
Chapter 30 - Whip

"Ten lashes for yourself, no more." Xuanyuan Jing looked at Chi Yan who was kneeling on the ground, and then left.

"Thank you, Mistress." Chi Yan respectfully kneeled on the ground.

The palace.

In front of the royal study desk, a Heavenly Sage Emperor dressed in a bright yellow dragon robe was sitting at a table and reviewing reports. Upon seeing the hurried eunuch and chief Fukuhara, his brows didn't even furrow, and only faintly smiled, "Fu Quan, why are you in such a hurry?"

Fukuhara stood at the side of the desk, and said with a sharp voice: "Reporting to the Emperor, General Xie is outside the door, requesting an audience."

Surprise flashed across Heavenly Sage Emperor's face as he said to Fukuhara: "Quickly announce."

Fukuhara waved his horsetail whisk and his shrill voice instantly resounded throughout the imperial study, "The Emperor has decreed that General Xie wishes to meet you."

Xie Jing, who was standing outside the imperial study, straightened his clothes, then walked in with large strides. He knelt down and paid his respects to Heavenly Sage Emperor behind the desk: "This subject, Xie Jing, greets Your Majesty."

"Hurry, please get up." Heavenly Sage Emperor walked in front of Xie Jing and helped him up. He looked pleased and smiled: "Thank you for your hard work for all these years."

Xie Jing's cold face also softened, "This is my duty."

"Fu Quan, give Xie Jing a seat, look at the tea." Heavenly Sage Emperor instructed Fukuhara.

"Right." After Fu Quan ordered the people to place the chairs and tea down, his wrinkled face revealed a pleased smile, and then he took his leave with the little eunuch.

After waiting for Xie Jing to finish his first mouthful of tea and place the teacup down, Heavenly Sage Emperor asked: "Xie Jing, is everything alright?"

Xie Jing replied respectfully, "In reply to Your Majesty, Mo Bei is fine. Only after inquiring did the many officials realize that there were actually two families in charge of this desolate land. One was the Mo family, whose conduct was high-profile, and two was the Ji Family, who kept a low profile. And the people who have been invading our borders for so many years are these nomads led by the Mo family. "

Xie Jing told everything he knew to the Heavenly Sage Emperor, but the Mo family that he understood was only a few words.

Unexpectedly, when the Heavenly Sage Emperor heard that, his expression became extremely ugly, and he muttered: "It's them."

Xie Jing did not understand, but had a puzzled look on his face as he asked: "Your majesty?" Only after calling out to his majesty three times in a row did Heavenly Sage Emperor regain his senses, and apologize to Xie Jing: "I've let Xie Qing down."

Xie Jing shook his head, indicating that he did not care, "Does Your Majesty know what is going on with the Mo family?"

Heavenly Sage Emperor was silent for a moment, then said: "This is a long story, it has something to do with the Great Ancestor Emperor. I only know that the Mo family is the right-hand man of Emperor Taizu. After the Emperor registered, the Mo family went to the wilderness. "I do not know that the Mo family has the heart to rebel."

"What should I do if I meet the Mo family?" Xie Jing asked.

Heavenly Sage Emperor pursed his lips, a cold light appearing in the depths of his eyes. "Since they want to rebel, why should we keep them around? Furthermore, they are the right-hand men of Emperor Taizu, not mine. "

"This subject understands." Xie Jing respectfully replied, and then continued to speak: "This other Ji Family's whereabouts are unknown, and her conduct is low; this subject has yet to investigate their background."

"No worries, since we have handed the Mo Bei over to Xie Qing, we should believe in his abilities. "I hope that Xie Qing can help me protect my lands." Fifteen years ago, when the Mo Bei was about to invade, when Xie Jing led his troops to go there, the Heavenly Sage Emperor told Xie Jing on the city gate tower.

Now, Heavenly Sage Emperor had once again handed the Mo Bei over to Xie Jing. Xie Jing stood up, brushed off his clothes, and kneeled down as he bowed. It was an extremely solemn promise: "Your subject will not disappoint Your Majesty's request."

"Thank you, Qing Qing. There's no need to be so courteous." After Heavenly Sage Emperor helped Xie Jing up, he passed a report to Xie Qing.

"Take a look."

He opened the imperial report, which recorded all of the things that had happened to Xie Qingrong in the past fifteen years, big and small. The more Xie Jing saw, the more his brow furrowed. After he finished reading all the memorials, his face was full of seriousness.

He hesitated for a moment and was about to ask Heavenly Sage Emperor.

The Heavenly Sage Emperor stopped him, "If it weren't for you instructing me to take care of her that year, I wouldn't have discovered that there were actually so many forces secretly watching her."

"This subject thanks Your Majesty for protecting my daughter for so many years." Xie Jing knew that he had let down Huai Yue, and he had also let down his own daughter. However, he was a general who protected the citizens of a region but not both sides. Furthermore, Xie Qingrong was just born at that time, how could he withstand the bitter cold of the Mo Bei?

"Xie Qing, why should we thank each other?" We'll stop here for today. If you go back early, you can still have dinner with your daughter. " The Heavenly Sage Emperor waved his hand, signalling Xie Jing to leave.

On the way back, Xie Jing's mind was always filled with the contents of the imperial report. Furthermore, he had a nagging feeling that there was something wrong with the current Heavenly Sage Emperor, but he couldn't tell what it was.

After some thought, he arrived at the general's manor.

He instructed the housekeeper to bring the young lady to the front hall for dinner.

When Xie Qingrong was late, the front hall had already prepared dinner, and Xie Jing had already sat on the main seat.

Xie Qingrong swept her gaze across the seats, and realized that there was a seat slightly further away, which wasn't too far away. Just as she was about to sit down, she heard Xie Jing's cold voice. "Come, sit here."

Xie Qingrong dragged her feet for a while before she finally sat down beside Xie Jing.

"Why? Are you still angry at your father?"

Xie Qingrong glanced at him with a smile that was not a smile, and ignored him. She picked up the chopsticks and placed the dish into her mouth, beginning to eat it slowly.

Xie Jing brought ridicule upon himself as his expression darkened. However, he still endured it and pretended to be unintentional as he asked Xuanyuan Chen: "I heard that you have been very close with the Prince Chen?"

Hearing Xie Jing's question about the relationship between his and Xuanyuan Chen, Xie Qingrong's hand that was holding onto the chopsticks trembled.

Was the fact that his daughter was close to the Prince Chen a rumor?

"You only need to answer me." Xie Jing was impatient, his expression cold.

"Prince Chen and I have been engaged since we were young, so it makes sense that the two of us are closer. Only, I don't understand why Lord Father has such a question.

Xie Qingrong knew that the news between him and the Prince Chen would reach some people, but she never thought that the original owner's father, who had just returned, would also know about it.

This was rather interesting.

Rong'er? Rong'er? " Xie Jing shouted a few times, only then did Xie Qingrong recover from his deep thought, and said: "Father, I have finished my meal, and will be leaving now."

Seeing that Xie Qingrong had left, Xie Jing's face immediately darkened, and asked the butler by his side what had happened to the General's Estate in the recent few days.

Steward Xie Meng told Xie Jing everything that had happened in the general's manor.

It was only then that Xie Jing found out what kind of life Xie Qingrong had in the General's Estate.

Because of his mother's passing and his father's indifference. Xie Qingrong's life in the general's manor was not that good, and he had only recently been promoted to the position of butler. The butler from before had already been killed by Xie Qingrong, and all the servants in the mansion had already been reorganized.