Rest in Peace with the Calamity

On the table, very quickly putting aside the bad thoughts in the Bai Family, Mrs. Lee and Li Yang passed down the way of being a wife to Bai Xiao.

As he finished speaking, he even warned her about the matter regarding the couple's room, causing Bai Xiao's face to redden and her heart to palpitate.

This was the first time she was marrying in two lifetimes, and she was not as open-minded as married people. In the end, it was fortunate that Yang Dingchu came to save her.

When Bai Xiao arrived at the main house, the Superintendent of the Underworld also warned her.

Although it was said to be complicated, Bai Xiao felt warm in her heart.

How long had it been since she'd felt the warmth of her family? She hasn't been since Grandma died, has she?

Now he felt the warmth of a family member from someone who was not related by blood.

Finally, speaking of Bai Yanqing, Bai Xiao recalled that it was time for him to go to the Academy.

"I'll go tomorrow."

Lee Mingle said: "Yesterday, I should have gone to school. Brother Qing specifically waited until now to bring you back."

Bai Xiao was moved. She rubbed Bai Yanqing's head and realised that he seemed to have grown taller, in his memory, he could touch Bai Yanqing's head as long as he raised his hand. But now, she had to raise his hand high up to be able to touch Bai Yanqing's head.

"Take good care of yourself in the county. Tianliang, you should wear more clothes. Do you know how to eat more?"

"I will take care of myself. Sis, you too, if you have anything important to do, let brother-in-law do it. If you suffer any grievances, go back to Lee Family, or come find me in the county city."

Yang Dingchu patted Bai Yanqing, "Just take care of yourself, this little brat has already given you care about Master."

"How am I small? Mother Uncle, I dare to discipline you. I can't beat you right now, but just you wait, one day, I will become a man that can support the heavens and earth, and protect my sister. "

"Don't worry, I won't give it to you that day. Your indomitable man should protect your own wife."

"I'll remember what you said. Everyone, help me testify."

"Alright, alright, are you two still children? It looks like it's trembling like a black-eyed chicken. "

Bai Xiao felt warm in her heart as she watched her husband and brother fight for him.

Yang Dingchu did not fight with Bai Yanqing, and gave him a silver note, "You cannot trust Bai Family, take this silver with you, buy what you lack. Your priority right now is to study properly and copy the books for the academy. If you can do it, you should do it, but if you can't, you shouldn't force yourself.

"If your sister is worried because your body is too weak, then let me, your brother-in-law, not take care of you."

"I don't want it, a gentleman doesn't come in vain."

Bai Xiao slapped Bai Yanqing's back, "Don't bite off more than you can chew, keep the money safe. This is something I invested into you. When you become successful in the future, I will ask you for interest. "

Bai Yanqing looked at Bai Xiao, puzzled.

"What I mean is, this money was lent to you by us. When you have some future prospects, you can return this money to me. At most, it's just borrowing, okay? "

Bai Yanqing thought about it, then nodded.

The banquet outside ended only when the time came for it to end. Bai Xiao and Yang Dingchu had already returned to the Yang Family before the end of the banquet.

Although Yang Family was at home, he still knew about the things that Bai Family was causing trouble at home.

Mrs. Yang said angrily: "This Bai Family person is really shameless, he has already kicked him out of his house, and he still has the face to return the greeting."

Yang Wenyi said: "Enough, the child's heart is already feeling terrible, speak less."

Seeing that Bai Xiao was so pitiful, Mrs. Yang decisively shut her mouth.

After greeting Yang Wenyi, Mrs. Yang and the others, Bai Xiao returned to his room to rest.

Only until dinner time did Bai Xiao get up and go to the kitchen to help out.

The three of them finished dinner together. It was a simple meal of meat, vegetables and soup. After the family was done, they went back to their respective rooms.

Lying on the bed, Bai Xiao said: "Brother Chu, do you think that the words I said today were enough to make people think that I'm unfilial?"

"How could that be? As long as one was clear and reasonable, they would not think this way. The things that Bai Family do are not things that relatives can do. They have already chased you out of their home, and seeing that you were having a good time, they changed their minds. How could there be such a good thing in the world? "

"Don't think too much into it. Even if you didn't do anything today, I would have done it anyway. "Those people are just trying to bully the weak and fear the strong. If you don't teach them a lesson, they won't be afraid."

"Brother Chu, no matter what I have done, will you always stand by my side?"

"Of course, who asked me to be your husband?"

"Hehe, that's good. In the future, I can confidently and boldly make trouble for myself. Aren't you afraid that others will come looking for me for trouble?"

"You ~" Yang Dingchu nodded at Bai Xiao's head, then rested her head on hers, "Don't worry and cause trouble, leave anything that you can't handle yourself to me, I'll help you deal with it."

"Brother Chu …"

After hearing Yang Dingchu's sweet talk, Bai Xiao felt that she had let him down even if she didn't mean anything.

He then kissed Yang Dingchu on the lips.

As a result, this kiss was unstoppable.

It was only until the two of them were out of breath that Bai Xiao was finally released.

"Silly girl, don't you know how to breathe?"

"I forgot."

Yang Dingchu smiled lovingly, "Alright, go to sleep."

Then he was about to roll off the bed.

"Brother Chu, that … If you feel bad, I can help you. "

With that, she blushed like a ripe red apple, lowering her head, not daring to look at him.

Yang Dingchu was overjoyed. He almost lost control and calmed down in the end.

"Xiao, didn't you say that you would only..."

"I didn't say I wanted to get back with you. I meant by using this." Bai Xiao waved her little hand.

However, when he raised his hand and saw that his hand was rough like a man's, he became timid.

He wouldn't mind having such rough hands, would he?

Although Yang Dingchu was a little disappointed, she was willing to help him with her hands. At least it was better than taking a cold shower.

He quickly crawled into bed.

"That's what you said yourself. You can't back down later."

Looking at his eyes that were glowing with a faint wolf light, not even mentioning a moment, she was already regretting it now. How could she be so despicable?

Without waiting for Bai Xiao to reply, he grabbed her full lips.

After two hours, Yang Dingchu was completely relaxed, as though he was paralyzed with fatigue.

Yang Dingchu, who had obtained a sense of release, satisfyingly hugged Bai Xiao.

"Xiao, honestly speaking, how did you do it? "Are you with another man …"

When the confused Bai Xiao heard his words, she bit on her chest.

"Ss, why does my throat feel so painful?"

"Hmph, you bastard." Is it because I've had other men before that you despised me and didn't want me anymore? "

Yang Dingchu was silent. If she really did have another man, he wanted to find that man and cripple him.

Seeing that he did not say anything, Bai Xiao thought that he minded it and felt a little sad. However, she was even more glad that in her previous life or this life, he was the only man left.

"I will not despise you, and I will not abandon you. "I don't care how many men you have had in your previous life, but you will only have me in your current life."

"Bastard, how many men do you think I have?"

"How could I? The thought of you being owned by another man makes me want to kill the man who owned you. "

Bai Xiao rubbed the place where she bit him, "Does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt." Yang Dingchu held Bai Xiao tightly in his embrace.

"I didn't have a single man in my previous life, but there are a lot of people chasing after me, so you have to know me well? "If you don't treat me well, I can run away at any time."

After hearing Bai Xiao say that there weren't any men in her previous life, all of Yang Dingchu's worries were gone, and she hugged and kissed Bai Xiao again and again.

"In order to prevent you from running away from home, I've decided to listen to everything you say in the future."