Participation in the Young Girls' Cooking Competition

Su Jin Se found a place to sit down and carefully analyzed the situation. Right now, this dog official was colluding with Fan Da Niu, so she could only think of a way to escape with her sister.

However, this place was guarded by officials, how could they escape? If they forced their way in, they would definitely not be able to get far. Furthermore, their sister's legs were still crippled, so if they didn't run fast enough, they would definitely be caught.

"Big sister, if we all die, how would dad and mom live?"

Su Yu wasn't afraid of death. She had never felt that Su JinShao was the one who had implicated her. On the contrary, wherever Su Jinsi was, she, Su Yu, was?

Su Jin Se raised her head and looked at Su Yu's face which was covered in tears. She suddenly thought of what the dog official had said just now. Since that dog official and Fan Da Niu were colluding, then maybe they could use the dog official's body.

She seemed to have an idea. She stood up immediately and shouted towards the outside, "Someone come! I want to see the county magistrate! I want to see the county magistrate!"

Originally, he wanted to shout and give it a try, but to his surprise, an official hurriedly walked in from outside. "Sir wants to see the criminal Su Jinye."

Upon hearing this, Su Jin Se knew that this dog official had other plans. Otherwise, why would he meet her so coincidentally? But this was also good, this meant that she and Su Yu could still be saved!

"Sister, sister, don't go!"

Su Yu stood up and grabbed her arm to tell her not to go. She was extremely afraid, afraid that if she went out now and returned, she would become a corpse. She had heard a lot about how the government often beat people to death.

"Little sister, don't be afraid. Nothing will happen to you. Big sister will think of a way to save you!"

"Elder sister, do you really have a way?"

"Don't you believe me?"

Su Jin Se's words caused Su Yu to be stunned. She nodded and let go of Su Jin Se's arm. "I believe big sister will have a way."

That's right, from the moment her elder sister turned into Su Jinsi, everyone could see her change. She was no longer the ignorant Su Xingyue from before, she was Su Jinye.

"Wait for me!"

Su Jin Se swaggered along with the official and arrived at the county magistrate's study. Once she entered, the study was closed by the official. The county magistrate sat at the study table as if he was waiting for her.

Su Jin Se turned around and looked at the tightly closed door. An uneasiness flashed through her heart, but she kneeled down in a composed and at ease manner. "Su Jin Se pays her respects to the Lord!"

Liu Qingping looked her up and down. "I heard you want to see me?"

He stood up then walked in front of Su Jinsi, who lowered her head and said, "Milord, my sister and I were wrongly accused. My lord clearly knows of our grievances, but why does he disregard our lives?"

The county magistrate, however, wasn't angry with Su Jin Se's words. He said indifferently, "Su Jin Se, I know that you're a smart girl. Tonight, you want to see me. Do you have something to say?"

"Lord, I wonder what benefits did that Fan Daxu give to you that you would unjustly kill my sister and me?"

When the county magistrate heard this, he angrily brushed his sleeves, "Impudence! I am an official who is clean and honest. I have always been loyal to the people, and I have never tried to break the law. Su Jin Se, don't spout blood here!"

"Lord, we were wrongly accused, it was Fan Da Niu who framed us!"

"Unjustly accused? "Who didn't cry out injustice when they came in here? Su Jin Se, I see that you and your sister are still young, and there's still an old parents to take care of you. Both of you are dead, if these two elders don't have a backer, then that would be pitiful. How about …"

Su Jinsi already understood in her heart. Indeed, this dog official had something to talk to her about. But, what was it? She had nothing on her, could it be …

"Sir, please enlighten me!"

When the county magistrate saw that she was indeed very smart, he didn't plan on beating around the bush and said, "Su Jin Se, I'll show you a document!"

Su Jin Se was stunned. What's the situation? Why would this dog official let her see an official document?

The county magistrate walked to her side of the table and handed her an official document. "This official knows that you can read. Have a look?"

Without knowing what he was doing, Su Jin Se quickly took the document. When she opened it, she saw the contents written on it and immediately raised her head. "Sir, this …"

What was going on?

This is the arrangement for the annual female cooking competition. Danyang and Qingping County hold grand cooking competitions every year, but some excellent female cooks from Qingping County have beaten us every year. It has been eight years and we've lost eight years in a row, so there's no place for us to hide our face if we lose.

The county magistrate was very concerned about this matter. His superior had made it clear that if Dan Yang County continued to lose, his position as a county magistrate would reach its end.

Su Jin Se raised her head. "My lord, I still don't understand what you mean?"

I have heard that you have a good reputation in cooking in the Xiao family village, and even the chef Gu Li has praised you of your culinary skills. Su Jin Se, I can give you and your sister a chance to live, as long as you can represent Dan Yang County and win this culinary competition for me, and break the situation of not winning for eight years, then I will naturally let you and your sister leave this place clean!

Su Jin Se didn't expect that the reason this dog official sought him out was to ask him to participate in this young girl's culinary competition?

She smiled and said, "Lord sure knows how to joke. Su Yu and I are prisoners now, and everyone knows that we are the killers of Gu Li. How can I appear to represent our county in the culinary competition?"

As long as you agree to participate in the competition and win the competition, I will naturally try to help you two sisters wash away their grievances. However, you must know, if you lose, the grievances between you and your sister, even if you wash them clean, you should also know that there have been too many wrongdoers since ancient times.

Su Jin Se finally understood that this dog official did it for himself. He was afraid of losing face again, but also afraid that his black gauze hat wouldn't be able to protect him.

"So, I have no other choice?"

Su Jin Se didn't know what this dog official was up to, but she was a suspect in killing people, so how could a dog official deal with her?

"You can choose to return to the death row and stay there. I'll hand over your case to the Ministry of Justice tomorrow. You can think about it before long, when your heads land on the ground."

Seeing that she was hesitating, the county magistrate continued, "Su Jin Se, you don't have a choice. I've also heard of your culinary arts, don't you want to become famous in the culinary world? According to what I know, your family is poor.