
Chapter 311 - Auction

Xie Qingrong read through the invitation letter, it was as if she could see a flower from it, after reading it for a while, she lost interest and casually threw it on the table.

Xuanyuan Chen picked up the teacup that had drank earlier, took a sip, and laughed lightly: "A Rong, are you going?"

Although it was a rhetorical question, there was a hint of affirmation in his words.

Xie Qingrong crossed her arms, and her gaze landed on Xuanyuan Chen's indifferent face. She quickly moved her eyes away, and said with a smile that was not a smile: "A treasure map? Auction? Such an interesting thing, why not? Furthermore, this invitation was given to us by Ji Rufeng. This person has good intentions, how can we let him down? "

Even if they pretended not to see the invitation letter, when the auction was about to begin a few days ago, Ji Rufeng would personally come to find them and persuade them to go to the Yongzhou Auction House.