A servant who deceives others

Chapter 5 - Tricksters

Xie Qingrong reached out, placed her hand on Nuan Xiang's shoulder, and coldly said: "Sit."

Nuan Xiang's body trembled, and she was pushed down to the ground. When the warm jade saw this, it hesitated for a moment before clenching its teeth and sitting down.

Xie Qingrong cast a sidelong glance at the two, and said, "Eat."

Nuan Xiang and Wen Yu picked up their bowls and chopsticks with trembling hands and started to eat. Xie Qingrong looked at the two's actions in satisfaction, without saying anything further, she picked up her bowl and chopsticks, and started to eat as well.

After eating dinner, Xie Qingrong used the kernels to wipe his mouth and placed it on the table. Xie Qingrong opened his mouth and instructed, "Warm jade, go to the accounting office and bring all the books over."

"Yes, miss." Warm Jade bowed before heading to the account office.

Nuan Xiang, on the other hand, stared intently at Xie Qingrong, hoping that Xie Qingrong would give her some instructions.

Xie Qingrong could see through Nuan Xiang's intentions, and her expression softened a lot. The sharp look in her eyes also disappeared.

"Nuan Xiang, help me light this lamp."

It had been a long time since Nuan Xiang saw the young miss' soft and gentle expression, and only after a long while did she react and say "Yes".

Xie Qingrong brought Nuan Xiang back to her own house. Nuan Xiang twisted the wick of the oil lamp, and it became much brighter in the blink of an eye. At this moment, Warm Jade came over with a bunch of account books, followed by a gray-robed man carrying a stack of account books.

With his shifty eyes, it was obvious that he was a treacherous villain. After the man put down the account book, because of Xie Qingrong's methods during the day, even if he was extremely curious, he did not dare stay, and immediately excused himself.

Xie Qingrong didn't really understand much about these accounts, and only roughly flipped through a few pages. She only saw that the numbers were a little off, but she couldn't pinpoint the specific mistake.

When she saw Xie Qingrong's frown and her extremely vexed expression, she couldn't help but take a step forward and say: "Miss, if you trust this servant, this servant can help you settle your debts."

No doubt about it. Xie Qingrong stared fixedly at the warm jade and did not say a word.

Warm Jade's body shrank back when she saw Xie Qingrong's look. Just as she was about to take a step back, she heard Xie Qingrong's cold voice: "Since that's the case, then come over here."

With the warm jade's occasional guidance and help, Xie Qingrong quickly discovered the problem that had appeared in the account book. Although there were a total of forty to fifty account books of various sizes, one could tell how these people had deceived them just by looking at this one.

It was one thing to be a fake account, but in the past few years, it had been secretly transported out by more than a hundred thousand taels. No wonder this huge general's manor was in such a state of desolation.

That butler who was strangled to death really deserved to die.

Xie Qingrong suddenly threw the account book on the table. Nuan Xiang, who was leaning on a pillar at the side, was shocked awake and instantly stood up straight. She asked: "Miss, what's wrong?"

"If there's nothing else, there's no need to check the account today." Xie Qingrong said indifferently. His eyes were deep and dark, a trace of anger quickly flashed past his eyes.

Nuan Xiang arranged the accounting books on the table and placed them on the shelves, then stood by the side and waited for instructions.

Not long later, Warm Jade came over with that shifty-eyed manager.

The manager looked at Xie Qingrong with a fawning look, but inwardly, he did not mind at all. How could a young miss, who had never studied about housekeeping, find out that there was an error in the account book?

Xie Qingrong had long noticed the trace of disdain that flashed past the manager's eyes. She curled her lips and let out a cold smile, then picked up the account book that she had handed over earlier and directly smashed it onto the manager's head.

The mister in charge felt a little dizzy from being hit. He carefully asked, "I wonder what kind of mistake this young man has committed?"

Xie Qingrong said coldly, "How many times do I need to pay for things that are deceiving you and over a hundred thousand people to come in and out?"

Seeing Xie Qingrong looking at him as if she was looking at a dead man, the manager started trembling. He didn't think that Xie Qingrong could actually see through him.

As he kowtowed, he pleaded for mercy, "Miss, this was ordered by Steward Xie. This servant has no other choice."

Xie Qingrong no longer looked at him and instructed coldly: "Men, drag him out with your staff and throw him out of the General's Manor."

When the servant outside heard the order, he immediately went up to the steward and pulled him down.

Xie Qingrong really wanted to torture him, so she struggled immediately: "Miss, please spare me. This servant has been in the General's Estate for so many years, and has not rendered any meritorious services. " Xie Qingrong's expression was cold, without a hint of gentleness, and only looked at the crowd.

Seeing Xie Qingrong's deep emotions, the attendant shuddered, and did not dare to stay at all as she dragged the accountant who was still shouting out and left the courtyard.

When he could no longer hear the account manager at all, Xie Qingrong said to Warm Jade: "Warm Jade, from now on, you will accept the position of the account manager. Don't disappoint me."

Warm Jade was overjoyed. She quickly kneeled down, kowtowed, and thanked him, "Miss Xie, please give this servant a chance. This servant will definitely not disappoint Miss."

Xie Qingrong waved her hand, gesturing to the warm jade to get up. Nuan Xiang immediately went over and pulled the warm jade to get up.

"It's late at night, you should all rest early." Xie Qingrong waved her hands, and Nuan Xiang and Wen Yu left.

Two days later.

The sky was clear and there were no clouds in the sky.

Xie Qingrong was simply wearing a plain white brocade dress with red plums embroidered on the hem. Nuan Xiang gave her a simple bun and inserted a white jade hairpin with a tassel.

After he finished dressing himself, Xie Qingrong brought Nuan Xiang and Warm Jade out of the general's residence and headed towards his own shop to check on the accounts.

The capital of Heavenly Sage Kingdom, Liang Jing, was very prosperous.

The alleyway was filled with peddlers with all kinds of toys, as well as storefronts that specialised in snacks and delicacies. There was an endless stream of pedestrians shouting and shouting. The place was bustling with noise and excitement.

As Xie Qingrong brought the two maids along the street, it also attracted everyone's attention.

She was wearing a long skirt and her face was covered by a veil. Although her face couldn't be seen, her eyes that were exposed were exceptionally magnificent.

Xie Qingrong walked into the Moon's Embrace Shrine while facing the admiring gaze of the crowd along the way.

"Madam Du, this is a newly arrived product of our Moon's Embrace Shrine, and you are the first person to see it. "This Yun Jin is the best of the best." The shopkeeper held a small piece of the sample and indicated to Madam Du that she should carefully observe it.

Madam Du slowly touched the cloth and felt its texture. Discovering that it was indeed slippery, a satisfied smile appeared on his face as he said to the shopkeeper, "Shopkeeper, please bring ten of these Cloud Acceptance Jade to my house. Zhu Er, follow the shopkeeper to settle the bill."

"Yes, ma'am." The servant girl called Zhu Er took the money bag and followed the shopkeeper to pay. Not long after, the two of them came out, and Madam Du brought Zhu'er out of the Moon's Embrace Shrine.