
Mr. Fitz did not take a lot of time as he told me in a soft tone.

"I heard the file which brought Ella into trouble was made for you?"

I swallowed as I nodded my head. I did not understand. Was Mr. Fitz angry that Ella was questioned on the file or was it because there was some mistake in the file? I could not help but think that the second option had a high chance of winning. Because for a person who has never been in any relationship it was very difficult to write about love and what people in love would like. Although with the help of Jane I have managed to do it, the fear still remains that maybe I have messed up big times.

Mr. Fitz might have seen the look on my face as he smiles sweetly at me. It was a smile that you give someone who has done a good job but is too afraid to acknowledge it.

"You did a good job, actually I should say you did a good job from the very start." Mr. Fitz rested leniently on his chair as he said. But soon his voice became dull as if he was thinking about the past.

"When Ella started bringing good ideas to my table I was surprised at first. I initially thought that it was her hard work and her creative mind that had woken up again." Mr. Fitz said in a soft tone, "She was a very proud person when she first joined the company. She was very young too and she had so many inspiring ideas that we have developed and have succeeded with. Maybe that was the reason she climbed up the ladder too fast but from last year we could see that she had lost her motivation as if her creative mind had been blocked. We all told her to take a holiday, maybe go somewhere and clear up her mind but she always refused."

"And then suddenly new ideas started popping up and we just thought that she found her inspiration but .." Mr. Fitz raised his eyebrows as he shook his head. "Only if I would have known that it was all your hard work? And you should be acknowledged for it. It was our mistake that we did not see your working abilities."

I shook my head as words refused to come out of my mouth. It was the first time when a senior has talked to me in such a sweet and loving tone since I have entered Kennington Corporate. I did not know why it happened, but I was very thankful that the President was there at that time. I was given the opportunity to show my talent to the people who really appreciated it.

"So Miss Rosabel, will you be okay to present your idea in front of the board? I know it's on very short notice and that the promotional event will take place on 14th February. We only have 4 days in our hands and a lot of work to do, to be honest. I will really appreciate it if I have you on my team."

I nodded my head as I was very happy. Although I was told to give ideas, I was never taken up on any team to work on it. I was under Ella's supervision but for some reason, Jane had a dual supervisor. That was the reason why Jane would always get into some project as she would work happily and would even stay up late, but it was a very different thing for me.

My body was shaking in excitement. I could feel my eyes getting red and hot and I was sure that tears would have been in them. I swallowed hard trying to say some words and yet I could not say them. I just nodded and saw Mr. Fitz's happy face as if he was genuinely happy for me.

"From today onwards you will be reporting directly to me. You are no longer working with Ella. I smiled as I nodded my head as my excitement reached a peak.

Mr. Fitz smiled as he said "So attend the meeting with me in two hours and then we will be working on the project. You might not be able to go home soon. Will that be okay with you?"

"Yes," I said softly. I have waited for this moment. I wanted to work, that's why I was here to learn, and when Mr. Fitz gave me an opportunity I was not dumb enough to say a no.

"So back and prepare. Get relaxed and report to me in two hours with your refined thoughts. You will have a lot of explanations to do in the meeting." Mr. Fitz said.

"Yes." I went out. I was too happy and filled with motivation. But as I moved out, I saw Ella coming in. Her eyes were filled with hatred.

When she looked at me, I could tell what she was thinking. She was thinking it was all because of me. It was because of me that she had suffered. Maybe she even blamed me for going behind her back and complaining, even though I could swear to God, I never did that and yet it would be too difficult to explain that to her.

Ella stopped in front of me as her eyes narrowed. "It's you …"

My eyes were already filled with water. Although it was not because I was sad but it worked in my favor, so I simply shook my head and looked innocent. My words struggle to come out because of the news that I have received. I looked around and everyone was looking at me.

After all, I was not a Princess waiting for some Prince to come and save me. I was a person who knew how to defend myself and I decided to do just that.

