
Chapter 36 - Practice

Seeing that, Xuanyuan Chen did not ask anymore, but after getting out of the carriage, in a moment, he went back inside, and the slip of paper in his hand had disappeared without a trace.

Xie Qingrong pulled open the curtain on the side of the carriage, and saw a black silhouette flash past. You still have some people who can use it. "

Xuanyuan Chen was drinking his tea when he suddenly heard Xie Qingrong's rare praise. He coughed lightly and choked on his tea. "This King shall thank A Rong's good name on their behalf."

Did his people look so useless? Looks like I'll have to train them when I get back.

"You're welcome." After Xie Qingrong finished speaking, she closed her eyes and took a nap.

Xuanyuan Chen raised his eyebrow, and did not say a word. However, he was a bit surprised. Since when did she have so much trust in him that he could sleep peacefully in his carriage?

Xie Qingrong had not slept at all, she had only closed her eyes to rest.

Although this body was very suitable for martial arts, it was already past the age of martial arts. Only by increasing her training intensity and recovering her strength could she truly rely on herself. She did not need to rely on anyone else.

Inside the Feng Ya Pavilion, Leng Tianning was thinking about how she could get herself out of this situation.

A servant girl knocked on the door, shocking Leng Tianning. Leng Tianning straightened her expression and said: "Come in."

Tao Hong pushed the door open, looked around, and did not find anything wrong, she then gave the note in her hand to Leng Tianning and said: "Big sister, this was given to you by a son just now."

Leng Tianning opened the note and discovered that it read "Don't act rashly for the time being". Her face congealed and asked Peach Blossom: "Where is the young master who gave you the note?"

Peach Blossom did not dare to hide it from me and said, "After that gongzi handed the note to me, he instructed me to give it to you before he left."

"Did he say anything else?" Leng Tianning asked.

Peach Red shook her head. "No."

"Alright, you can leave first." Leng Tianning instructed.

After Peach Blossom left, Leng Tianning unfolded the words and read them carefully. After confirming that it was Xie Qingrong's words, she burned the note on the candle.

Recently, King Jing's movements became more and more obvious. Several sisters in Feng Ya Pavilion had already been called over for questioning, it was probably her turn soon. It was time for her to hold back.

When the carriage arrived at the gates of the general's mansion, Xie Qingrong still had not gotten down from the carriage. Xuanyuan Chen pulled Xie Qingrong's hand and looked at him suspiciously, as if he did not understand why was pulling him along.

Very soon, Xuanyuan Chen answered her doubts, "In seven days, it will be Fangfang Feast. You just wait obediently at the General's Estate for This King to enter the palace with you. "

Xie Qingrong nodded her head. She did not care about who she went with as she only wanted to pretend to be transparent.

Six days passed in the blink of an eye. For Xie Qingrong, other than improving her own abilities, she used the rest of her time to sleep.

On the evening of the sixth day, four people sat around a bonfire in a rundown temple on the outskirts of the capital.

One of them said softly, as he threw firewood into the fire, "My lord, there will be another rain tonight. My Lord and my subordinates will be spending the night here. "

The man who was addressed as' master 'merely responded with a faint' hmm 'before lowering his head to look at the person in his embrace. Her large palms lightly patted the back of the person in her embrace, as if coaxing her to sleep.

Outside the temple, a fierce wind was blowing. Suddenly, a flash of light streaked across the horizon, instantly illuminating the ruined temple. Then there was the sound of thunder, like the beating of a drum.

The person in his arms, who had just fallen asleep, shivered and slowly opened his eyes. Staring at the man in front of her who was embracing her, this man had a face and temperament as gentle as jade.

He heard the man ask gently, "Are you scared?"

The person in his embrace remained silent, then gently nodded his head.

"Don't be afraid, it's just thunder. Go to sleep, I'll be watching here. " The man was extremely patient and gentle as he coaxed the person in his arms that had received a fright.

The person in his embrace pursed his lips and obediently closed his eyes. The sounds of thunder and lightning outside seemed to no longer be that scary, as they gradually sank into sleep. When the man saw that the woman in his arms was fast asleep, he lifted her onto the spread of hay, untied his clothes, and covered her with them.

Another bolt of lightning streaked across the horizon, followed by a torrential downpour.

The man was standing under the eaves of the broken temple door with only his simple clothes on. He gazed into the distance as raindrops streamed down and the two subordinates behind him stood there silently.

After a long time of silence, the man's deep and gentle voice rang out, "Windblast, we can arrive at the city gates tomorrow at approximately the same time."

"With young master's strength, although it would be a bit slower, it would at most last for four hours." The subordinate named Jing Feng replied.

"This time, Chang Le sneaked out. This King does not want a fifth person to know about it." The gentle tone in the man's voice was no longer there. There was only a deterrent.

"Yes." Jing Feng replied.

"How is the Heavenly Saint doing?" the man asked.

"In reply to Master, we just stepped into the capital's territory, and Jing Yu discovered that there was a tail behind us. According to this subordinate's judgement, this person does not have any malicious intent, he just wants to confirm our whereabouts. " The wind replied.

The man smirked, "Then do you know that we were already discovered the moment we entered the Heavenly Sage Kingdom?"

Jing Feng was shocked and quickly apologized, "Your subordinate was incompetent, and did not discover anything."

"No worries, the other person doesn't have any malicious intent. Otherwise, how could the journey be so smooth?" You two can go rest first. Let This King calm down. " After the wind and rain had subsided, the man stood in the darkness, quietly admiring the rain. As the lightning continued to interweave, a pair of deep beautiful eyes could be vaguely seen. They held a watery light as if they had been immersed in the rain.

The seventh day finally arrived.

The weather was fine and the sun was warm.

Xie Qingrong had long told Xie Jing that she would enter the palace with Xuanyuan Chen, so she did not say anything, only nodding.

Early in the morning, Xie Jing had already entered the palace.

Meanwhile, Xie Qingrong, who was still in bed, was pulled up by Nuan Xiang and Warm Jade, and started to dress up.

Nuan Xiang didn't know which clothes she should choose, and asked: "Miss, what do you plan to wear today?"

Xie Qingrong vaguely pointed to the two boxes on the table. Nuan Xiang took it and opened up the wood box s. She discovered that there was an extremely fine and beautiful purple dress inside.

He could not help but exclaim, "Miss, these clothes are so beautiful! How is it that this servant does not know when you ordered the people to make it? "

"It was brought over by Xuanyuan Chen for me to wear today." As he spoke, he yawned.

Xie Qingrong opened up her arms and allowed Nuan Xiang to dress her as she wished. When she was done with her makeup, Warm Jade opened the small wood box. Inside was a simple jadeite tassel that was shaking with every step.