
As I opened my eyes slowly, my head started to hurt.

I touched my head as I put pressure on it. I wish I could just hammer it. "I'm never going to drink again."

Although I said that I knew that the promise cannot be kept. I sighed as I closed my eyes again. "I hope Jane has reached home safely."

I took my phone out as I decided to call Jane but there was her text lying on the call.

[Jane- Rose where are you? Don't be late again.]

My eyes opened wide as I looked at the time. "Sh**" I shouted as I ran towards the bathroom. Right now I did not care if my head was paining or I was having a hangover. I wanted to be on time otherwise Mr. Fitz would be disappointed.

"I will never listen to Jane again."


I closed the door as I ran down. It took me 40 minutes to reach the company and now I only have 35 minutes in hand.

I did not have time to order a cab or wait for one. My legs started to move faster as I looked around if I could see one on my way. But soon a car stopped in front of me.


I looked at the car. It was a high-end model of an expensive brand. Although I was not into cars, I knew it too well. But what made me stop was the man that sat into the car or should I say the man that came down from it.

"Andrew?" I asked as I looked at him. He was keeping the door open as if waiting for me to sit but I did not take a step further.

"We are getting late. Come on in." Andrew pulled me in and before I could understand I was on my way to the company. The car was fast as I can see the building moving past in a rapid spread.

"Till what time do you need to reach?" Andrew asked, bringing me back to reality.

It was then that I realized that he was not driving. There was a driver in the front looking only on the road.

I looked at the time. "Around 30 min."

"We will reach in 20," Andrew said as he smiled at me. Maybe I was too mesmerized by the man that I forgot everything, but now I realized the main thing that I was confused about. How did Andrew know where I stayed?

I looked around as I swallowed. I had nowhere to go and nothing else to do, so I asked the question that was bugging me right away. "Were you nearby?"

Andrew smiled as he looked out. "You can say that.."

Sometimes I never understand what this man is saying. I blinked my eyes as I smiled trying to understand his words.

Maybe Andrew could feel the confusion in my eyes as he explained further, "I shifted nearby and saw you running for your life." Andrew laughed as I closed my eyes in embarrassment.

Why was I not presentable in front of him? I bit my lips as I looked outside. The driver was making the car run, maybe Andrew was late too. But his car was too expensive.

"When did you shift?" I asked as I looked at him with curiosity. "I am just asking because I would not have forgotten his car if I had seen it."

Andrew smiled but he did not reply. "I just moved in today."

"And it was a coincidence that you saw me." My voice was low as if whispering. I was talking to myself but soon I found that it was too loud.

"Well.." Andrew was playing with words and I can feel it. "I wanted to talk with you… To be honest I wanted to talk yesterday itself but you were too drunk to know.."

It was then that I realized that I had met Andrew yesterday. Did he see my weird face? I was embarrassed but I wanted to act all cool. I cannot let him see me like this.

"Yes.." I was about to finish when I saw the entrance of the company. My eyes widened as I looked at the time, 5 min to go. Only a few people were there at that time.

I looked at Andrew and smiled, "We can talk at lunchtime."

I opened the door but Andrew held my hand, stopping me. I was getting irritated at this point. I could not be late today, of all days.

"I have a meeting at that time. I will drop you home." Andrew said as he loosened his hold on my hand. "We live nearby."

I nodded as I opened the car door and left. I almost ran into the building as I punched in my attendance. It was when I was walking towards my desk, I realized that I did not have Andrew's number with me.

'Let it be, he might forget it.'

I thought as I sat down. I turned around as I saw Jane still sleeping on the desk in the morning. "Wake up."

I smiled as I moved Jane a little as her eyes opened. The hangover was still in her gaze. I was lucky that I did not drink that much. Or was I looking like this. I did not have a lot of time to think as I started working on the computer seeing the emails I got.

Jane got up suddenly, making me frightened as I looked at her. She was looking down as well as she smiled silly. "I am getting a strong coffee, do you want one?"

I nodded my head. Although I thought Jane might need something stronger than coffee, but I did not say so.

"Please do." I blinked as I concentrated on my work.

I started working as everything else was put on the backseat of my mind. Soon a coffee mug was kept on my desk as I looked at Jane. "Thanks."

"I should tell you that." Jane laughed as she sat down in her seat. "Thank you for calling my boyfriend."

"Don't mention that." I took a sip but Jane was still talking in a whisper.

"I heard you know Andrew?" Jane said right away.

I was confused. Did Jane know Andrew as well? Then I realized Jane's boyfriend knew him.

"Yes," I nodded but did not look at Jane. But suddenly her voice was near my ear.

"Rose. Don't get involved with him. He is a dan.."

"Rosabel." A voice said before Jane could complete her sentence. "Mr. Fitz is calling you."

I saw one of my group members as I nodded. I kept the cup down as I took my file. "Work calls Jane. We will talk later."

Jane's gaze was filled with displeasure. She did not say anything but I knew she was not very happy.