The Tofu Is Dead

"Thank you, sister!"

'Come, give me a knife, I want to cut it into pieces. This is called Immortal Tofu, it's best to eat in spring and summer, it can be mixed with cold, and in summer it can be eaten with clear heat and detoxification. In spring it can be used for soup, and the chlorophyll in it is rich in pectin, and it's good for people to eat it. '

Su Yu listened in confusion. What pectin? What green leaf? She didn't understand a single word.

She scratched her head. "Elder sister, I still don't understand."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. You only need to know how I did it. Okay, go check if the rice has been dyed red."

Su Yu opened the lid, squatted down and took out the big white rice and put it in her palm. The white rice changed color, red, yellow, purple, blue and was especially gorgeous.

"Elder sister, she's really infected!"

"Alright, prepare to cook. That's right, when cooking, put some solidified lard inside. Remember, don't put too much!"

"Why do you need lard?"

"Silly girl, if you combine the lard with the rice, it can produce a sweet and sticky taste. Do you understand?"

Today, the entrance of the store was bustling with noise and excitement. Everyone came to try the taste of the Immortal Tofu and Five-Colored Soul-selling Dew.

Dishes of exquisite green tofu were placed on the table, accompanied by spring onion, salt, spices, and a pleasant taste. It was all eaten clean. The Immortal tofu had already melted in the mouth, and was suitable for both young and old.

After eating the smooth tofu, Uncle Gu gave a thumbs up, "Jinsi, how does this Immortal Tofu of yours work? Uncle Gu has lived for over 30 years, but this is his first time eating this kind of tofu. Oh right, is the ingredient to grind the tofu green beans?"

"Uncle Gu, it's not green beans, it's Guanyin firewood."

"Guanyin firewood?"

Gu Li was amazed. This girl's mind was filled with treasures, so how could she conjure up so many strange foods?

He picked up a red rice ball that was shaped like a heart and said, "This rice is soft and sticky, you added lard to it?"

"Yes, it's lard."

"Then what color is this rice?"

He had only seen black rice before, but not red, blue, and purple rice grains.

"It's all extracted from natural plants. Uncle Gu, don't worry about it!"

"Do your job well, little girl. Uncle thinks highly of you!"

"Thank you, Uncle!"

Finally, when she announced that all the ingredients were gone, everyone left. Some people wanted to buy some for their families to have a taste, but they could only get up tomorrow.

With just the Immortal Tofu and the Five Colors Rice, the store's business was booming. Other than the villagers who came to taste the freshness, there were also a few waves of merchants who came to pick herbs. After they ate the tofu and the five colors dish, because they felt that it was fresh and delicious, they even packed up and went back to give their families a taste.

"Today, I've earned a whole 10 taels of silver!"

Old Man Su put down the abacus and said happily, "That's right, 10 taels of silver and this is pure profit. From what I see, we don't need to cook any other dishes, just this Immortal Tofu and Five Colored Rice will be enough to maintain the store's business!"

"Dad, no matter how delicious the food is, you will still get tired of it. You won't be able to sell these two foods for a long time!"

"That's true. Father doesn't understand business, but you have the final say. Father will keep the silver for you, how about that?"

"It's fine to keep it, but you have to take out two taels of silver and make some good clothes for your little sister. Isn't the hard work of earning money just for the sake of spending it?"

"This …"

"Alright, alright, I'll make some new clothes. With you here, how can I be afraid of not having any money to spend?" "Oh Jinsi, you should do it too. Mom will make you the most beautiful set, how about it?"

"I don't need it, I'm dressed well. Alright, it's getting late, you guys go back and rest, I'll take care of the shop!"

"Elder sister, let me accompany you!"

"There's no need. Let's go back with dad and mom."

"Elder sister, be careful!"

In the middle of the night, Su Jin-Se, who was sleeping soundly, was awoken by a violent knock on the door. "Open the door! Open the door!"

She immediately stood up, holding a wooden stick in her hand. Knocking it so hard, could it be that Fan Daniu and his people have come to find her?

"Who is it?"

"Open the door! Quickly open the door!"

The door was about to be broken open by those people. Before she even opened it, with a bang, the door was kicked out. Outside, a few vicious officials immediately entered the room and examined her, "You are Su Jinye?"

"I am, all of you are …"

"It's her. Take her away!"

Two officials with sabers on their backs immediately rushed forward with fiendish expressions, preparing to capture her. Su Jinsi struggled to run away, "Hey, what are you guys doing? Can officials trespass into houses and capture people?"

"Cut the f * cking crap, take him away!"

Su Jin Se wanted to escape, but the officials sent many people. She was just thinking what had happened when she saw Su Yu being escorted by soldiers, followed by the crying parents.


"What right do you have to arrest him?"

"Big sister, Uncle Gu is dead! Dead!"

Su Yu sobbed. She was obviously frightened, and even her voice was hoarse.


Su Jinsi's face turned deathly pale and her heart tightened. Why would Uncle Gu die, and why would the authorities want to capture them?

"What crime have we committed?"

"What crime? Let me ask you, did the villagers just eat your Immortal tofu?"

Su Jin Se thought for a moment, "That's right, it was eaten here!"

"Your tofu is poisonous, and it poisoned the villagers' Gu Li. Men, bring Su Jin Se and Su Yu back to the mansion!"

"Let go, let go!"

She was preparing to resist, but the official noticed that she had a lot of strength. "If you dare to resist, your sister will be dead for sure. If you accuse wrongly, the government will naturally return your innocence!"

She looked at the long blade on Su Yu's head. If she continued to move, perhaps these officials would kill her.

"Sir, it's an injustice, an injustice!"

The next morning, the Immortal Tofu made by the Su family sisters had been eaten by someone. When this news was spread out, the whole town was in an uproar.

Inside the death row, the air was dark and humid.

Su Yu hugged Su Jinsi and cried non-stop, "Elder sister, what's going on? We've all eaten that tofu before, it's fine, how can Uncle Gu is so …"

She knew that this matter wasn't that simple, "Don't cry, big sister can guarantee that there's no problem with the Immortal Tofu. So many people ate it, but why did Uncle Gu die?"

"But sister, what should we do now? Will the government punish us and drag us to behead us?"

"It won't happen, don't cry anymore. Let me think of a way!"

Su Jin Se thought back to what Uncle Gu had told her yesterday. Uncle Gu was a good person, so how could he suddenly die? Someone must have killed Uncle Gu to frame her, and wanted her and her sister to die?