Vol. 1 Chapter 4 : Witch doctor

The village's outline could be seen from distance as Belle and Conrad discussed what to do. It had wooden walls and a gate in the centre, and two jaguar orcs guarded it with one pointed bamboo stick in one hand.

the guards stopped them for an inspection "Hey Liam, did the hunting finish early?" inquired the guard, who then noticed Belle at Liam's back.

"Wow where did you find this female? it's dangerous in the woods, there are a lot of beasts roaming around good thing you were rescued" Liam shifts his gaze to Isabelle on his back before turning his gaze back to the guard.

"I need to take her to the witch doctor because she was chased by a group of wolves near the black swamp and she might be hurt."

"absolutely , if the female is harmed, she may die! we can't delay, quickly bring her to the witch doctor, he knows what to do!" Belle looked at them with a weird expression on her face. She doesn't require medical attention; the only thing that hurt were her feet while running and her throat from screaming.

'So this guy's name is Liam, huh?' Liam then walked right past the guards and into the tribe's farthest residence, where the witch doctor was.

"Witch doctor Galen, I have a wounded female, please take a look at her," Liam said as he opened the door. The house was small and wooden frame with two windows in front. When they entered, the room smelled strongly of medicinal herbs, and there were scattered scrolls and plants on the floor.

'This must be the witch doctor Galen,' Belle thought as an old man with white long hair and a big white beard emerged from the chamber.

"Quick, bring her here to sit," Galen said, pulling a little stool from the bottom of his table and grabbing the several scrolls and plants that were scattered across the floor. Liam morphs into a handsome nude orc after Belle climbs off his back.

When Isabelle saw the thick and long baguette hanging between his thighs, her eyes were about to burst out of their sockets. Belle's face became hot and flushed. 'These orcs have no concept of decency.' Liam had already wrapped his lower half in animal skin given to him by Galen when she regained consciousness.

"What is she holding?" Gale wondered, noticing Belle's spatula and lid in her hands.

'These are what I use for self defense lol,' she replied hastily as she saw Galen's gaze. Isabelle laughed uneasily, 'He wouldn't take them away, right?' '

Galen patted the top of the stoll for Belle to sit on and said, "I see, put them on the floor for now and sit here." Galen knelt in front of Isabelle as she strode to the stall and sat.

"Please stretch your feet to me," Galen says as he examines Isabelle's feet. He's taken aback by the delicate flesh of the female in front of him. Unlike all the other female feet, which have been tough and hard due to the temperature and rough soil, the female in front of him had delicate skin that was also smooth to the touch.

"Ehem," Liam coughed to get Galen's attention; Galen quickly regained his composure and remarked, "Ehem sorry, I'll begin the examination."

