
The video was getting started as the black screen started moving.

I could not understand what was happening. All I could see was that a man was standing at the side of the door. The door was slightly open but looking at the interior I was sure it was Ella's office. And soon the voice started coming from there.

I looked at the video with a narrowed gaze as I thought that I'd heard this voice somewhere but I was not sure where it was. In any case, I pushed the thought behind the back of my mind.

Soon a man's leg, sitting on a chair could be seen. His face did not appear on the screen as the door blocked it but soon I was distracted. The voices were a little low. The tone was soft and there were a lot of background noises too. My brain was struggling to catch the words they were saying.

It was clear that someone had made the video while hiding. "Is this your plan?" A man's voice came.

Jane told me with enthusiasm "This is the president's secretary."

I nodded as I continued to look at the video that was paused by Jane as I raised my eyebrows.

"How can you be sure?"

"I am sure because I've heard his voice. When he was searching for the president, he did come into every cubicle. It was as if he was frightened that staff would offend the President. His face showed that it was something the President had done before. Like it was not the first time the President has gone out of his way to visit the workplace."

I nodded my head as I looked at the screen. There were times when different people in higher positions behaved in this way. Maybe that's why I was not very shocked hearing Jane's words.

It was a very logical thing that the higher-ups will never know what goes around in the minds of the people that work for them. Maybe the managers could tell lies and the President or vice president could only believe it. It wasn't a very suitable situation if you wanted a healthy workplace. Maybe that was the reason why the President wanted to do it.

I just wondered this, as I saw Jane playing the video again. Taking a step forward, soon Ella's face came into the lens of the camera. There was a bright smile on her face as if she was happy to have experienced that.

"Yes, it was all my work."

Soon the man sitting on the chair gave the file to his secretary. The man took it as the file could be seen in the lens. It was the same file that Ella had taken from my hand earlier.

Ella was claiming that my ideas were her own.

Was it because it wasn't the first time that Ella had done something like this or was it that I have never expected anything else from her. And in any case, I wanted to close my eyes or the video and leave somewhere else but then something made me push the thought out.

The man or the President that sat on the chair smiled cunningly as his eyes glitter. I could just imagine it as I heard his sarcastic voice. "If that is the case then you won't mind if you tell me what is the third idea written in the file? Explain it to me in detail."

As soon as the world spells, I can see the physical changes on Ella's face. It was a fun thing to watch, a slightly changing expression that turn from happy to pale. I know I shouldn't be happy about it but I could not deny that I was not, as if my heart was singing and I could visibly see Ella's breath hitching.

I can imagine what she was saying. 'Why is this happening to me? What is all this?'

I laughed softly. To be honest I was afraid that someone might hear my laughing voice but my interest in viewing the video increased. I wanted to know how Ella would reply. Maybe she had time to go through my ideas before the President walked into her room or maybe she might have just kept the file on the table without even looking at it.

I waited and waited but Ella's voice did not come; she bit her lips as she looked down. The man standing beside the door, the secretary of the president, took a step forward and his voice turned harsh. "The President is asking you something. It would be better if you could just answer his queries."

Ella replied, "I thought it would be a good idea if we present couples beverages with a soft toy hugging them. Like a holder." As Ella said the words the smile on my face reduced. So Ella has gone through my ideas. No wonder she was so confidently saying that it was her idea in the first place.

Jane was angry. Her tone became harsh. "How could she do that? This was definitely written by you and not her. Did she forget everything? This is such an abuse of power."

"But this is not the first time it is happening," I said in a whisper to Jane. "Let's not talk about it."

"But …" Jane tried to say but when I looked at her, she just closed her eyes as if accepting everything that was coming her way.

I was about to pause the video and give the headphones back to Jane when I saw the president asking Jane one more question. "Why do you think this would work? I want a detailed explanation of your thought process. Why would such a thing not create a problem and what about the people who are not in a relationship at that particular time?"

My eyes widened as I listened to those words and my interests picked up. Ella could not be able to answer. How could she when she herself did not know a thing? Before I could hear her answer the secretary turned around and the video was disconnected.

