Last-minute Changes

'AHHH..' I screamed internally.

I was burdened in irritation. My frustration was understandable because the launch was only one day away. Although we did not have to work on Valentine's day, but the product launch would be at midnight. That means we will be working late.

Will the day off on Valentine's day be considered a holiday? I shook my head as I focused on my screen again. Too much work but too little time.

I was looking into last-minute changes that needed to be done. Mr. Fitz has already informed us all, that we would be working very late tomorrow night. So we had to get everything finished as much as possible for today itself.

But everyone in the team already knows that no matter how hard we try there are always last-minute changes that need to be made.

I sighed as I started typing. The team was divided equally with an equal workload. At least Mr. Fitz was not partial like Ella. It was then that I remembered, I hadn't seen Ella for a very long time.

Although Ella attended the meeting a few times, she did not give any significant reaction. She didn't even fight there. As for what the rumors are going around in the company, Ella is constantly working on improving her own ability to impress the President. And why was that, you ask me?

Maybe Ella was a little worried that the President discovered her lie or maybe she felt guilty for not working to her potential. After all, she was considered a very hardworking and determined lady.

Ella was one of the best performers and there was no doubt that she was talented, but then why was she suddenly targeting me? I don't know.

Jane said it was jealousy. Ella was jealous that I came in with new ideas when she had a creative block. Some said that Ella was getting on my nerves because of the way I look.

Although I haven't actively checked, I can tell that the age gap between us is not large, hardly 3 to 5 years and yet we did not get along at all.

Along with it, there were also rumors circulating that Ella had been interested in the President. Even though she had only met him once, that too when she was caught lying, Ella still fell in love with him at first sight.

I shrugged my shoulders as I tried focusing on my computer. If I believe the word of mouth, the President was a handsome man, Maybe Ella liked him.

As I was thinking about it, Andrew's face came into my mind. Andrew was handsome too. I shook my head in fear. What am I thinking? My mind was playing tricks on me. Why are all these things happening? Was it because I was spending a lot of time with Andrew that I was confusing people?

'He's not my lover and I'm not his.' I swallowed hard as I told myself. I took a few deep breaths trying to remain focused.

'I need to focus. I should be getting these things done otherwise I will be the one dragging my team down.' As I did not want my team to suffer I decided to concentrate. My determination didn't take long to be shattered.

Before I was disturbed again I could hear the voice of someone walking towards me. I had a bad feeling about it and soon that feeling became a reality.

I looked up, only to see Ella standing there looking down on me. I knew at that moment that she wanted something but she did not say anything for a long time. Only an unpleasant expression was painted on her face.

'I shouldn't have thought about Ella. Look what happened? I thought of the devil and here she is.' I blamed myself. I was having a bad feeling about a lot of things recently, but this was on my top list.

I got up from my seat and asked, "How can I help you, Ella?"

My voice was soft but Ella's face was not happy. I know that Ella hated this type of conversation the most, but I have no other option.

"I heard you have some of the things going around here? I was just visiting to see if you're working properly or not." Ella's tone was not loud but it was sharp enough to attract people's attention.

I had a deep desire to scream but I did not. I simply smiled and told myself that it was okay and that nothing bad is going to happen.

"Yes, we are almost in the last stages," I said, keeping my tone in check. I wanted to sound as professional as possible. Someone who did not bring personal matters to work.

To be honest, Ella and I will never be on good terms after what happened. There was an unknown line that was drawn in between us. Maybe Ella did not want to cross that line and nor did I. Who knows what would happen once we crossed that line. It was not worth it.

I shook my hand as I told myself, 'just a few more days.' My probation was about to finish and soon I would be a permanent employee. Then Ella and I would be on equal grounds.

I loved working here. They had an open culture. Everyone can talk to anyone. The culture was open and the people were helpful. Maybe that's why the corporation has grown so rapidly. If rumors are to be believed, there are still things that the new President might change in the future.

Even though I had said the words and waited for the response I did not receive one. I thought Ella would leave but she did not move a bit.

"Ella?" I asked as I looked at her. My voice was low as I was afraid of what she might do.

"I would like to talk with you." Ella's words were sharp with no emotions. "Alone," she emphasized as I simply nodded my head.

How was I supposed to go against her words? I was hoping that Ella would walk off first but she stayed there observing me, I had no choice but to close my computer. I looked up from the corner of my eyes only to see Ella staring at me as if saying, 'I can see everything. I am observing you.'

I sighed as I followed Ella in hopes that she would not take up a lot of my time.