Fried Pig Liver

Su Jinsi understood very well that if she agreed to it, then she would make it clear. However, if she didn't agree, then Su Yu and her little life would die even faster, and they wouldn't even have the chance to leave the prison.

It wasn't that she didn't have confidence in her skills, but she was worried that this dog official would go back on his word. What if he turned hostile after winning the competition for the county? After all, Fan Da Niu should have given him many benefits, could he let them go just because she won the competition?

"Lord, of course Su Jin Se wants to rise to prominence, but, it's useless for me to promise you now, because I'm a murderer and won't move an inch away from death's door. What am I supposed to use to prepare for a competition?"

"Don't worry about this matter, just leave it to me. What you need to do is to properly prepare for this culinary competition, and I will naturally do my best to pacify the family members of Gu Li. Su Jin Se, you have to go all out, and not lose face for me, do you understand?"

"Su Jinther will definitely not live up to Lord's expectations!"

"Alright, I will allow you and Su Yu to return home first. However, if you want to escape, Su Jin Se, don't blame me for not warning you, your entire family will die!"

Su Jin Se raised her head and looked coldly at the County Magistrate. "Su Jin Se understands!"

As expected, letting him off or killing him, just based on a single sentence from this dog official, just like that, Su Jinther agreed to participate in the annual female cooking competition, and was sent home by an official.

"Jinsi, what's going on? Why did the county magistrate let you guys out?"

Old Man Su didn't expect that the sisters would come back. Could it be that their grievances had been purged? But, didn't they see the notice?

Su Jin Se sighed, "Dad, Mom, don't ask about this for now. Do you know that there's going to be a female cooking competition in ten days' time?"

Old Man Su thought for a moment, then nodded. "Dad heard about this, but does it have anything to do with your release?"

"That's right, big sister. Don't tell me you agreed to the magistrate's request …"

Su Yu wasn't stupid, she had thought of this matter. After all, the county's female culinary competition was held every year, but this county had lost eight years. The county magistrate had always felt ashamed because of the county's lack of a good cook.

"That's right, I promised the county magistrate that I would participate in this competition. However, if I lose, Su Yu and I will have to go back to the prison and wait for our deaths."


"Aiyo, what's going on here? If you lose, you guys …"

"Don't worry, listen to me, I believe I won't lose. Right now, there are only ten days left until the competition, I need to prepare myself. Dad, mom, you guys go up the mountain tomorrow to collect the leaves, I have some use for it."

"Toona sinensis leaves, what's the use of that?"

"Don't ask anymore, Su Yu. Starting from tomorrow, help me try out the dishes!"

"Yes, sister!"

The whole family went to sleep after their discussion. What made her feel strange was that Auntie Gu did not come to find them. It was just that the dog official had arranged two officials to guard them at the door day and night.

She smiled coldly. Was he afraid that she would run away? What a joke, she could run, could Su Yu run?

Early in the morning of the second day, Su Xingyue had just walked into the kitchen and was preparing to make a set of Magic Mudskin Tofu. She did not know the rules of the competition, and now, she could only cook some ordinary dishes.

An official hurriedly rushed over from outside the kitchen. "Su Jinsi, the lord has invited you to come with me!"

Su Jin Se frowned and put down the tofu in her hand. "Sir, what's the matter?"

"You'll know once you get there!"

Su Jin Se couldn't figure out what this dog official was going to do, so she hurriedly packed up. "I'll go right now!"

"Elder sister, where are you going?"

Su Yu ran forward and was scared, did the dog official go back on his words? You want to capture my sister?

"Don't be afraid, I'll be right back!"

She followed the official into the county magistrate's office. Unexpectedly, the official brought her to the kitchen. Within the kitchen, several chefs were bustling with activity.

"My lord has said that he wants to eat the carbon grilled pine mushrooms that you made. Hurry up and make it."

"Miss, you're here?"

The butler hurried forward, "Miss, the lord would like to have a taste of your cooking skills. Would it be alright if you were to make some carburized truffles?"

Su Jinther saw the cooks cooking, and her face was filled with disdain when she saw them cooking, "Is this how you cook?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Look, that chef is stir-frying meat, right? Why isn't the meat in the wok after being oiled? If this goes on, the meat will become old after being stir-fried a few times!"

The butler was stunned and glanced at the chef. The chef had also heard her words and turned to glare at her, "You silly girl, do you really understand? If you don't, then don't speak nonsense!"

Su Jin Se's temper also rose, "Of course I understand."

"Do you understand? Also, do it yourself!"

A few chefs looked at her provocatively. How could a silly little girl compare to someone like her who had been a chef for many years? She was simply overestimating herself.

"Are you not convinced? "It's a matter of time. What are you going to do next?"

"Not bad, you have guts. Good, this plate of pig's liver is what adults love to eat the most. If you fire it, I want to see how strong you are!" If you are bragging, my lord will definitely not let you off! "

Su Jin Se smiled disdainfully, "Alright, I'll cook this dish. Butler, will you temporarily stop cooking?"

"Aiya, this …"

The steward was in a difficult position, if this lord started to blame him.

"Don't worry, the lord won't blame you. I'll make this dish for the lord to eat."

Butler nodded: "Alright, you do it."

She walked to the stove and glanced at the plate of uncut liver. "What is your favorite taste?"

"Master likes to eat spicy food. Pork liver must be hot. It's not old and the taste is tender and smooth. Remember, the taste of pepper must not appear. Old master hates pepper."

The chef's face was full of contempt for Su Jinsi. She was just a country girl without any training. What ability did she have to cook? She was merely bragged too much by those people.

"Uncle, then move aside."

The chef looked displeased. He threw down the waist in his hand and sneered. "Damn girl, how are you going to make a fool of yourself this time?"

The chefs were all preparing to watch her make a fool of herself, and even the butler felt that these chefs were going overboard. How could this lord like spicy food? It's over, this Su Jin Se was going to suffer a loss.

He wanted to tell Su Jin Se, but he thought about it and gave up. After all, helping this girl wasn't beneficial to him.

She found a rock and began sharpening the knife. After confirming that the knife could cut vegetables, she swiftly cut the liver with her left hand.