The person might have been afraid of getting caught as in the end only the selling could be seen.

"We are getting to the good part now," Jane complained as she pouted. Her tone was filled with dissatisfaction. Her eyes showed the discomfort of not seeing the whole thing.

I laughed as I gave her earpiece back. "Let's go back inside. Jane, things sometimes do not work in our favor. Let's just forget it all and try focusing on our work now?"


When we came back to the room, we found nothing much had changed. Everyone was doing their work but yet there were slight whispers here and there, that was enough to make us understand what was happening.

I tried to push everything away from my mind, as I looked at the screen of my computer. I am aware that I do not have this much free time to think about other stuff. My mind and body were already accumulated with all the things that needed to be done.

I started writing my report but soon someone came in calling me. I looked at the time and realized that a long time had passed. I looked up and it was Mr. Fitz standing there.


I got up from my chair as I looked at Jane who shrugged her shoulders. My eyes were blinking as I was filled with confusion. I did not know why Mr. Fitz would come here. He is the senior-most person in the company. Someone who usually doesn't come to their places.

"Rosabel, I want you to come to my office and bring all the documents of all the projects that you have submitted so far."

I nodded my head as I did not want him to wait on me. I still wonder why he would come down personally rather than sending a text or mail or simply telling someone else to call her. But that was not my concern at this point, because I was busy collecting all the documents and making my way behind him towards his office.

As I entered I could see everything lined up and in a perfect position. Ella was the one who usually went into Mr. Fitz's office with all the reports that were to be delivered. They were not allowed to enter there, because of the power he held.

As we went inside, Mr. Fitz sat on his chair as he moved his hand, indicating to me to take a seat as well. I did not know what I was feeling at this moment. There was a little uneasiness in my eyes. My heart was getting nervous maybe because I haven't done anything like this before.

There was a little excitement and a little fear as well. Who knows why I was called here. As he looked at me Mr. Fitz smiled as if enjoying the changing emotions on my face.

He was an old man who was the best in the field. People used to love his strategies a lot. Maybe it was because of that, that he had gained such a reputation in the business world, a dragon ready to swallow. A marketing genius.

I started getting nervous. I could feel my palms sweating as the uneasiness increased. Should I say something or should I wait for him to say something? But why isn't he saying anything? So many things were running through my mind. I could not do anything. I just swallowed and decided to ask him the question myself.


Mr. Fitz smiled as he tapped his fingers on the table "Rosabel McCarthy, is it?"

I nodded my head and looked up at him. "Yes." I can feel the harshness in my voice. Maybe it came because of my current condition but anyways I did not care. My brain was too busy and anticipated why he had called me up.

"Did you know what happened to Ella?" Mr. Fitz asked and I grew nervous.

The thing was that the video that we saw was shared in the non-official group and the company already had a non-gossip policy. I wanted to shake my head and tell him, no, but I was a little frightened as well, so I could not help but nod my head as I told him the truth.

"I have heard a little about it."

Mr. Fitz did not take my words too seriously. He nodded his head as his eyes narrowed.

"Just heard a little bit? I heard that there was a whole video made for that or was I mistaken?" Mr. Fitz smiled as he looked at me but my eyes could not meet his.

I was pretty sure that the video was shared in the non-official group but then how did Mr. Fitz know? I had no other way to think of anything else. I was not in a position to lie because the man already knew the truth.

"Yes, I heard the conversation," I admitted as I played with my fingers. It was a habit that was there when I got nervous.

Mr. Fitz nodded as he looked at me. I could see that he was pretty happy about me being truthful. Many things have changed over time in the company and I could see the changes with my own eyes. By the time the last President Mr. Kennington Sr. was there, everything was working and in a very smooth and systematic manner but with the arrival of the new President everything changed.

His son has actually made some drastic changes in the systems. I could see everyone being on their toes as if a very dark force was coming their way, and if they made a mistake, it would be a done deal. It was like walking on thin ice with no knowledge of when it might break.