Let me help you

Chapter 35 - I'll help you

Xie Qingrong held onto her whip, and stood in front of the group of black-clothed men, staring at them with extremely cold eyes. From head to toe, she did not let go of anyone.

The black-clothed youths felt their scalps go a little numb and they almost trembled from Xie Qingrong's gaze, but they still endured.

Finally, Xie Qingrong let them go. She wiped away her cold smile, and her originally beautiful face became even more beautiful.

"Very good, let's consider it as having passed my stage. I will train you for the next two months. I do not need you to do anything, I only need you to obey my orders. Listen, it's absolute obedience. Do you understand? "

"Understood!" The black-clothed youths all replied to Xie Qingrong.

"Now, I'll give you a quarter of an hour to pack your luggage. After fifteen minutes, we will hear the sound of a whip. Whether or not we have finished packing up, we must gather here. "


Xie Qingrong raised her eyebrows and fiercely swung the whip. The group of black-clothed youths all moved, and each returned to their own residences to pack.

Xuanyuan Chen saw Xie Qingrong's actions, and a trace of suspicion flashed past his eyes, and he asked: "A Rong, what are you doing?"

"We can't use this place. I need to find another place for them to train." Coincidentally, at that time Shen Haoxuan gave me a land deed at the outskirts of the city, I went to observe it. "Whether it's the terrain, terrain, or hidden safety, I like all of it very much. It's just nice for the training grounds." Xie Qingrong said.

Xuanyuan Chen looked around the courtyard. It was indeed small.

Then, Xie Qingrong asked: "Oh right, do you have a name for this Dark Guard?"

Xuanyuan Chen shook his head and replied: "Not yet. There were eighteen of them at the beginning, but two of them had exceptional abilities and had already become This King's shadow guard. As for the hidden guards, This King already has four, so there's no need. "

Xie Qingrong was satisfied: "Since that's the case, then I will accept them all. "Don't worry, I won't let you down." After which, she smiled confidently, appearing at ease.

Xuanyuan Chen nodded, indicating that he had no objections.

When they met in the lotus pond, her brows were filled with a cold killing intent, as sharp as a knife. However, he didn't know that she could be so confident and arrogant. It was as if she was slowly accepting herself, showing her to him.

How many more surprises could she give him? He was actually looking forward to it.

Shen Haoxuan eagerly went over to Xie Qingrong's side and asked, "Sister-in-law, how do you plan on training them? Lin Mu and I have been training for a long time, but this group of damn brats is still the same as before. "

Xie Qingrong cast a sidelong glance at Shen Haoxuan, and instead of answering, asked a question in cold sarcasm: "How did you train them before, to the point where they couldn't even conceal their auras in the simplest way? You want to become a shadow guard like this? You're not even qualified to be an assassin! "

Shen Haoxuan was lectured until he unconsciously touched his nose and retorted in a small voice, "But they all have very high kung fu skills, fighting one against ten is definitely not a problem."

Heh, if I fought one against ten, what could I do on the battlefield? What use could there be other than killing a few more people?

Xie Qingrong coldly glanced at him, and said: "Then do you think Xuanyuan Chen has anything against these one against ten people?"

Eh, Shen Haoxuan thought about it, it seems that he really does look down on him. Amongst these eighteen people, after Xuanyuan Chen picked the two with the highest comprehension ability and the most outstanding, he did not even spare a glance for the remaining sixteen people.

If it wasn't for Xie Qingrong coming over, Xuanyuan Chen probably wouldn't be able to recall these people in this lifetime.

Shen Haoxuan tactfully retreated behind Xuanyuan Chen, wanting to find comfort from Lin Mu, but Lin Mu also coldly glanced at him, without saying a word of consolation.

About a quarter of an hour later, "Pa ~ ~" sounds of whips could be heard. The originally empty spot opposite of Xie Qingrong was instantly filled with black-clothed youths, and each of them carried a small bundle on their backs.

Xie Qingrong was not satisfied with them and coldly ridiculed: "Even if I asked you to pack your things, would I still need fifteen minutes? If we meet an enemy, do you think you have time to pack your things and fight back? "

The black-clothed youths were scolded by Xie Qingrong's taunts to the point they didn't dare to make a sound, but they still raised their heads and stuck out their chests with backbone.

Xie Qingrong was slightly satisfied. It wasn't particularly prominent, but it could still be considered plastic. She called out a name: "Black Turtle."

"Your subordinate is here." Instantly, a black-clothed man stood behind Xie Qingrong. All of the black-clothed youths widened their eyes as they watched the figure of the Black Turtle disappear without a trace.

Xie Qingrong took out the land deed she got from her bosom and handed over the training method to Black Turtle, then instructed: "This is the land deed and the training method here. These people will be handed to you in the future.

Black Turtle took the item and kneeled on the ground. "Fortunately, I didn't fail you."

"This is your instructor. From now on, all of you belong to him." Do you have any objections? " Xie Qingrong said.

"Nope." From below came a few sparse sounds of agreement, very perfunctory.

Xie Qingrong saw that this group of brats didn't seem to be convinced nor did they mind. Since she gave them to the Black Turtle, it was her own business how to tame it. Without the diamond, Black Turtle wouldn't have taken care of that porcelain.

"Now, disband." Once Xie Qingrong said that they would dissolve, the group of people immediately went their separate ways, each one doing their own thing.

Seeing that Xie Qingrong had dealt with this group of youths, Xuanyuan Chen walked up and asked: "A Rong, you can go back."

"Yes." Xie Qingrong wrapped the fox fur coat around her body and responded with a light smile.

Xie Qingrong followed Xuanyuan Chen back to the carriage, while Shen Haoxuan and Lin Mu stayed in the courtyard to handle some matters.

The inside of the carriage was extremely warm, so Xie Qingrong leaned on the couch and asked lazily: "Xuanyuan Chen, do you trust me that much? Aren't you afraid that I'll go back on my word? "

"Will you?" Xuanyuan Chen did not seem to mind Xie Qingrong's question at all, he leisurely poured himself a cup of tea and took a sip, then continued: "There's no doubt about it, there's no doubt about it.

Xie Qingrong sneered, but her eyes still emitted a faint warmth, "Fine, just based on your words, I have decided to help you to the end."

Xuanyuan Chen and she looked at each other, and the two went to rest.

A quiet and warm atmosphere spread around the two of them, giving them the illusion that it was the end of time.

Suddenly, Xie Qingrong seemed to have thought of something, she opened her eyes, handed over a slip of paper, and said: "Help me deliver this to Leng Tianning."

Xuanyuan Chen gave a faint smile as he glanced at her, holding the paper slip in his hands. Without spreading it out, he asked: "Why don't you go yourself?"

Xie Qingrong smirked, "There's no need."

There was someone who could run errands for her, why did he have to personally run over? Moreover, if Leng Tianning was unable to resolve this issue, how could he hold on for Feng Ya Pavilion in the future?

If he failed, he could just switch to someone else.