
"Rose come here," Jane said as she walked towards me pulling my hands first, and before I knew it, I could only see the passing hallway.

"What are you doing?" I asked Jane, who was filled with anxiousness.

Jane did not listen, and I can tell from the way things were happening that it was not very simple. Jane was a little mad and a little angry. Although I did not understand what was bothering Jane, but my heart was beating faster,

Although it was a new situation, but somewhere in my heart, I knew what would happen. It was about Andrew.

I realized something from the last two or three days. Everything is about that man. It was as if he had penetrated into my life at some point that was repeatedly irritating to me.

'How can I make a man the center, that to someone who I don't know. And yet knowingly or unknowingly it has been. I need to keep my distance from him.' I told myself that, but I also knew that it was going to be a little difficult. After all, the man and I were going to pretend to be a couple. And how can a couple distance themselves unless something is wrong with them.

'Only if I would not have promised my mother.' I rolled my eyes as I walked with Jane who stopped at a deserted place.

Jane looked at me with wide eyes. "Rose with whom did you come?"

I swallowed at Jane's words. The first thing that came to my mind was 'She knows.' It felt like my mother was asking me the most deadliest question I've ever heard.

Why was I ashamed to answer it? I did not do anything wrong. I thought as I looked at Jane with fear. I took a breath as I smiled. I cannot tell a lie to everyone now, can I? I did not want to delay. It was much easier and free that way. I could just be a little honest with Jane.

"Andrew," I replied as I looked at Jane's wide eyes. Okay, maybe being honest was a bad idea.

"I told you to stay away from him and you are not listening to me."

Now Jane was panicking. Was he such a bad person? I looked at Jane as I touched her hand softly.

Jane liked to maintain herself a lot. I can feel milky skin under my touch. I was a little jealous. Although I love my skin, but it becomes rough in winter. And yet Jane's was always soft. I wish I had skin like her.

I shook the thought away from my mind as I smiled and said softly, "But Jane, you haven't given me a reason why I should avoid him? He is your friend too, right? Or maybe he's your boyfriend's friend? I feel like you have a prejudice against Andrew?"

Jane was quiet for a few seconds. She simply looked at our linked hands. I could tell that Jane was thinking about something, maybe on how she would be answering the question?

I raised my eyebrow as I continued, "Just give me a valid reason and I will listen to him, Jane. But trust me, he will not be permanent in my life for too long. We only have some work together, for now, that's it."

Jane looked at me with doubt. "You're working together? Why did it have to be him? Do you like him, Rose? He is a heartbreaker, so don't accept anything from his side and save your heart."

"I don't like him," I said almost immediately. I did not want Jane to misunderstand.

"Then why? Why didn't you ask me for help? I would have helped you out. Why do you have to get his help?"

I can see the desperation in Jane's voice. Something was wrong but I did not know what. I felt like Jane knew Andrew very well, maybe she was afraid that Andrew would do something bad.

It was a possibility. What if Andrew was not a good man? Or was Jane overreacting?

There was no reason to think this. I've already made that deal with him and I cannot back off now. Not after I knew that my whole family would be gathering there.

Although it was not necessary for me to date anyone at this point, I could not go against my mother's wishes because I knew that if I did not find anyone now, she is going to make me date Lucas and I do not want that.

Lucas was a good friend of mine, whom I've known for a very long time. But I never had any feelings for him, feelings that would be considered romantic. I don't know why my mother thought that we might be a good match for each other? But trust me on this, I and him would never work. He was too territorial and too possessive, even for a friend. I could not call him obsessive but …. I don't know how to describe Lucas. I just had a feeling that being romantically involved with him will never work.

Anyways Jane was the priority now. I tightened my hold on Jane's hand. "Jane, don't worry. We both are not in any kind of relationship. We can hardly be called friends."

Jane shook her head, "It is not that I am doubting you, I just don't think you both can be good friends. He is a narcissist and possessive, even obsessive at some point. He's cruel and does not know how to talk. Too controlling. It's difficult to handle a man like him."

I smiled as I ensured Jane. "That's okay, I'm not going to get involved with him Jane. We both are only helping each other with something for the time being. He is too busy with the secretarial work and you know how busy we are. Even though Ella is not troubling me anymore, I can feel that something huge is going to come my way."

I looked at Jane whose eyes were widened as if she had heard something very unusual. "What did you say? Secretarial role?"

I blinked, "Yes, Andrew works in the secretarial department for the President, right? He doesn't have time for us and even I do not have time so Jane, rest assured. Nothing is happening. Now let's go, I have a lot of work to do and I am pretty sure you would have gotten a lot of emails too."