
I opened my eyes as I tried to adjust my eyes to the surroundings, but no matter where I tried to look I could not see anything.

It was all dark and I was afraid. I could not see anything around me. How did I get here? 

I remember sitting in a restaurant, having food with Davis.

We were talking about things. I knew he had to attend to his daughter who was sick so he could not come and meet me. I had asked him how she was. Everything was normal when I started feeling sick.

I touched my head as I felt powerless. My heartbeat fastened as I remembered feeling sleepy all of a sudden. I knew I was not feeling good so Davis suggested he will drop me home. 

I know I indeed saw his car as we were driving but where am I now? I looked around as I tried to open my eyes wide. I was too tired but when I tried to move my body I just could not. Move.