The only reason I was so quiet before was that Ella was the one who was managing me as my supervisor, but after this, she wasn't and the only person I was reporting to was Mr. Fitz. So all I cared about was my own self-respect and my own thoughts.

I decided if Ella could manipulate people and make them think that all of the hard work was her doing, then I could do the same. I could also play with her and tell her that I'm innocent which I truly am.

"No … Ella, you have to trust me I did not. Mr. Fitz questioned me and told me that I would be assisting him from now on. He said that he has no trust in my abilities and that maybe I'm pulling you down. Maybe my ideas are bad because he did not like them and he thinks that I need to work under him just because I have so much to learn." My voice was shaking in the end.

My face was pale as it lost all the colors as if Mr. Fitz has actually tortured me inside. I knew and maybe Ella knew too that it was not true. But my words made her look at me along with others.

Many eyes were on us so Ella did not say anything else. She simply laughed as her voice didn't turn soft. "No matter what you do, you can never bypass me."

I looked down at the floor in silence. I did not want to have a fight with her. I stayed still as Ella walked bypassing me with an ugly face.


"Did Mr. Fitz really tell you that?" Jane asked me as she sounded happy.

I nodded as I continued, "He said I have to refine my ideas."

"That is great," Jane was happy for me and I can see that on her face. "So why don't we do something till the time?"

My eyes widened in confusion. I do not know what Jane was planning to do, after all, she was a wild one.

"You know there's a new bakery shop open here so why don't we just go and have some sweets? Maybe that will open up our minds?"

I smiled as I saw Jane's glowing eyes. She was a sucker for sweet things. She loved everything that had sugar in it and yet her body was slim and tone.

How can a person that would eat so much sugar maintain such a body? Maybe it was her genes or maybe her metabolism was too high or maybe she just worked out way too hard, anyways Jane was Jane as usual and I could not refuse her.

So we went out with a smile on our face, trying to look around enjoying the scenery. I still had one hour to come back and then I could refine my ideas. After that, I had to go to the meeting or at least that was my plan.

"I hope Ella does not attend the meeting," Jane said as she rolled her eyes. "You know sometimes she is just way too self-centered."

"Self-centered?" I do not understand what Jane was trying to get at.

"Well you know, Ella has attended some of the meetings which I was a part of and whenever I did attend a meeting with Ella, it was like she tries to make everything about her. She would just talk and tell us how our ideas have a flaw."

I raised my eyebrows. "But isn't everyone doing that?" I asked as it was very natural for every member of the meeting to give an opinion on a subject.

It was as if everyone had an opinion that they wanted to share. Although some people don't say a word, there were people who were optimistic about it and would share their opinion wholeheartedly. To be honest I did not know how those people would do it, as it would be very hard for me as a person to keep my thoughts within myself. If I feel that something is wrong, I would just speak it out.

"But it is different with Ella" Jane continued, "How can I explain it to you, it is as if she likes to put you down as if she is saying that your idea is stupid and why don't you through it before the presentation. It's just not me, I feel like Ella does that with the people with the same designation as her. You see it feels like she is saying, 'this is so silly. Why didn't you think about this' or sometimes or 'do you really think this would work?' you know that type of vibe."

I nodded my head. I could completely understand. Ella has done that with me as well, but right now it was none of my concern and all I cared about was having a small dessert and going back.

Jane might have understood my thought as she said, "Don't worry, we are about to reach the place and you will find inspiration there. Even if some people ask you some very idiotic unnecessary questions, you might just know how to answer them."

I didn't understand a word Jane said. I just walked towards our destination but before we could enter the shop her phone rang and I could see the smile on Jane's face. "It's him," Jane said as I nodded my head.

I knew that it was Jane's boyfriend as I told her, "You receive the call and I will order dessert for you."

"I love you," Jane said as she winked at me, before turning around and receiving the phone.

