Golden Fried Rice

Zhu Jiu did not understand, how could she walk out of the house?

"Naturally, it was your Second Leader who agreed. What? I'm going to see my sister. Is there a problem?"

"Really? Second Boss agrees that you can walk freely?"

"Weren't you the one who pleaded on my behalf?"

Zhu Jiu was surprised, but then he chuckled and didn't answer her, "Your sister isn't in the kitchen anymore, come with me!"

Zhu Jiu brought her outside a courtyard, then stopped and said, "Your sister has been temporarily placed here. It's already so late, she should be sleeping."

Su Jin Se was just about to say that it was fine even if she slept, but she wanted to see how her sister was doing. She didn't get bullied while helping out in the kitchen, but at that moment, a sneaky figure walked over from another direction.

Seeing that it was Su Yu, Su Jin Se called out to her happily, "Sister …"

When Su Yu saw that Su Jinther had come to find her, she immediately threw herself into her arms, "Big sister, I thought I wouldn't be able to see you anymore?"

"Sister, what's wrong?"

"I …"

Su Yu looked at Zhu Jiu, who was beside her. He seemed a little afraid, but Zhu Jiu was a little angry when he saw this, "You want to escape?"

Su Yu was scared out of her wits and continuously shook her head, "No, no, I, I'm hungry. I wanted to go to the kitchen to get something to eat. Who knew that I would see all of you just as I sneaked out."

"Hungry, did you not eat dinner?"

Su Yu shook her head and said in an aggrieved manner, "I'm helping the kitchen. After I wash the dishes, the food will be gone."

Looking at Su Yu's small and thin face, she gritted her teeth and turned to look at Zhu Jiu, "I'm going to the kitchen to make some food, my sister is hungry."

Zhu Jiu stared blankly, then asked uncertainly, "Now?"

"Right, now."

The three of them came to the kitchen. The kitchen passage was quite spacious, with seven or eight stoves that could be used to prepare food for dozens of people. Under the flickering light of the candles, Su Jin Se asked Su Yu, "Is there anything in the kitchen?"

Su Yu was somewhat helpless as she said with a wronged expression, "There aren't many dishes left. I've already finished all the food tonight, so fresh dishes will have to be delivered tomorrow. Right now, only some cold rice is served."

Cold rice?

Su Jin Se's gaze rolled around and she suddenly had an idea. "Little Sis, do you have an egg?"

Su Yu thought about it, "There are three more."

"Alright, that's enough. How about this. Be a bit more wronged. I'll make you some Golden Egg Fried Rice."

"What, the Egg Fried Rice?"

Su Yu and Zhu Jiu had never heard of it. What kind of food was this? Gold?

Upon seeing their shocked expressions, Su Jinsi lightly smiled. "Bring me the waist that you have!"

After Su Yu tied up her waist, she saw that Su Jin Se had inspected the things in the kitchen, so the seasoning was still quite complete. It looks like these bandits really knew how to enjoy themselves, as the almost everyday seasonings could be found here.

She took three eggs and looked at the weight of the rice. In fact, she was also hungry, so she didn't have anything to eat tonight.

It was still good, enough for her and Su Yu to eat.

She first broke the eggs, then put the golden yolk and the clear egg white into a bowl, making it look especially good. After stirring it evenly with her chopsticks, she put out the salt, and there was still some pepper to continue stirring, and after mixing evenly, she put it aside. Afterwards, she let Su Yu burn it, but carefully instructed her, "Sister, don't burn too much, otherwise the rice will be glued to the ground."

Su Yu swallowed her saliva and squatted to the side to cook. She knew that she was going to make delicious food and was filled with joy and anticipation, but how could Big Sis call this Egg Fried Rice Golden Fried Rice? How was this possible? Where did the kitchen get the gold from? Furthermore, would that thing even be able to eat it?

Seeing this, Zhu Jiu also walked over, smiling at her skillful cooking, "Miss Su can cook, ah. We have Chef Li here, a dish that is very respected by the people in the village. The dishes he makes are excellent, even the restaurants down the mountain are not as delicious as the ones he makes!"

"Really? If I could make so many ingredients for you and take a few years to learn how to cook, you would be able to do it too."


Zhu Jiu smiled, "I'll forget about it, let's just forget about it. With my cooking skills, it's better if I don't burn the food, I'm still more suited to use a knife and a gun. I'll forget about cooking, ah, Miss Su, what did you just say about the Golden Fried Rice? It's obviously an egg, where did the gold come from?"

Zhu Jiu felt that she really liked to brag. She was clearly just an ordinary egg, yet she gave such an elegant name. However, wasn't the essence of the name 'Fried Rice with Eggs'? What was so different about that taste?

Su Jinping rolled her eyes at Zhu Jiu, "You can leave. I can't run away from cooking. You don't need to look at me."

Zhu Jiu laughed, knowing that she had misunderstood his meaning, "I just want to see, don't I?"

"There's nothing to see, get out!"

Zhu Jiu had been chased out by Su Jin Se, so he could only sit at the kitchen door and watch her. She knew that Su Jin Se had many tricks up her sleeve, otherwise, how could she get the Second Boss to allow her to enter and leave freely?

He had to sit there and watch them. If not, he would be in deep trouble if someone ran away right under his nose!

When Su Yu saw that she had chased Zhu Jiu away, his eyes were full of worship, "Sister, you're so awesome, how could you let that murderous Ye Feng allow you to walk freely in the village?"

Su Jin smiled. "He's purposely testing us to see if we want to run away?"

"I wanted to run, but …"

Of course Su Yu wanted to run. No one was willing to be with bandits. If she wasn't careful, she would anger them and bring about a fatal disaster.

"I've already asked about the terrain here. There's only one intersection to get out of here, and the mountain roads are rugged and difficult to traverse. There are still many people guarding it, so little sister, we have to stay here for the time being!"

"But elder sister, are you really going to marry that bandit leader?"

Su Jinsi was silent for a moment before she said, "Don't worry, elder sister has a way."

She began to pour the lard and vegetable oil, and after the oil was mixed in, the aroma of the lard and the lard mixed together, bringing with it a very unique fragrance. She quickly put the egg down and continuously stirred it, causing the egg to turn into an enticing golden color.

The egg and oil mixed together forced out a fragrance from her body. And because of this fragrance, Su Yu's stomach growled even more, "Big sister, it smells so good …"

This was the first time she saw her sister cook the Golden Fried Rice, and it was indeed the Golden Fried Rice. It was the first time she saw her sister cook the Golden Fried Rice, and as expected, it was the first time she saw her sister cook the Golden Fried Rice, but it was the same as the ordinary Fried Rice. However, what Big Sister did today was completely different!