Vol. 1 Chapter 1: Fried rice

The shadows of exotic trees, the bright moonlight, and the damp soil beneath Isabelle's feet greeted her as she opened her eyes.

"Where am I?"

It all started when Belle was studying for her approaching examinations, surrounded by stacks of study guides, medical books, calculators, highlighters, and a laptop.

"Ughh, college life is awful, and it's only the first semester," she says, rubbing her temples in a circular motion to relieve a light migraine.

"Who said medical school was easy?! I could roundhouse you to the ground! huhuhu why am I so stupidddddd"

She reaches for her phone dialing a number "Hey min! are you busy?" she called her best friend Min.

"Girl, I'm about to start studying and answering, since these worksheets aren't going to answer themselves," she replied jokingly.

"We should start studying later, aren't we besties? together we rise, together we fall Min on the other side also laughed.

"we only have a few days left until we take the midterms exam aren't you afraid? we also got tons of work due today too!"

"Who told the professor to go on vacation for a week and then return with a stack of work sheets that need to be completed in a day?! I need my school fees repaid. Is it too late to switch courses now?" Belle slouched back in her chair.

"Well, what can we do? the deadline is tonight, and there are four activities due, and you know he ain't going to excuse you for being late," Min groaned across the phone.

"Well, I'm hungry, and filling my belly with excellent food takes priority!" they both laughed.

"Well I'm gonna hang up see you tomorrow and good luck studying!"

"You too Belle!"

Belle put the phone down and checked her clock "well it's almost pass 10 pm and the deadline's 12pm a little snack time won't hurt."

Belle has a poor habit of delaying on her work, and as a huge eater, she would sleep late on weekdays reading her favorite novels and watching anime, and then wake up late. She gets up and walks to her kitchen. "I'll cook fried rice today because it's much past my typical dinner hour, and I'll probably go insane with my head buried in mounds of books all day."

She then gets her ingredients out of the fridge and turns on the stove. When it made a loud sizzling sound, she gently placed her chopped onions. She carefully cooks the fried rice with her left hand holding the lid of the pot and her right hand holding a spatula. A tantalizing aroma wafts through the air.

"Hehe, I'm a fried rice master chef!" she said as she switched off the stove and transferred the rice to a separate bowl, which she placed on top of the kitchen table. "How strange didn't I already switch off the stove? what's that smell?" she says as she sits in the chair, noticing a burnt scent coming from the stove.

She gets up and returns to the kitchen, picking up the lid and spatula that were left on top of the burner when the stove suddenly shook and a large fire covered her vision and surrounding.






It had been hours since she had regained consciousness, and when she opened her eyes, she was met with the bright moonlight rather than the kitchen ceiling. She struggled to her feet and looked around.

"What happened? where am I?!"

Authors note:

Hello this is my first time writing a novel and I hope you'll support me🤗 I have a great love for beast x transmigration stories so I thought I should make one also hehe, I am not great at writing but I'll do my best👍