Bursa of fossa

Chapter 33 - Vesicles

Ye Wenfu let out a cold snort. Zhangsun Xiuming also flung his sleeves and turned his back to Ye Wenfu.

The two of them were over a hundred years old. How could they be so noisy like children? They weren't humble at all. Just thinking about them would cause one's head to ache.

Seeing that the two of them had their backs to each other, Heavenly Sage Emperor knew that they could not continue with today's discussion.

"This official will take his leave." Ye Wenfu and Zhangsun Xiuming said at the same time. After saying that, the two of them glared at each other and walked out of the study room at the same time.

Heavenly Sage Emperor was sitting in the royal study as he prepared the imperial reports. Unknowingly, it was almost time for dinner.

Fukuhara brought a young eunuch and a green card over.

"Your majesty, which piece of land are we flipping over today?"

"Fu Quan, take it. I won't turn my cards today. I'm going to the empress's place. "You don't have to follow me. I'll go over myself."


It had been a long time since last saw the Empress. These days, the Mo Bei had been harassed from time to time, causing him to be extremely annoyed.

Xuanyuan Mingcheng did not hold a lamp, he only wore an outer garment and walked slowly on the road from the imperial flower garden to the Linglong Hall.

In the recent days, Mo Bei had been invaded, Xie Qingrong had been assassinated, and Crown Prince of Chu and the Yue Country's Regent King's visit had been mixed together. Xuanyuan Mingcheng vaguely felt that something would happen, but he had no clue at the moment.

In the sky, the stars were densely packed. The flickering starlight connected into a single piece that was extremely beautiful to look at.

But Xuanyuan Mingcheng felt that this kind of weather would not last for long.

The spring rain had turned cold. The rain had been pouring down for several days, and the temperature of the capital had dropped lower and lower.

Xie Qingrong stood by the window with her fox fur coat wrapped around her body. Rain gathered in the eaves and dripped down. Xie Qingrong could not help but extend her slender hands to catch the droplets of rain.

It was cold.

Xie Qingrong's palm shrank, but she did not stretch it back.

Behind her, a figure appeared and took her hand, pulling it back, not caring if her palm was wet. "Such a cold day, sure," A Rong said with concern.

A hint of laughter seeped out of Xie Qingrong's cold eyes. "Xuanyuan Chen, why have you come?"

Ever since the two of them conversed that day, Xie Qingrong's cold heart had already opened up an opening, slowly accommodating Xuanyuan Chen's invasion.

She was trying to accept Xuanyuan Chen.

"When I'm free today, I'll come and see you."

Xuanyuan Chen supported Xie Qingrong onto the soft couch and ordered Nuan Xiang to cover her face with Grandma Tang. Xie Qingrong laid on the soft couch lazily as she held Grandma Tang.

Xuanyuan Chen tucked her in under the soft blanket, but seeing that it was the first time he had done this sort of thing, he didn't forget to tell her repeatedly, "In the past few days, the sky has been a little cold. Pay attention to your body and don't get cold."

Xie Qingrong looked at the messy soft blanket, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "I think it's better if I do it myself."

Xuanyuan Chen stopped her actions, and insisted on doing it himself. "This is also the first time I've done such a thing, but I will definitely do even better in the future."

Seeing that, Xie Qingrong did not persist. Seeing him so happy, she could not help but wonder if he lost the bag.

"Speak, why have you come here today?"

Seeing Xie Qingrong's lazy squinting eyes, Xuanyuan Chen could not help but raise his eyebrows. Can't This King come to see my wangfei? "

Xie Qingrong naturally wouldn't believe that Xuanyuan Chen was really only here to see him. He wasn't a three year old child, and was so easily deceived. Sneering, Xuanyuan Chen said, "Xuanyuan Chen, let's not beat around the bush."

Xuanyuan Chen scratched Xie Qingrong's nose. With his keen senses, he could not hide from him.

"Leng Tianning is one of yours, right?"

Xie Qingrong opened his eyes, the smile had disappeared without a trace, his eyes were filled with cold, "What happened?"

Seeing that Xie Qingrong had slowly gotten up, Xuanyuan Chen tidied up the fox fur coat she was wearing and used his hands as a comb to comb her black hair. When all the hair had been tidied up, he pursed his lips in satisfaction.

"Leng Tianning is very smart, she did not do it herself, but rather, planted other people inside. Although she did not reveal her identity, Xuanyuan Jing was not an easy person to deal with. He had already sensed that something was going to happen in the next few days. You'd better give her a reminder and let her rest for a while. "

Leng Tianning hadn't received any news recently, and she didn't have many people she could use. Besides Leng Tianning, there was only the Black Turtle left. If she asked Black Turtle to help, Xuanyuan Chen would definitely know.

Other than Nuan Xiang and Warm Jade, the rest could not be trusted in the general's manor. Furthermore, there were still a few powers that had been sent in, and she had not completely eliminated them.

Her foundation here was too shallow, and there was almost no one who could use her.

Xuanyuan Chen seemed to know of her difficult situation and he took the initiative to speak up, "A Rong needs servants, so speak with this king. In the future when you marry this duke, the entire Prince Chen's Mansion will be yours. "

Xie Qingrong's eyes lit up, and said: "I need to inspect the goods."

"Alright, This King will bring you there now." Xuanyuan Chen tightly wrapped the fox fur coat around Xie Qingrong and carried him into the carriage. During this period of time, not a single drop of rain fell on Xie Qingrong's body.

The inside of the horse carriage was extremely spacious, enough to fit a tea table. Xie Qingrong lay on the soft cushion to the side and watched Xuanyuan Chen brew tea. It was a very pleasing method, and the dense water vapor had blurred Xuanyuan Chen's exceptionally beautiful face.

The heavy curtain separated the inside from the outside world. Within the carriage, it was as warm as spring, warm and tranquil. Outside the carriage, it was drizzling and cold.

In next to no time, the wagon arrived at the entrance of a simple courtyard house and stopped.

Xuanyuan Chen carried Xie Qingrong through the wide hall, winding corridors, and finally, to the backyard. Due to the rain, the backyard was covered with a thick awning.

On the ground in the backyard, there were two rows of weapon racks.

More than a dozen men in black were training there.

Shen Haoxuan and Lin Mu were sitting around a stone table playing chess. When the two saw Xuanyuan Chen come over with Xie Qingrong in his arms, they put down the chess pieces in their hands and went forward to play.

Shen Haoxuan asked Xuanyuan Chen with the same playful and disrespectful attitude, "Your Highness, why did you bring my sister-in-law here?" Although Lin Mu didn't say anything, his eyes matched Shen Haoxuan's gaze.

Xie Qingrong's cold eyes swept the area, and caused Shen Haoxuan to tremble a little. "Why, are you not welcome?"

"Of course not, I'm just curious. I'm just curious. " Shen Haoxuan immediately apologized. He was beaten up by Xie Qingrong, so he did not dare to offend him. Moreover, Xie Qingrong is someone that the Duke Yuan Palace has recognized.

Lin Mu was a little doubtful and used his gaze to talk to Shen Haoxuan.

Why are you so useless?

How could I be useless?

Everywhere was useless.

You! Humph! Shen Haoxuan snappily snorted, turned his head, and ignored Lin Mu. Lin Mu speechlessly smacked the corner of his mouth.