
Ella brought me to a place where there was no one around.

I looked around as I saw only a few people around. I had a feeling of running away from the situation but I also knew that my legs refused to walk away.

It was not because I was being respectful to Ella but it was because of my possession I was in. I am a simple worker and no matter how much I hated Ella for the torture she had made me go through or all the sufferings I have been under, I could not just back answer her at times. It was a simple business etiquette that I had to follow.

'Only if I was in a higher position than her, maybe we would be in a more favorable situation.' Anyway, my heart was not happy with what was happening. I looked at Ella who was not saying anything.

"Ella?" I said in a soft tone. Even now standing at an open balcony near the very end of the corridor I could see a few people coming this way. No one visited this place, at least not at this time of the day.

I waited patiently for Ella to continue but it looked like she was thinking something. 'What is taking her so long? Ella called me here and yet…?'

As I observed further I realized that Ella's gaze on me was turning irritation. I swelled up the words that I was about to say but when a few more minutes passed I could not help it. "You wanted to say something?"

"Rosabel, who are you?" Ella asked me in annoyance. I couldn't feel the distance in her tone but things were always complicated when it came to Ella.

Why was she asking such odd questions? I raised my eyebrows as I replied in a soft tone.

"Who am I? I'm just an employee here."

"Just an employee?" Ella said in a sarcastic tone. She folded her hands as she straightened her back. Her body found a straight line as a small laugh left her mouth, "Just an employee can roam around in such an expensive car?"

I swallowed as I looked at Ella. I had no idea what she was trying to say. I shook my head as I blinked my eyes.

"I don't understand," I said in a soft tone. Was I guilty? No, but then my voice naturally turned low.

"You don't understand?" Ella raised her eyebrows as she took one step near me. "I saw you entering a very high-end car yesterday. There was also a man standing on the side, giving you a hand. I had no idea you were so rich."

'Ella has me with Andrew.' Although I thought so first, I realized that it also meant that Ella had not seen the man's face. I took a sigh of relief. I didn't know why I was scared.

Why was I afraid? Colleagues often give one a ride home just because it's too late. Many of the people used to do that? But Ella's tone was a little different. It was as if she was ridiculing me.

'Let's not complicate things.' I told myself this with a smile. I looked at Ella as if nothing had happened.

"Oh, that's one of my friend's cars. He was on his way back home and decided to give me a ride." I said in a natural tone. Andrew and I could be considered friends right?

"Really?" Ella's eyes narrowed. "Your friends are quite rich? I did not know that you have such a background."

I swallowed my words back, I wanted to shout and say that, 'It's not a matter of background, it's just a matter of personality.' I had no choice but to talk wisely, but I also wanted to give Ella a state of her medicine. "Is it? I do not make friends based on how rich or poor they are. I just make friends depending on whether I get along with them or not."

Ella's eyes widened at my words. Maybe Ella was thinking that I am the one who is making fun of her, telling her that she is the one who is making friends depending on their monetary status. Although it wasn't my intention, I felt it was useless to clarify. I was trying to defend myself and my friend.

'Why was I concerned about Andrew?' Ella had only said a word and I felt like defending him. Why was everything surrounding the man for a few days? I shook my head as I controlled my irritation.

"Is there something else that you wanted to talk about?" I asked Ella as I took the step back.

Ella raised her eyebrows. Maybe she understood that I did not want to talk about this. "Yes. I would like to tell you something."

Ella's tone was stiff. "I do not want the launch to be skewed up. This is the first project that the President has taken up after he has taken the hold of the company. A lot of things are riding on this."

I raised my eyebrows as I was confused with the last words. What was she trying to imply? I will be the one who screws everything up? It was ridiculous. It was my first project too. Why would I screw things up when it was my big chance?

"It's not because of my personal feelings," Ella tried to explain. "I don't doubt you or your ability, but I don't know how you work. Everyone on the team and Mr. Fitz is well qualified for the job. They have years of experience to back up but you have just entered. Even though I see you helping out in this promotional event, I can only advise you to work hard,"

'I don't need your advice.' I wanted to shout.

Ella did not stop there, she continued with her words. " Even though you have to lose your sleep, try to match their working speed. We do not need any last-minute problems to arise. President will be observing it so try not to make fun of yourself and the team."

With those words, Ella left me standing there in the hallway. I took a deep breath and looked at her disappearing figure. After every other sentence, Ella said President.

Were the rumors true? Did she really fall in love with the President at first sight?