Want to Run Not so Easy

She was wearing a white muslin dress with a red ribbon tied around her waist.

Just as she was lost in her thoughts, the sound of heavy footsteps came from outside the house. Without a doubt, she knew who the person who dared to walk in the village was, and if it wasn't Ye Feng, then who else could it be?

She practiced her smiling expression in the mirror, and the door behind her was pushed open. A black-clothed Ye Feng walked in and even brought a gust of cold wind down the mountain. Su Jin Se sorted out her emotions and slowly turned around, purposely forcing out a smile, "Su Jin Se greets Second Boss!"

The woman in front of him was completely different from the girl in the room just now. Just now, she was a country girl, but now, she was exactly like a beauty. Her black hair was flowing down her waist, and her eyebrows were indifferent like chrysanthemums.

He had seen many women, but this one was beyond his expectations.

"Sure enough, people rely on their clothes, horses rely on their saddles. Jinsi, you really made me, Ye Feng, look at you in a new light."

"Second Boss thinks too highly of me, but she's just a country girl. Even if she wears a gold dress, she still can't change her nature, unlike Second Boss who has an elegant demeanor that makes people unable to open their eyes no matter where she goes!"

These words were obviously a polite words from Su Jinsi. Ye Feng reached out his hand to lift her chin and Su Jinsi's heart tightened. She still smiled and said, "Second Boss, you hurt me!"

"Your mouth is very sweet. I really want to taste it."

Su Jin Se resisted the urge to vomit and turned her head around to struggle free from his restraints, "Second Boss really knows how to joke around. My mouth is very dumb, if only my mouth is sweet, then it would be great!"

"Haha, interesting!"

Ye Feng seemed to be quite satisfied with Su Jin Se, he walked to the side and sat down, then he raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "I heard that you know how to cook?"

Su Jin Se was stunned, but still nodded. "Yes!"

The smile on the corner of Ye Feng's mouth faded, and he said in a cold voice, "Su Jin Se, I have already investigated your background, I will tell you, do not dream of escaping, although your appearance is very suitable for me, but sometimes, I, Ye Feng, will not show mercy, do you understand?"

Su Jinsi understood that this Ye Feng was here to warn her. She had heard about this man before. It seemed like he was the one who had asked people to kill those who had died a few days ago.

She suddenly laughed and walked in front of Ye Feng, "Second Boss, look at what you have to say, why would I want to run away. There's food and shelter here, and it's much better than my poor family, not to mention, being together with a hero like Second Boss is my good fortune, I am not mentally ill, why would I want to run away? "You say that, don't you?"

"I know that you are not willing to marry a bandit, but, this is your fate, and also the fate between us. Since we are fated to meet each other, it is also your good fortune that we are together, Su Jinsi, I can assure you that you will enjoy the limitless glory and wealth, and before long, everything here will be yours and mine."

She knew that there was still a big boss in the Phoenix Stronghold, Jun Poria, and now that she was the second in command, according to Ye Feng's meaning, he thought that apart from that Jun Poria, that was why he said those words to her. If that was the case, then she would have a way to leave this place, and as long as she instigated a little conflict between them, and let them fight amongst themselves, and fight to the death, wouldn't she be able to escape?

"Thank you, Second Leader, for your kindness. You are right. Being able to make you fall for me is the fortune of I, Su Jin Se!"

Ye Feng saw that she was so obedient and knew what she was planning to do. He didn't intentionally expose her, but slightly waved his hand and said, "Come, come!"

Su Jin Se's heart sank. She was slightly worried. This damn man was going to eat her tofu?

She obediently nodded, then came to his side and slightly bowed, "Second Boss!"

Ye Feng stared at her, a trace of uncontrollable lust flashing through his eyes. He hadn't seen such an interesting woman in a long time!

Ye Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed her small hand. Su Jinsi wanted to pull away, but she forced a smile and said, "Second Leader, what are you trying to do?" "Su Jin Se's hand was soft and delicate, making Ye Feng unable to let go. He gently rubbed the back of her hand, and even though Su Jin Se wanted to escape, she did not dare." In five days, it will be our wedding day, you don't have to be afraid, although I, Ye Feng like beauties, but, I am not a lecherous man, and if I don't get married that night, I will not touch you. "

When Su Jin Se heard this, she instantly let out a sigh of relief. Luckily, this man had some principles and wouldn't act recklessly. If he acted recklessly, she might have to do some unrecoverable things in order to protect herself.

"Second Leader, I …"

"Alright, it's getting late. You should go and rest!"

Ye Feng stood up and was about to leave. Seeing him about to leave, Su Jin Se finally let out a sigh of relief, but who would've thought that the departing Ye Feng would suddenly stop his steps, but he did not turn around to look at her and coldly said, "I will give the order, you can freely move about in the village. But, if you want to run …."

It's my fortune to be able to marry a dragon like Second Boss, so how could I run away? You know my background, and you also know that even if a country girl like me didn't come up the mountain, what kind of man could marry in the village?

He only smiled coldly, "Su Jinsi, you are a little smart, but you must know, what kind of person are you facing. I am the bandit leader, and you are still too naive to play around with me. Come, withdraw everyone here!"

Ye Feng flicked his sleeves and left. He had indeed kept his word. The guards outside had already left. However, because of this, Su Jin Se's heart became even more worried.

She frowned as she looked at the open door outside. This man's shrewdness was too deep, so she had better not act rashly for the time being. Otherwise, not only would it harm her, it would also implicate her little sister.

It was already late in the night, and the moon outside was bright and sparse. The wind at the top of the mountain was very strong. She walked out of the house by herself and could see the bandits patrolling around with torches in hand.

Downstairs, she ran into Zhu Jiu, who was patrolling with his men. Seeing her go downstairs, Zhu Jiu hurriedly asked, "Miss Su, where are you going so late at night?"

"I want to go see my sister, but I don't know where the kitchen is. Zhu Jiu, can you take me there?"

"But how did you get out?"