Dark guard

Chapter 34 - The Dark Guard

Xuanyuan Chen watched on coldly as Shen Haoxuan and Lin Mu interacted. He cleared his throat and revealed a slight smile on his lips.

"Come here. Stand still."

When the more than ten black-robed youths heard Xuanyuan Chen's words, they immediately lined up and accepted the order.

Xie Qingrong had thought that the secret guards that Xuanyuan Chen had trained would not be terrible no matter what, but seeing the quality of this group of people, she was very disappointed.

How was this a dark guard? Since he didn't even know how to conceal his aura, what else could he possibly know other than martial arts?

Xie Qingrong looked at it and lost interest. She turned and asked Xuanyuan Chen: "Is that all?"

Xuanyuan Chen raised his eyebrows, "Not satisfied?"

Xie Qingrong nodded.

Instantly, the ten-plus black-robed youths all began to grow dissatisfied.

They could already see that the so-called wangfei in front of them was here to pick a candidate. She was not satisfied with them, and they were very dissatisfied with her!

In addition, they only acknowledged the orders of their prince. Even if it was an imperial concubine, they didn't care.

Seeing the impatience on the faces of these people, Xie Qingrong frowned slightly, a cold light appearing in her eyes. "What, you're not convinced?"

Immediately, someone impatiently stood up and said scornfully, "May I ask what you are dissatisfied with about us?" The others all agreed.

Xuanyuan Chen also raised her eyebrow, waiting for Xie Qingrong to point out their flaws, and sure enough she did not disappoint him.

"If you guys go out like this, I'm afraid you'll be killed before you even get out." Look at yourselves, how can you be a killer? If you don't stand up, those who don't know will think you are just local ruffians. As assassins, you don't even know how to hide your aura, what's the use of having you? "If I were an assassin like you, I might as well just crash my head into the wall and die." Xie Qingrong reprimanded coldly, and her words contained a deep hatred.

Xuanyuan Chen was startled, this was the first time he saw Xie Qingrong getting angry. No matter how he teased or how others provoked her previously, she was always cold and emotionless, as if she didn't put them in her eyes at all.

But at this moment, he was actually able to see her on the other side.

How would Xuanyuan Chen know that Xie Qingrong was a top killer in her previous life, and knew how to be considered a qualified killer. She suddenly felt that these people were insulting the word 'killer'. She was determined to teach them a lesson.

Those people were somewhat ashamed after being taught a lesson, but they were still unconvinced. They held their necks, unwilling to admit defeat. They said stubbornly, "Since you can say so, why don't you demonstrate it to us?"

The corners of Xie Qingrong's mouth hooked up into a cold smile. Shen Haoxuan, who is familiar with her personality, pulled Lin Mu backwards, retreating behind Xuanyuan Chen.

"What model law?" Xie Qingrong asked.

That person disdainfully said, "You can pick any one of them to fight with you. If you win, we admit defeat. If you lose, apologize to us. "

"Yes, but all of you come at once." Xie Qingrong rubbed her wrist, relaxing her muscles. Then, she took off the fox fur coat on her body and passed it to Xuanyuan Chen.

"We won't bully a woman like that!" Although they were not convinced, they still had their principles.

The corner of Xie Qingrong's mouth hooked up, completely disregarding them, as she said sarcastically: "No need. For you sixteen, I alone am more than enough! "

In the end, this group of people, even in the modern world, were all children that were half grown. Then, he directly attacked Xie Qingrong.

With so many people attacking Xie Qingrong together, Shen Haoxuan actually broke into a cold sweat on Xie Qingrong's behalf. He turned around and asked Xuanyuan Chen uncertainly, "My prince, my princess, this …"

Xuanyuan Chen's face was calm, no one could guess what he was thinking, he shook his head and said: "A Rong understands." Shen Haoxuan saw this and did not say anything.

Whether or not Xie Qingrong had counted in her heart, Xuanyuan Chen did not know. Although he chose to believe in Xie Qingrong alone, her hand that was hidden under her wide sleeve clenched into a fist.

It seemed that as long as Xie Qingrong was in danger, he would immediately rush forward to save her.

However, no one expected it!

Xie Qingrong's speed was simply too fast, like a slippery eel, crawling between them. It was slippery and could not catch her at all.

Her purple dress was like a dancing purple butterfly, leisurely fluttering in the crowd.

Xuanyuan Chen was staring at her the whole time, but he slowly let go of her hand.

Before anyone could react, Xie Qingrong had already returned to her original position, holding the violet-gold whip that she had untied from her waist. The whip viciously lashed against the ground, producing an earth-shaking sound.

Everyone was startled as they heard the purple-clothed girl say coldly, "You've lost."

Just as they wanted to retort, they discovered that there was a small hole in her clothes. If she had held a dagger in her hand back then, then they would have been decapitated by now.

The black-clothed youths immediately fell to one knee, respectfully calling out, "Master." Then, he raised his head and gazed at Xie Qingrong with fanatical and worshipping eyes.

Unexpectedly, Xie Qingrong only stroked her whip, and said disdainfully: "To deal with you guys, I don't even need to take out a weapon. I only need one easy move to take over your lifeline. Do you really think that your actions are worthy of your highness's nurturing? "

The teenagers were all ashamed as they lowered their heads, not daring to look at Xie Qingrong again.

Xie Qingrong changed the topic of her words and released a sweet jujube, "However, I can give you guys a chance, I don't know …" Without waiting for her to finish, the group of men in black all said, "It is up to Master to decide."

Xie Qingrong swung her whip to the ground, with a "pa" sound, she said coldly: "Now, immediately, stand properly!"

"Yes sir!" Sixteen black-robed youths lined up, waiting for Xie Qingrong's instruction.

Shen Haoxuan watched the entire process, his mouth was wide open, he was extremely shocked, these brats normally wouldn't listen to orders, they only listened to Xuanyuan Chen. However, this Xie Qingrong was too powerful, even he was unable to clearly see her movements and figure just now. As expected of someone that Xuanyuan Chen had recognized, someone who had the ability to stand by his side.

Surprise flashed past Lin Mu's eyes, but more of it was praise.

Xuanyuan Chen put on the fox fur coat in his hands and was afraid that she would be cold. Xie Qingrong revealed an extremely shallow sincere smile towards Xuanyuan Chen, causing Xuanyuan Chen to be a little taken aback.

This was the first time she revealed such a smile to him. There were too many surprises today, and Xuanyuan Chen had always maintained his calm and rational attitude, but today he felt a little dizzy.

"Give me two months, and I'll return you a different dark guard." Xie Qingrong promised Xuanyuan Chen.

"Alright." Xuanyuan Chen said indifferently as he tied the belt on Xie Qingrong's coat.