I entered the shop. It was a new establishment, as there were very few people in it. I had seen it before while crossing the area. It was a cute little dessert shop that looked like it was for people who like cute as well as sophisticated people.

I reached the display as there were many beautiful colorful cakes. I was just about to order when a tall figure came in and stood behind me. I thought it would be a customer until he opened his mouth.

"You should try this. I heard that the strawberry cakes are very delicious here." The man said as he pointed at the displayed cakes. I looked back as my eyes widened, I knew who the man was. He was the one I met on the couch today. I gave him a smile as I said "We met again."

He nodded as he gave his order as well as mine. "Two strawberry cakes and two coffees." The man's voice was soft but I had no time to enjoy it. I hardly came forward as I put my card in front of his, "Please make it three cakes."

The man looked at me and my body. I can see what he was thinking in his mind, 'How can such a small person eat two slices of cake.'

I feel like it was my time to give an explanation rather than being misunderstood. "It's for one of my friends."

Although he did not talk, his card moved forward as if asking the cashier to take him but I took a step faster. I pushed my card into the cashier's hand. "Let me pay for it."

The man did not refuse as he simply accepted it. I took the plates and walked to a table. The man followed behind me as he kept one coffee in front of me. "Your friend does not drink coffee?" He asked as he looked at the plate I've kept at my side for Jane.

"No, she's talking with a boyfriend so I think she'll be late. The only thing that she would care about is the cake anyways."

The man nodded his head at my reply as if he was expecting it. "So we meet again," the man smiled at me and I could only nod my head.

There was no way of fusing his words. It was a miracle that we had met both times but somehow it looked like faith. Maybe I was being too cheesy about it but at least that is what I wanted to say.

"Something happened at the company today?" He asked me.

I have seen the man at the company. Maybe he will not have been from the marketing department but he was a part of it, I was sure. I could not help but nod slightly.

"Yes, something did happen."

The man smiled as he ate the cake. His facial expression relaxed a lot as he was enjoying himself. It made me want to take a bite too. I dug deep into my own plate.

"Did something good happen?" He questioned.

"Yes, I became a part of a team." I smiled

"Good for you, but I thought every person that is on probation is part of the team right?"

I did not think a lot about his questions because it was a very general knowledge thing. I shrugged my shoulders without paying a lot of attention to him. "Yes, they should, but my supervisor did not allow me to attend any meeting or work on anything's project. I was basically just writing the reports."

Maybe as I talked I realized why I was saying those things. I didn't even know who the man was? Although he was extremely handsome and looked very promising as well, he was a complete stranger to me, who had been talking with me as if we had known each other for years.

I put the spoon down as I looked at him. I cannot but smile looking at him. His black eyes looked at me, seeing my spoon down, he kept his as well as.

'Isn't he a gentleman,' was the only thought rotating in my mind.

"Before I forget, I'm Rosabel McCarthy." I extended my hand as the man's lips curled up.

He looked even more handsome when he did that. With a half-smile, he said, "My name is Andrew."

I blinked as we shook our hands. His hold was not too tight and not too loose; it was as if he had been doing handshakes for centuries now. It was very rare to find someone with as much confidence as him.

I took the coffee in my hand and asked him with a smiling face. "So do you work at Kennington corporate as well?"

Andrew blinked as he said kind of "Kind of Yes"

I did not understand as I raised my eyebrows. What type of answer was that "Kind of yes?" I asked him

"I just joined today."

"Oh," I said bluntly. No wonder I had no idea who he was. "So are you on probation as well?" I asked him.

He simply shook his head, "Not really."

I did not understand what was going on with the man. He was not on probation and yet he had just joined today.

"Which department do you belong to?" I asked as I took a sip.

Andrew moved his finger on the brim of the cup. It took a mouthful as he replied "I'm into management. I work on the top floor."

The only thing I know that was on top was the secretarial department that had to work with the President.