Grass Ash into Deliciousness

"Dad, don't underestimate this grass. In a while, I'll let you all witness a miracle. Mother, go and get some ashes for little sister. I have a use for it!"

"Big sister, why do you want ash for your cooking?"

"Silly girl, quickly go. The time is right, I will tell you!"

After she washed the ginger, she used a cloth to wrap it up and pressed it into juice. Afterwards, she soaked the white rice in the yellow water while the other three plants, after being soaked in the water for a while, underwent a magical scene. The green plants immediately turned purple, red and blue, and a few large pots of colored water formed under their eyes, "Girl, who taught you this?"

"Mom, don't ask so many questions. Come on, pour all the white rice in. Tomorrow morning, the rice will be multi-colored!"

"Big sister, you're so amazing! I really admire you!"

Su Yu gave a thumbs up and praised sincerely. Ever since her elder sister woke up, she had become an omnipotent elder sister.

"This is nothing. Your sister would love to eat too much. Alright, I can sell the Five-Colored Rice tomorrow. Mom, where is the ash I want?"

"Here it is, little girl. Beans are needed to make tofu. Mother has already made the beans. Look at the beans, they are full. They can definitely be used to make tofu!"

Old Lady Su knew that ever since her daughter had woken up, it was as if she had become a different person. Not only did she become called Jinsi, her personality had also changed, and she even had a pair of mysterious and delicate hands. Right now, she didn't dare to show her face carelessly.

"You might not know this, but you can make this Immortal Tofu without even using beans!"

"What? We don't need beans? How can we make tofu then?"

The Su family was stunned. This was completely unheard-of. How could they do it without the beans? It was impossible for this grass ash and this Guanyin firewood to be made into tofu?

"I'll show you. Dad, help me boil this Guanyin Firewood in boiling water, then fish it up, smash it with a rock, wrap it in a clean piece of gauze, filter it with a dustpan, squeeze with force, squeeze out all of the green juice and place it in a small pot!"

Although he did not know what she wanted to do, Old Man Su still did as he was told. This girl's ability was getting stronger and stronger. He was very pleased in his heart, it was about time to repay him for raising her to this extent.

A pot of green-colored juice was squeezed out. Under the light of the candle flame, it emitted a luster that was as green as a jade.

"This pot of juice is tofu?"

The Su family still felt that it was too ridiculous. Shouldn't they not make a fool of themselves tomorrow?

"Don't worry, I'll sprinkle some ashes onto it now. Stir it evenly and cover it for one night to witness a miracle!"

"So you're saying that the tofu isn't used at all and is just left there like that? Is there going to be tofu coming out tomorrow?"

"Of course!"

After they finished doing all this, they went home to rest. Only Su Yu and her were left, after finishing all the work, the two sisters slept on a small bed, extremely close to each other.

"Elder sister, can this tofu really come out?"

She still couldn't believe that tofu that wasn't made from beans, could it be tofu?

"Silly girl, what did your sister lie to you about? Go to sleep. There's still a lot of work to be done in the morning. "


Tonight, because she had to witness a miracle, Su Yu couldn't hold back her curiosity. She didn't go home to sleep, but instead squeezed together with Su Jinsi. After she woke up, she saw that her elder sister wasn't by her side, so she immediately got up to look for her.

She walked out of the small bedroom and saw her sister sitting alone at the table. What was she thinking about?

Su Yu couldn't help but recall the words that she heard from her father that night. Could it be that her elder sister really wasn't a child of her parents, and she also felt that it was very strange, that her elder sister knew that she might not be a child of the Su Family. Why didn't she question her parents directly and pretend that she had never heard of it?

"Elder sister, why aren't you sleeping?"

While missing her grandma, Su Jinsi absentmindedly turned her head. Su Yu saw that her eyes were filled with sparkling and translucent tears. "Big sister, what's wrong?"

"Come here."

As the two sisters sat down, Su Jinsi sighed and raised her head to look at the bright and clear moon, "Look, the stars and moon in the sky tonight are so beautiful."

"Yeah, sister, you're also very beautiful!"

When she was young, her grandma took her to see the stars and the moon. She pointed at the moon in the sky and said excitedly, "Grandmother, look, the stars are so beautiful."

Grandma always had a kind smile on her face as she hugged her in her arms and kissed her forehead. Yes, the stars are beautiful, and in the future, Granny will accompany Jinsi and watch them every day. "

"Elder sister, what's wrong?"

Su Jin Se's strong exterior hid a fragile heart. She had been in the ancient times for so long, but she didn't know what had happened to her grandmother. Since the modern Su Jin Se was already dead, would her grandmother die?

Thinking of this, her heart ached.

"It's fine. You should go to sleep. You still have work to do tomorrow morning!"

"Big sister, there must be something on your mind. Tell me, okay? Although I'm very stupid, I can help you share the burden!"

"Big sister is fine. Go, be good."

She took a deep breath and rested her head on the pillar. Seeing that she was unwilling to say more, Su Yu didn't ask anymore. She knew that this big sister had many secrets on her.

How could she not know her elder sister, who spent all her time with her? However, ever since her sister had awoken, she had become a different person. Not only did she call herself Jinsi, she was also smart, capable, and very cautious. The only thing was that she doted on her like how she was now.

Perhaps, she thought, it was because the heavens pitied their Su Family that they allowed her sister to save them.

On the second day, before dawn arrived, Su Yu's shrill cries sounded from the kitchen. "Big sister, big sister, come quickly!"

The drowsy Su Jinsi was instantly frightened, she quickly got up, put on her shoes and socks and rushed straight to the kitchen, "What happened?"

"It changed, big sis! It really changed! Look!"

Su Yu boldly touched it with her hand, and the soft and smooth feeling made her exclaim, "This is too magical, big sister, it really became tofu, and also, it was emerald green tofu!"

Su Jin was speechless, "Silly girl, I thought the kitchen was on fire. What's wrong with this, just follow big sister and let you eat all the delicious food in the world!"