Stay away

I'm just sitting in a posh restaurant. It was a completely different situation from what I have ever encountered.

Although this was not my first time in such a place, today's restaurant was on a whole new level of elegance.

I saw Andrew sitting in front of me as he flipped through the menu.

"I think we should change the location," I tried to say in a soft tone. As I looked at the menu I was sure that I would not be able to afford it with my current salary.

"No, it's okay. The owner of the restaurant is my friend." Andrew said as if he understood my concern.

I simply closed my mouth as I looked down. Even though Andrew said that I should not be imposing on him. It was not a very good thing but it was he who recommended this restaurant, although I told him that having dinner was not needed.


{A few minutes prior}

"You look hungry?" Andrew said in a soft tone. "Maybe we should go for dinner together."

"No, it's fine. I can just go home and order a takeaway."

"Please," I was interrupted by Andrew's words. There was a smile on his face as he continued, "And I seriously need to talk with you as well, but I don't want to hold you up. If we have dinner then we can eat and talk too. Won't it be easier that way?"

As soon as I was ready to shake my head, my stomach started grooming. I was too embellished as I knew that it did not matter what I had to say. My stomach had already made the decision.


'I should have checked on him.' I thought as I flipped through the menu. I had no idea what to order. Everything looked so appetizing but when I looked at the price, all I could see was horror. I simply closed the menu.

"Have you decided what to order?" Andrew asked me with a smile on his face.

I did not know how to answer? Should I say that I am too broke to be sitting here? Or should I say that the water is the only thing that I can afford?

I simply shook my head as I tried to be generous. "Everything looks so good, I am a bit confused," I said.

Andrew nodded as he smiled, "It's okay, I will order for you if you don't mind."

Why would I mind? I nodded my head as I saw Andrew naturally reciting the order. He has been here many times, I can just say it by the way he conducts himself. There is too much familiarity.

I smiled as I realized I was staring at Andrew. I closed my eyes as I told myself that the only reason I am doing it is because of the order. It looks too much.

But what can I say if the man wants to burn his money? Who am I to stop him?

The waiter soon left to get our orders. I looked around as there were very few people in the restaurant. Although it was a restaurant I could tell that it was a very expensive one and an expensive one usually not very crowded, maybe a perfect place to talk. I looked at Andrew who was starving at me with an unknown emotion in his eyes.

"Should we continue? You had something to say." I asked as I tried to look as normal as possible.

"Yes, remember when we first met?" Andrew asked in a low tone. It was as if he was whispering and yet his voice was very clear. "That time you asked me whether I had a girlfriend?"

I was confused. Why was Andrew bringing it up now? I knew I could never guess the answer so I waited patiently for him to finish his words.

"I do not have a girlfriend," Andrew said in a simple tone, making me want to kill the man for once.

Did he just want to clarify that he does not have a girlfriend? Why would he do that? I just asked him because I heard that his family was forcing him to get married.

Andrew must have understood what was going on in my mind. He tapped his fingers on the table, creating a steady sound in my ears. It was distracting me from the trail of my thoughts and I just wanted to stop his hand from making the noise. Whatever he does is still captivating in his case. He was too powerful of a man; his aura captured one's attention. Maybe Jane was right. I should stay away from him.

"Rosebel McCarthy," Andrew said my full name, which made me swallow hard. I nodded my head in acknowledgment. I just wanted to tell him that I am listening. Although one section of my mind was telling me that he should finish his sentence quickly so that my heart would be stable and my mind would start working again, the other section just wanted to keep listening to him. His voice was hypnotizing as the chocolate melted on my ears.

'Get back on track,' I told myself as I looked at Andrew. "Yes," I said, waiting for his next words.

"As you know that my family wants me to date someone and as I have heard your family have the same thing in mind," Andrew said.

"So?" I was confused. Although I knew where this thing was going, I wanted to deny it. I had a little bit of understanding.

And the fear came to life as I heard Andrew say, "Why don't we date?"

Did the man just ask me that for real? How is this possible? My fingers formed a fist as I wanted to hit on Andrew's head even though he was a handsome man.

I would not date someone just because I was desperate. We don't know anything about each other. It was not even love at first sight. At least not from my end and I can tell from the way Andrew looked at me he did feel the same. At most, we could be considered as friends if not colleagues and now he's asking me to date him.

"Has this good man gone mad?" I spelled out the words that were on my mind. My eyes widened and I was shocked hearing the words themselves. I did not regret saying that at all because that was true. It was a pure thought that I was thinking.

Andrew laughed at my words. I realized that this man was dangerous. I should stay away from him.