
Chapter 6 - Rescue

When the shopkeeper saw Xie Qingrong and saw her dressing, he guessed that she was a young miss from a rich family, and beamed. He went up to her and asked: "This young miss, what do you need?"

Xie Qingrong glanced at the shopkeeper and took out a jade pendant from her chest pocket and handed it over to him.

The shopkeeper took a closer look and realized it was General Xie's jade pendant. He immediately bent down and bowed towards Xie Qingrong, and said: "I have eyes but am unable to see, and actually did not know that young miss had arrived."

"It's nothing. The manager has never seen me before, so he naturally can't recognize me." Xie Qingrong said indifferently.

"Eldest Miss, please speak inside." Shopkeeper Fang extended his hand and made a 'please' gesture before walking to the front.

Xie Qingrong responded indifferently, then followed Shopkeeper Fang inside.

After reaching the cubicle inside, Shopkeeper Fang called for some tea as he waited for Xie Qingrong to sit down.

Only then did Shopkeeper Fang ask, "I wonder why Eldest Miss needs me to send some brocade over?" Shopkeeper Fang was a little lost, and raised his head to look at Xie Qingrong in confusion.

Xie Qingrong took a sip of tea and said: "I came here this time to check the accounts, take out all the books that you have accumulated over the years and hand them over to me."

Although Shopkeeper Fang was curious, he didn't ask any further and ordered for the account book to be brought over.

After all the account books were brought over, Shopkeeper Fang personally put the account books next to Xie Qingrong's hand.

Xie Qingrong looked at the account book and said to Shopkeeper Fang: "You may leave first."

Shopkeeper Fang acknowledged and then led his men out.

Xie Qingrong picked up the account book and looked through it, calling Gongyu to go through the accounts together. She discovered that there wasn't much of a difference between the general ledger and the split accounts, and there were also some special expenses and income that could be compared, with no big difference.

Warm Jade nodded towards Xie Qingrong, showing him that there was nothing wrong with the account books.

Xie Qingrong made up her mind, but she did not call Shopkeeper Fang in. Instead, she brought along the warm jade and Nuan Xiang as she walked out of the cubicle.

Shopkeeper Fang saluted and asked, "Does Miss need to look at anything else?"

Xie Qingrong stared fixedly at Shopkeeper Fang, seeing the sincerity in his eyes, her expression full of respect, she nodded her head and said: "Nothing." Then, she turned to Warm Jade and Nuan Xiang and said, "Let's go."

The three of them went to a few other stores and discovered that other than the Moon's Embrace Shop, the other stores all had significant income and expenditure discrepancies. As expected, under Xie Qingrong's threatening methods, the shopkeepers had all taken out their private debts.

In the end, under Xie Qingrong's forceful methods, they promoted a few clever stewards to replace them as managers.

As dusk approached, the sky gradually darkened. The lanterns on both sides of the street had long since been lit, and countless stalls had been lit up, turning this dim street into a dazzling, beautiful street.

After finishing the last store, Xie Qingrong wandered around on the streets for a while, then turned to Nuan Xiang and Wen Yu and instructed: "You two, go back to your homes. I still have things to do."

Nuan Xiang looked at Xie Qingrong in confusion. Just as she wanted to ask Xie Qingrong, she was pulled by the sleeve by the warm jade beside him.

Only after the two figures completely disappeared did Xie Qingrong raise her head to look at the pavilion in front of him.

The red wall and the yellow tiles were dazzling in gold and jade. This building was as dazzling as a palace. At the top of the red lacquer door, there was a black board with golden threads and a dancing inscription on it.

Feng Ya Pavilion.

From the outside, he could still hear the charming laughter of young girls mixed with some masculine voices. Without even thinking, one could tell how the scene inside was filled with wine and love between a man and a woman.

Heh, Xie Qingrong laughed coldly in the bottom of her heart. The modern world also had such party scenes, but they were even more corrosive and filthy.

Xie Qingrong looked at her attire and knew that it was not suitable for her to walk in openly. But as an assassin, concealing one's Qi was one of her specialties.

Thinking of his purpose here, the corners of his lips curled up as he found a remote place and quickly climbed over the wall.

Xie Qingrong saw a green clothed man who was drinking wine around the corner. One of his elbows was on the back of the man's neck as he stripped off the man's clothes and put them on himself.

After tying up his clothes with his belt, a handsome and exquisite cyan clothed little gongzi appeared. Xie Qingrong was still holding onto that person's wine jug, and pretended to be drunk as he walked forward.

As he passed by an inconspicuous room, he heard a slight sound similar to a shout that was made because the mouth was blocked.

Xie Qingrong thought for a moment and entered the house.

On the table, there was a girl with her hands and feet tied with a rope. She wore a dark purple long dress, and the smoke-colored cape on her shoulders was torn apart, revealing her snow-white back. The place where the rope was tied up had lines of red marks on it.

Her black hair was a mess and her mouth was stuffed with a white cloth. Her eyes were red, and there were tears in the corners of her eyes. She had the feeling that she was being humiliated.

As for the woman, her constant struggling caused the three burly men to laugh sinisterly. They continued to move closer to the woman.

When Xie Qingrong entered the room, she saw a lively and fragrant scene, but she was only interested in the lady in the middle, and quickly took care of the three men.

The three of them only felt a sharp pain in the back of their necks before they fainted.

The woman who was tied up opened her eyes widely as she looked at Xie Qingrong's fleeting afterimage, followed closely by the three muscular men who had silently fainted on the ground.

Xie Qingrong made a silent gesture with her forefinger, and the lady nodded obediently. Only then did Xie Qingrong untie the rope that the girl was tied to, and took the white ball of cloth from her mouth.

The girl said pitifully, "Young master, I don't have the strength." Xie Qingrong kept the pulse in the woman's hand, not missing out on the girl's stiff wrist.

Realizing that the woman had been drugged, Xie Qingrong helplessly took out a small cloth bag from her bosom.

He took out a strip of cloth from his small cloth bag and unfolded it. On the strip, there were silver needles of varying lengths. This was all because she went to her medicine store just now and casually brought it over.

Xie Qingrong took out one of the silver needles, pretended not to notice the woman's stiff body, and pierced it into her acupoint, returning the silver needle back to its original place, and then putting it back in her bosom.

Xie Qingrong said to the lady: "Let's try it out, can we move?"

The woman was stunned. She moved her hand and quickly got off the table. However, she was too exhausted and almost fell to the ground. Xie Qingrong supported the lady, pretending to grab onto her wrist, and sure enough, she twisted her wrist, escaping Xie Qingrong's grasp.