Davis Alvarez

{Andrew's Point of View}

I walked towards the living room again. Rosabel had just gone to meet her mother's boyfriend. Davis.

"Have she gone?" Jane asked as she took a drink from the table.

I nodded my head. "I think she needs some time to free her mind."

"It is understandable," Ken said as he typed on the laptop. "She is getting too worked up. Anyway, I think I was able to find something."

As soon as I heard the words I walked toward Ken. Jane and Seth followed me as well. I was sure that something was happening. "Lucas is trying to get his team to work on the CCTV at Aunt Lily's house, while I was trying to find traces in the transaction."

"I would not get your hopes high. I did not find any. But what I found is something interesting," Ken pulled up a page that had all the information on it. I could not pinpoint where I should be looking, but I followed Ken's hand as he pointed in a particular direction.