for studying, and maybe he would travel longer than his father in the future. There was someone who was an official in the Bai Family, so he wouldn't have to worry about the days of the other rooms.

"Xiao, grandfather knows that the things you did before were a little too excessive. Just let it pass when you saw how old she was when she was young."

"Past? "Fine, return the pension that my dad gave to me and Brother Qing, and I can treat it as if nothing happened."

"This …" Senior Bai's face was gloomy, he had given in to her in front of so many people, but she did not appreciate it.

"Hmph, although your words sound good, they aren't true at all. Do you think I'm that stupid idiot from before? Just with a few words of flattery, you think you can coax me into giving you everything? "

"There are some things that I do not want to expose. After all, we all share the same bloodline. Today, we will have a chance to meet again in the future. I do not want to end this matter."

"It's a fact that you chased me out of the house in front of all the villagers. I'm already married and have the surname of the husband, so it doesn't matter if my name is removed from the Bai Family."

"Today, I will explain it clearly in front of so many people in my village. It's not that I, Bai Xiao, do not respect the elderly, it's just that I don't need to be filial, and think that I am a stain on the Bai Family. It was a humiliation of the Bai Family that I was kicked out of my house."

"From today onwards, the Bai Family and I are mountains and water is water."

Yang Dingchu stood beside Bai Xiao and stood shoulder to shoulder with her.

Bai Xiao turned her head, and the two of them smiled at each other.

When the Minister saw that the matter was settled, he said, "Alright, the dishes have all been prepared. Everyone should sit down quickly, otherwise my grandson-in-law's robe will get cold from the noise."

As soon as they heard that they would be able to eat meat, the onlookers immediately found a spot to make a good meal.

Only the people from Bai Family remained, standing in the middle of the crowd.

Senior Bai stared at Bai Xiao angrily, and shouted to the rest of the Bai Family: Why are you still here? Isn't that disgraceful enough? "

Old Madame Bai and the others looked at the table and kept their eyes shut, saliva almost flowing out of their mouths.

In the end, the Old Madame Bai could not hold it in and poured all the meat on the table into her pockets. Then, she left with the Senior Bai.

The rest of the Bai Family followed suit, taking away all the meat on the table. Mrs. Bai had poured more than just their table, she even wanted to take the table next door, which was driven away by the people at the table.

After the people from Bai Family left, the banquet to return to the clan could be considered to have officially begun.

Without the sh * t stick, Bai Family became much more harmonious.

However, Bai Xiao and the others still felt that something was amiss. A good banquet back at the sect was enough to ruin their good mood.

The guests began to eat, Bai Xiao and Yang Dingchu, accompanied by the middle-aged man and Lee Chengyi, toasted to everyone at the table.

This was the meaning of returning to the sect for the feast, to introduce the new Young Master to all his friends and relatives.

Although Yang Dingchu was from the same village, he had to go through a lot of procedures, didn't he?

When they walked to the table beside them, and saw Bai Qinggui and Bai Qingwen happily eating their meat on the table, Bai Xiao's expression did not look good.

The Bai Family and the two of them had become so noisy, yet they had the nerve to sit here and eat meat, let alone having any free time.

Bai Qinggui was not the least bit embarrassed. He looked at the man walking over and continued to eat his meat.

Bai Qingwen had already spent two years in school, so he knew what face meant.

"About that, I …" "I am …"

Bai Xiao didn't want to talk to him, so she toasted to the others on the table and left.

After Bai Qingwen sat down, he looked at his big brother, who was eating with a mouth full of oil, and stood up to leave.

After toasting, he returned to the house and arranged a table for the people from Lee Family to eat.