Mab Bean Curd

Su Yu coldly attacked back at Qiuniang, but she gave a disdainful laugh, "There's a mountain outside the mountain? Humph, I've already won your Dan Yang County for eight years. If I were to come, I would have arrived long ago. Why wait until now? Well, it's time for me to get ready, so I'm going to play with them.

With these words, the woman arrogantly walked away under the crowd. However, Su Yu said angrily, "Elder sister, what are you trying to do? Elder sister, defeat her and make her scram back to Qingping County!"

Su Jin Se smiled, "Little Sister, you have to remember, a proud person will never win forever. She will definitely lose!"

"Dong Dong …"

Along with the sound of a copper drum, Su Jinsi went over to the people who were waiting for the competition. A man walked up to them with a question in his hand, glanced at them, and said loudly, "First round, preliminary round, the dish is the head of the four cuisine departments, the Sichuan Cuisine Representative, Ma Po tofu.

When everyone heard this, they all felt that it was too simple. Why would they use the Mab Tofu to participate in the competition? Only Su Jin Se felt that although this dish was simple, it wasn't easy to make a plate of Muppet Tofu with an alluring fragrance. Moreover, normal dishes of Muppet Tofu were completely unable to subdue these judges, so she had to put in some effort for this Muppet Tofu to be able to stand out from so many people.

"Everyone take your seats. The time limit is limited to one incense stick. Now, I ask that the county magistrate announce the official start of the competition!"

The county magistrate rose to his feet and went to the side of all the participating cooks. All of them wore white robes that were designed specifically for the competition. All of the ingredients needed for the competition were placed beside them.

The county magistrate surveyed the crowd and coughed before saying, "Now, I announce the official start of Danyang County's 9th Gourmet Cooking Girl Competition. I hope everyone can show your true abilities and win the praise of the female chef."

"Yes, my lord!"

The women began to rub their fists and rub their palms. With the crisp sound of a drum, the match finally began.

The atmosphere immediately became tense. Everyone was watching the performance of the culinary arts from below the stage.

The people below the stage were from Danyang County and Qingping County. They were all cheering for the contestants they liked.

While everyone was slicing the tofu, she was actually slicing the minced meat. The minced meat was cut evenly like a thin thread, and then, she placed it in a small bowl and marinated it with sweet potato powder. After that, she cut the white and tender tofu into even small cubes.

"Aiya, look, that Su Jinsi, her knife skills are really not bad. Although she's left-handed, the speed at which she cut vegetables is so fast, she won't be able to do it even after ten years."

"Come on, what's the use of cutting techniques? The dishes that have to be cooked taste good."

Amongst the crowd, Gou Zi was accompanying Fan Daniu, with a bitter expression on his face, "Big brother, let's go. What's so good about these women cooking?"

Fan Da Niu laughed coldly, "Go? "Why should I leave? I want to personally see the county magistrate slap himself in the mouth. That damned girl Su Jin Se has been eliminated!"

The county magistrate had accepted so much silver from him, yet he let her go and even wanted her to participate in some female cooking contest. He wanted Su Jin Se to win against that Qiu Niu, but this Su Jin Se only had the skills to make a dam feast, and she could coax those country bumpkins who had never seen the world, so how could she win against the judges? He was waiting to see how she would make a fool of herself!

"Big brother, how did you know that she would be eliminated? I think she did quite well."

"Shut up! If you don't say anything, no one will think you're a mute!"

Hearing this, Dogman didn't dare to speak anymore, so he could only shut his mouth.

The competition stage was in full swing. After Su Jinther finished cutting the tofu, she actually soaked it in cold water and then began to prepare all sorts of seasonings.

In the time it took for an incense stick to burn, it was equivalent to about half an hour in the modern era. Many of the participating cooks had already started cooking, yet she was still unhurried as she continued cooking the ingredients.

"Mom, why isn't elder sister cooking yet? Look, those people are already cooking. Isn't it too late?!"

"That's right, what is this girl doing? If the time it takes to burn an incense stick is up and she still hasn't done it well, then it would be troublesome."

"I don't think so. Don't worry, tofu is best for the mouth. If those people cook it too early, it will instead affect the taste. Even if they stew in the pot for a long time, when the time is up, the taste will also age."

"Dad, how did you know?"

Old Man Su smiled proudly. "I know a bit about my daughter that I raised. I can only watch and see how smart that Jin Se is."

Old Man Su was extremely confident in Su Jin Se. Ever since she changed her name, she hadn't disappointed them.

A pungent and fragrant smell gradually came from the table. Su Jinsi slowly made the seasonings, soy sauce, pepper, salt, cooking wine, ginger, onions, garlic, and so on, then started to cook.

She put a little bit of oil in the pot and waited for the smoke from the pot to come out before she put in the ginger and dried up. Then, she put down the shredded meat in the small bowl and quickly stir-fried it in the pot. She actually wrapped up a cold handkerchief and lifted up the pot.

That pot must be a bit heavy. That girl looks very weak, so why is she so strong?

Once the meat was cooked to 90% of its original size, it was placed onto the plate. Then, Su Jin Se scooped up a spoonful of oil and quickly fried it in the wok, then added in the already prepared seasoning and stir-fried it in the wok, forcing the fragrance out of the wok to release a pungent smell. Soon after, she poured the water from the tofu directly into the wok, then, a pot of soup with bright red red color, fresh and spicy spices immediately came out.

"Time's up!"

The time it took to burn an incense stick had just passed. With a strike of the gong, everyone immediately stopped!

A gong sounded. Time's up!

She wiped the sweat from her forehead. The time she calculated was just right!

Dozens of people had made the Mudskin Tofu, and they were all holding it one by one. After that, they walked towards the three judges and invited them to taste it!

The entire field and the air were filled with a pungent, salty smell. The spectators couldn't help but swallow their saliva. "So fragrant, I really want to go up and have a taste …"