Invitation letter

Chapter 310 - Invitation Letter

Ji Cangming sat in front of the desk and rested his chin on his hands. He stared at the thin piece of paper on the desk and read for a long time.

Although he knew that Xie Qingrong was his daughter, in order to verify his conclusion, he specially sent a carrier pigeon that he raised to.

Just flying to Yue Country with a carrier pigeon had already taken close to ten days, since it was thousands of miles away.

However, this note already gave a clear answer. Xie Qingrong was indeed his eldest daughter, and her youngest daughter, Shang Zhiqing, had already recognized Xie Qingrong.

But why? You don't want to acknowledge him as your father?

Ji Rufeng lazily leaned against the comfortable chair, the chair had a layer of soft cushion. Looking at his uncle who was frowning, he chuckled.

"Uncle, you've read this note back and forth more than ten times. What, do you believe me or not?"