Crown prince of chu

Chapter 31 - Crown Prince of Chu

Facing the Xie Qingrong whose temperament had suddenly changed greatly, Xie Jing did not have the slightest suspicion. Instead, she felt that this Xie Qingrong was the daughter of Huai Yue, the Shang Huaiyue who was renowned for her talents and talents throughout the world.

As for the butler from before, the moment Xie Jing thought of him, the expression in his eyes darkened. It was probably because that person was sent to monitor the general's manor. The reason why Xie Qingrong jumped into the lake and committed suicide was probably because that person instigated everything.

It seemed that there were a lot of people in the general's manor. However, his daughter did have some good methods, so he could be at ease and leave the manor in her custody.

After Xie Jing finished eating, he looked at the gradually darkening sky and sighed: "It's going to change."

Sure enough, a fierce wind blew during the night. The wind whistled past, and streaks of lightning streaked across the sky. Thunderclaps sounded, and a torrential downpour followed by heavy rain.

The next day.

The sky was blue, the sun shone brightly, and the streets were still wet from the rain.

There was still half a month until Fangfang Feast. And Crown Prince of Chu Gongsun Heng who had already entered the borders of the Heavenly Sage Kingdom a month ago, had finally stepped into the range of the capital.

The Second Prince of the Heavenly Sage Kingdom, Xuanyuan Jing, and the Third Prince of the Heavenly Sage Kingdom, Xuanyuan Chen, welcomed him personally.

Countless commoners rushed to the streets. The Royal Guard maintained order on both sides of the street, and the red carpet stretched from the gates to the palace gates.

It was rumored that Gongsun Heng was at the top of the imperial court at the age of eight. At the age of ten, he was conferred the title of Crown Prince.

If one were to say that the Prince Chen was a genius that did not appear in the world, then Gongsun Heng was a rare talent that only appeared once in a hundred years.

One article and one martial arts, competing for glory.

Furthermore, it was rumored that this Crown Prince of Chu Gongsun Heng was extremely handsome and was known as the peerless beauty in Chu.

The streets were crowded with people, countless people squeezed behind the guards, wanting to see the appearance of Crown Prince of Chu.

Gourmet, in a room near the window on the second floor, there was a young girl holding a shining white wine cup in her hand. The inside of the cup was fragrant Pear Blossom Wine, Xie Qingrong's cold eyes revealed a hint of a smile.

It had been a long time since she had tasted wine, and it was said that this Pear Blossom Wine was the best wine in Gourmet.

Shen Haoxuan, who was sitting opposite to him, was also holding a cup to taste, and only Shang Zhiqing had her head raised as she looked out at the street. After waiting for a long time, she complained, "This Crown Prince of Chu is too imposing, the two princes have waited for an entire hour and still not seen his figure."

Hearing that, Xie Qingrong curled her lips, and looked over from afar, catching Xuanyuan Chen who was standing at the city gate. Today, it was rare to see him in formal attire.

Xuanyuan Chen who was at the city gate entrance seemed to have felt a gaze at him, raising his head to look, to meet Xie Qingrong's gaze. Xuanyuan Chen raised his brows, and the corner of his mouth raised into an extremely shallow arc.

The corner of Xie Qingrong's mouth curved into a faint smile, and she shifted her gaze away.

Shen Haoxuan unfurled the tasseled fan in his hand and shook it gently. A careless smile hung on the corner of his lips, "Sis, don't you think about what identity this Crown Prince of Chu has, after all, he is going to inherit the Chu Country's throne." If there were no special circumstances, the Chu Country Emperor would definitely be Gongsun Heng's.

Xie Qingrong lifted her head and glanced at Shen Haoxuan. Although his words were purely a joke, she was clearly serious about this matter. It looked like Gongsun Heng was undoubtedly the next king of Chu Country, but why wasn't there a Crown Prince in Heavenly Sage Kingdom?

Xuanyuan Jing was now twenty-three, and even Xuanyuan Chen was already twenty-one.

Thinking about this, Xie Qingrong asked Shen Haoxuan, "Why is it that Heavenly Sage Kingdom does not have a Crown Prince?"

A flash of pain flashed past Shen Haoxuan's eyes, the smile on his face stiffened. His eyes drooped down, and his long eyelashes covered all the emotions that appeared in Shen Haoxuan's eyes. He was silent for a moment, and then he said: "Heavenly Sage Kingdom, there was originally a crown prince. However, five years ago, the crown prince fell down the cliff and died. "

Shang Zhiqing suddenly said, "I have heard of this matter. I heard that five years ago, the crown prince was chased by wild beasts to a cliff in the hunting grounds and accidentally fell down and died. At that time, it was a huge uproar and it was said that the investigation into this matter revealed that it was the Fourth Prince who had led a group of people to flank the Fourth Prince's residence. However, Elder Sister Rong, how could you not know about this? "

"I've been in the general's estate since I was young. I don't know anything about what happened outside." Xie Qingrong casually found an excuse and gave it a perfunctory reply, causing Shang Zhiqing to nod her head skeptically.

However, the crown prince was being chased by wild beasts and accidentally fell off the cliff and died. This kind of thing was definitely not an accident, but if there was only the Fourth Prince acting alone, she definitely wouldn't believe it.

Not everyone had the ability and courage to assassinate the crown prince. It looked like the fourth prince had only been pulled out as a scapegoat.

"Why is the one who brought people to rob the house the Prince Chen?" Xie Qingrong did not understand, according to the rules, how could a duke bring a group of people to rob a house?

"That's because the crown prince is the older brother of the Prince Chen, the blood brother of his mother and fellow countrymen." Shang Zhiqing was clear on this with a single sentence.


She quickly reacted and took out a handkerchief to wipe it away. Fortunately, both Shen Haoxuan and Shang Zhiqing's attention was not on her, and did not notice the change that flashed past her eyes.

Only, those words that Shang Zhiqing had just said still lingered in Xie Qingrong's ears.

Shen Haoxuan quickly covered up his emotions, and returned to his frivolous, indifferent look. Sensing that the surrounding atmosphere was a little strange, he teased: "Sister-in-law, don't think too much into it, just drink."

With that said, Shen Haoxuan finished the wine in his cup.

At this time, a loud voice came from outside: "Crown Prince of Chu has arrived."

Shen Haoxuan and Xie Qingrong turned their heads and looked down at the street.

What appeared in front of him was a dark red Ferghana Horse. Sitting on the horse was a youth wearing a black brocade robe. His dark eyes were suffused with blue light, like a cold spring.

The side of her face was exquisite and perfect. Her rosy lips were tightly pursed. Her nose was high and her skin was as white as snow. She was like a blooming ice lotus atop a snowy mountain.

Heaven's grace and beauty, absolutely gorgeous.

Behind him were sixteen snow-white horses, and immediately, sixteen black clothed guards followed closely.

He heard the guards on both sides of the street shout in an orderly manner: "Welcome, Your Highness Crown Prince of Chu." The sound echoed through the sky without end.

Gongsun Heng's ice-cold eyes swept across the two princes and the General Xie standing at the city gate. He said coldly, "Chu Country and the Heavenly Saint have always been good friends, so there's no need to be so courteous."

The playful smile on Xuanyuan Jing's face disappeared, his face became respectful and serious, "This is the proper etiquette of my Heavenly Sage."

Gongsun Heng nodded, and turned to look at Xuanyuan Chen: "It's my pleasure to meet you, Prince Chen."

Xuanyuan Chen wore a long red robe that fluttered the wind. Half of his black hair was tied up, and the other half was scattered. His deep eyes were completely calm, as if a vast ocean was flowing within them.