Build up a prestige

Chapter 4 - Establishment of majesty

It was time to change a new batch of blood in this huge general's residence.

"Nuan Xiang, pass my order to everyone to gather at the great hall."

"Yes, miss."

Not long after, a few people stood in groups in the lobby. However, it was very obvious that many people had yet to come. Did they not care that she was just a fifteen year old weak young miss?

Xie Qingrong sat at a high position in the great hall, a cold glint flashed past her eyes as she ordered Nuan Xiang with a cold expression: "Nuan Xiang, send the order down. If they still have not arrived at the great hall in fifteen minutes, get those people to scram out of the general's estate."

A quarter of an hour later, the lobby was packed. There were also many people who hurried over, their heads covered in sweat from running.

Xie Qingrong stared at the disdainful people, her expression cold and her eyes sharp. She coldly said, "If you have any objections, you can stand up."

Sure enough, someone stepped forward. His face was filled with contempt and disdain as he said, "Eldest Miss, why did you call us here?"

"A mere servant dares to call himself me." Xie Qingrong picked up the cup of water and directly cut towards the man's mouth. She cried out in pain and scolded, "Bitch. "You dare to hit me?"

Slut? Very good. Xie Qingrong immediately stepped forward, her jade-like hand grabbing onto the man's arm fiercely, and with a twist of her hand, "Kacha ~ ~", her arm abruptly broke.

That person cried and quickly kneeled on the ground and begged for forgiveness, "Miss, this servant knows his wrongs."

Xie Qingrong shot a cold glance at the person who was begging for mercy, but her eyes were filled with resentment.

Xie Qingrong looked down from above at the servant who was hugging onto his arm and wailing. Her eyes turned cold, and she quickly pulled out the hairpin, her wrist slightly moved, and with a nimble move, the man in front of him died.

There was a line of blood on his neck, and it was dripping down. His eyes had not yet closed, and he looked as if he had died with grievance.

Xie Qingrong went back to her seat and sat down, then took out the kernels and wiped his right hand and hairpin. After wiping it clean, she put the hairpin back into its bun and casually threw the kernels on the ground.

There was no sound in the hall, the servants who saw that Xie Qingrong had taken care of the disturbance were all trembling in fear.

Xie Qingrong looked at the trembling people and asked: "Is there anyone else who is unconvinced?"

No one stood up. Xie Qingrong's expression did not change, and was extremely satisfied with the beating she received today. If they were to make an example of him, he believed that these people would obediently follow her orders. They would no longer be so presumptuous.

"If that's the case, then I will establish a rule here today. If anyone violates the rule, then you will be punished according to the rules of the clan." Did you hear that? "

"Yes." A group of people replied.

A maidservant dressed in a light yellow robe stood up. She seemed extremely quick-witted. She asked, "Miss, what is the rule that you have set down?"

Xie Qingrong looked at her and said: "The rule is that in this general's mansion, other than the general, everything else will be up to me."

The maid nodded and took a step back to stand with the others.

"I have something else to tell you today. The butler died suddenly last night. I have already chosen a new steward. " Xie Qingrong casually pointed to one of the servants who looked honest and simple.

The man's mouth was wide open when Xie Qingrong pointed at him, she was in shock, as though she did not believe Xie Qingrong's words, "Miss, do you mean that this servant is the new housekeeper?"

Xie Qingrong responded faintly, but there was a trace of indistinct coldness in her deep eyes.

The new housekeeper, Fang Meng, trembled from Xie Qingrong's gaze and immediately expressed her sincerity, "This servant will definitely not let Miss down."

Xie Qingrong picked up the teacup and took a light sip. With an expressionless face, she asked: "What's your name?"

"Servant Fang Meng."

"From now on, I'll call you Xie Meng."

In fact, all the servants and stewards of large families followed their master's surname. Being given a name by their master was a gift from their master.

Xie Meng happily thanked Xie Qingrong for the name he was given.

Xie Qingrong did not look at him, she only pointed to the maidservants, and then selected a few servants, and said: These few people will stay, the rest can go.

The group of people retreated one after another, but the envy of Xie Meng that leaked out from their eyes did not escape Xie Qingrong's, so Xie Qingrong did not care.

After everyone had left, Xie Qingrong then instructed the few servants to finish off all the corpses, while she brought Nuan Xiang and the servant back to her own small courtyard.

Returning back to the house, Xie Qingrong asked her: "What's your name?"

"Your servant's name is Cui Yu." Warm Jade lowered her head and replied.

"From now on, you shall be called Gouyu. Follow Nuan Xiang and serve me together with him." Xie Qingrong tilted her head and looked at Nuan Xiang, and instructed Nuan Xiang: "Nuan Xiang, bring the warm jade and go arrange a place to stay. Don't disturb me before dinner."

Although she had Nuan Xiang, who was loyal enough, but not intelligent enough. It was easy for her to help Nuan Xiang, but as for whether or not she was loyal to him, it all depended on the future.

After arranging the warm jade, she had more important things to do.

Xie Qingrong went to the study room and grinded and painted. After the last stroke, she put down the brush, picked up the blueprint and blew it. Looking at the small pocket-sized weapon that was already drawn on the paper, she smiled in satisfaction.

He folded the drawing and put it away. When he opened the window, he realized that the sky had already darkened. He went back to his room and told Nuan Xiang that he could eat.

In next to no time, the table was filled with all sorts of delicacies. Sure enough, after the beating from before, these people didn't dare cause trouble again. Even the food in the kitchen was deliciously made.

After Xie Qingrong sat down, Nuan Xiang and Wen Yu stood to the side to wait upon him. Xie Qingrong looked at the two of them and instructed them to sit and eat together. However, the two of them were wringing their handkerchiefs, making things difficult for them.