
I moved my hand over my forehead.

As I looked outside I saw that the sky was changing color. I walked towards my seat with sleep hanging down my sight. I had no free time today.

There were only two days remaining before the launch and it was just now that the plan was finalized. I rubbed my eyes as I looked around. It was past the office timings. Only a few people were yet to close their work.

'It was a really hectic day.' Even Jane had texted me asking when I would be free for lunch, but till the time I saw her text, it was past lunch time last time. But I knew Jane would understand.

I looked at the seat where Jane should have been sitting but it was now empty. Jane had gone home. I still had her text on my phone.

[Jane- I am going home. My head is killing me. But you stay away from Andrew. Don't ask anything else. We will talk tomorrow.]

I was still confused. Why would Jane say that? Although we have not interacted a lot, I've not found Andrew repulsive. Usually, we get a sense of someone having bad attention towards you but all I can feel from him was a very neutral connection. As if he wanted to be friends?

I pushed the thought at the back of my mind as I packed up my things and started moving. I walked down and stood in front of the office building.

It was night time now. I still need to think about what I should make for dinner or maybe I should just order.

'Order it is.' My mind was exhausted and my body was killing me. I was not in a situation where I could cook. I looked down as I took my phone out. I needed to call for a taxi.

It was then that I remember. Andrew said he would pick me up?

I looked up at the building as I saw the top floor was still lit. Should I inform him that I'm leaving? What if he had already left? We don't have each other's numbers.

I was playing with my thoughts. I had no idea why I was thinking about him so suddenly. I shook my head.

'I will just say sorry to Andrew or buy him a cup of coffee to show my sincerity.' I took a step forward to look at the road to see if there were any taxis but soon a voice was heard behind me.


I was confused. I thought that the man was talking to someone else until he said "Miss Rosabel."

My eyes widened. It was an unknown voice that I have never heard. I stopped in my steps as I looked at the man who had just called my name.

'I have known him since this morning.' I smiled at him.

"Yes, how can I help you?"

The man smiled as he looked down before talking to me with a straight gaze. "Sir is waiting for you."

I raised my eyebrows. "Waiting for me?"

The man was Andrew's driver. But why was he saying such words? Why would Andrew wait for me? Was he done with his work? Or did he wait for too long just because he wanted to drop me off at home?

I followed the driver's gaze and soon saw a car parked alone at the corner. There were no street lights in that area as the car was completely engulfed in darkness.

I wanted to refuse the man at that point but when I was about to say something, I saw panic in the driver's eyes.

'He looks frightened.' Bitting my lips, I pushed the idea at the back of my mind. It was hard getting a taxi at this time so why should I refuse a free ride?

"Please lead the way," I said softly as my gaze shifted towards the car, before turning back towards the driver. I could see the visible relief on his face, making me wonder how afraid he was of Andrew?

I smiled as I followed behind him towards the car. Andrew at some point in time had walked down the car as he stood beside it. His hands were holding the car's door. He looked like a gentleman but the lack of light on his face made him look dangerous as well.

I chuckled as I slid down into the seat. "Thank you."

"There is no need to thank me. I told you I'll pick you up." Andrew chuckled as he sat beside me. I did not know at that point whether I should laugh or cry.

"Yes, you did." It was only now that I realized how close we were. "Did you finish your work just now?" I wanted to distract myself from this closeness.

Andrew was silent for a minute. But soon his eyes softened as if he had heard something funny. "Yes, you can say so." There was a pause as he continued in a soft tone. "Anyways you're late today or is this your usual time from now on?"

"No" I laughed as I looked at Andrew. The car had started moving as I can see Andrew's face moving from darkness to light. "Valentine's day is coming up and we need to work on the launch soon."

Andrew nodded his head but he did not say anything else. My eyes widened suddenly as I looked at him. He wanted to talk about something in the morning. I had totally forgotten about it till now.

'I should ask him about it.'

"You wanted to talk.."

I was about to complete my sentence when my phone rang. I looked at the caller that was calling me and soon I sighed subconsciously.

It was my mother. I did not want to pick up the call, because I knew what was about to come. But I could not just ignore her as well.

I smiled at Andrew "Excuse me."

I picked up the phone as I took a deep breath. "Hello?"

My mother's voice came from the other end without a pause. "Have you thought about it? When can I meet your boyfriend? Or should I talk with…."

Before my mother could finish her sentence I cut her off. "We will talk about it afterward, mother."

"Why can't you talk to me right now? You know Valentine's day is coming soon. I've called their family for lunch as well. You know he likes you…"

I had stopped listening to my mother at some point. All I could hear was the voice but I could not understand the words. I knew exactly what my mother was getting at. I needed to stop her imaginative mind.

"No need," I said in a frustrated voice. "I will bring him."

"Do you really have a boyfriend? I tell you, if you try to fool me by bringing your friend then .."

"Mother, I know. Don't worry I will bring my boyfriend. I need to go now. Love you, Take care." I kept the phone in fear that my mother might start nagging again.

I took a deep breath as I looked outside the window. The cars were moving around at a fast rate. Soon I felt a light touch on my shoulder. I was frightened for a second before I realized that I was with Andrew.

"I'm so sorry for that."

Andrew shook his head as a smile played on his face. "No need. I can totally understand the pressure you might be feeling now."

I wanted to distract both of us. "So you were saying something?"

As I finished my sentence, my stomach growled. Embarrassed, I closed my eyes as I put your hand over my stomach.

'Why of all the time now?' I wanted to shout in embarrassment when I heard a burst of soft laughter.

"Maybe we can talk about it over dinner?.'