Meet Opponent

Old Madam Su was a little worried. There would be a lot of delicious meals during the competition after all.

Mother, I have asked around, and the judges are all senior chefs from the restaurants. They normally eat delicacies from the mountains and sea, but I'm sure they have never eaten this ordinary toon egg cake of mine. This is a delicacy that comes from the mountains, and everyone knows that once the spring passes, the toons will not be served again.

"I understand, you're trying to catch me off guard!"

Old Man Su narrowed his eyes. The children of this rich family were indeed different. Back then, the moment he saw Su JinShao, he knew that she wasn't a child of an ordinary family.

"That's right, tomorrow is the day after tomorrow. I must win first place! Only then will that dog official avenge us!"

"Sister, I believe in you. You can definitely do it!"

"Aiya, tell me, what exactly happened to Gu Li? How did he die?"

Old Lady Su couldn't figure it out. She also understood that her family's Immortal tofu had no problems. Then, how did Gu Li die?

Su Jin Se sighed, and saw that the three members of the Su family were all looking at her, "It should be Fan Da Niu's doing!"

"What? Girl, do you have evidence?"

"Fan Da Niu wants to hurt me, but don't worry, I will make sure he gets his punishment."

"This Da Niu, he really is a malicious person. Tell me, how did you offend him? Why is he always against you?"

Old Lady Su asked Su Jinsi, but she couldn't answer her question. Did she have to say that she broke Fan Daniu's groin?

"I don't know either. Don't ask, I'm going to cook!"

For a day and a night, Su Jinsi practiced cooking at home. She cooked four famous series of dishes and didn't know what the next day would be like, so she made all the best preparations.

The day for the competition arrived as scheduled. It was early in the morning when Su Jinsi opened the door, and she saw the official who was guarding the door. When the official saw that she and Su Yu had come out, he hurriedly walked forward, "Miss, the lord wants you to head over to the competition site immediately."

Su Jin Se nodded her head and turned to look at Su Yu and the Su family's parents behind her. "Let's go!"

The sun was bright and the wind was warm.

The location of the competition was a very spacious stage. When Su Jinsi rushed over, many of the chefs had already arrived. One side was from Lin County, while the other side was from the County.

"Miss Su, I've heard a lot about you. You must bring honor to this county today?"

A young girl walked forward and lightly bowed. Su JinSe was slightly depressed. "May I ask who you are?"

"My name is Spring Scroll, and I'm also here to participate in the competition. However, my cooking skills are not good, and I have long heard of Miss Su's exquisite cooking skills. Today, you will lose to us for a whole eight years!"

Su Jinsi suddenly felt a mountain of pressure. In these eight years, wasn't there a single capable chef in Danyang County? No wonder that dog had come looking for him. After losing for eight years, that county magistrate had truly lost all his face.

"Let's work hard together. Today, we must wash away our shame."

"Mm, you can do it!"

More and more people came to watch. Seeing that the arrangements were complete, Su Jinsi was slightly worried in her heart. How did the ancient rules of the competition come about?

This competition was related to his and Su Yu's lives, he couldn't afford to be careless!

"The county magistrate has arrived!"

Following this shout, the county magistrate, accompanied by several officials, arrived at the stage. Everyone immediately knelt down. "We greet the lord!"

The county magistrate glanced at the crowd and waved his hands, "Stand up!"

"Thank you, master!"

After everyone stood up, the county magistrate began to announce the rules and list of names for today's competition, "Danyang County's annual female cooking competition, starting today with great ceremony, we have invited two famous chefs from two counties, Chef Zhao Mingyu, Chef Qiu Yun, Chef Bai Fei, welcome them …"

At this moment, two men and a woman walked in from the backstage. The two men looked to be around forty years old, and Zhao Mingyu and Su Jinsi did not know each other, so Su Yu hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Big sister, he is our county's famous chef. Rumor has it that the dishes he makes are the dishes that all the officials from Beijing have eaten, and they are extremely praises towards him.

"What, lost to her niece in eight years?"

"That's right!"

Su Jin Se turned her head to look at Su Yu, "Little Sis, where did you hear all this from?"

Su Yu laughed, "Elder sister, although I am stupid, I also know what to ask. As for that Bai Fei, he is the chef from this county, and his cooking skills are top-notch. These three judges also came last year."

"I understand, that Qiu Niang came as well?"

"I haven't seen her yet, but she should be coming!"

"How old is she? Isn't this the female cooking contest?"

Su Jin Se thought, since this was the young girl's culinary competition, this autumn lady had already won for eight consecutive years, so it shouldn't be a young girl. Could it be that she began defeating them at the age of eight? It couldn't be so small, right?

Su Yu smiled embarrassedly, "I heard you're 23 years old, but you haven't married yet."

"23? That means she's been competing since she was a teenager. "

"Yes, all of us have witnessed Madam Qiu's culinary skills."

As they were talking, someone on the stage started to recite the rules of the competition, "The competition is divided into three rounds. The first round is preliminaries, the second round is elimination, and the third round is the finals. The name of the contestant.

"Danyang County, Su Jinsi, Liu Yun, Spring Scrolls, Zhang Ju Hua, Lin Lan, Bai Yu, Qingping County, Qiu Niang, Mai Dong, Chen Pei, Wang Qiang, Er Gou …"

"Sister, this year's people are almost the same as last year's. You can do it!"

"Those who have read out the names above, please go backstage to prepare. They will be waiting for the start of the competition."

"Jinsi, you have to do your best!"

The Su family's parents and Su Yu cheered her on. At this moment, a girl was surrounded by a crowd, "Aiya, look, she's Qiu Niang!"

Su Jin Se instantly looked over. She was about 20 years old and had a pretty good appearance, but her eyes contained a trace of looking down on others.

So she was actually the female chef who had won eight years in a row?

"Madam Qiu, we meet again!"

Some of the citizens in Danyang County were her admirers, and they were all extremely excited when they saw her coming. Qiuniang glanced at Su Jinsi and said, "What are you blocking the way for? Get out of the way!"

"It's obviously you …"

"The country girl also came to participate in the competition. Is it possible that your county magistrate can't find her?"

"Qiuniang, you're too arrogant. Haven't you heard that there are more people out there than in the mountains?"