He opened his eyes as another morning began to break, but this time he did not awaken to the warmth and comfort of the bed. Instead, dazzling sunshine descended. The cold, hard earth touched him, waking him.

When Karma opened his eyes and felt something chilly under his cheeks, he realized it was the wood top of his dining table.

He recalled reading the book last night and dozing off. Karma attempted to turn his right-facing neck around but stopped when he understood what he was doing.


Because that's how he slept last night, his neck was now fixed in that posture.

As he was now having problems rotating his neck, the repercussions of not sleeping in the proper position sting him in the back.

His devil approached from behind and asked, "Having difficulties moving your head?" while having difficulty moving his clogged neck.

Karma gently gripped his head with both his hands and used his arms to exert force to correct his hunched-over position.

He gently lifted himself, attempting to dislodge his trapped head. He took his time with it to try to decrease the discomfort as much as he could, thus the procedure was a bit unpleasant and slow.

"Ouch Ouch Ouch, mmph"

His inability to respond to his demon was due to his struggles with the effects of his improper sleeping position.


As he struggled to keep his neck upright, the gradual sound of bones breaking could be heard.

"Damn, I'm never sleeping like this again. It's painful."

He had to endure the discomfort while erecting his head. He has learned his lesson and won't do it again.

(Well, now that you are awake, have you memorized the book?)

One glance at the book and then another at his demon "Yeah, I have"

(Good, very good. I knew you could do it)

Praising him like this is not going to move his heart in any way if that is what the demon was hoping for.

"Yeah, yeah, so, what now? How are you going to help me with this? "

The devil was content with his outcomes anyway. A genius can memorize a book's text in a single day; a regular person cannot.

(First, we will do the same as we did yesterday. And after that, we will practice what's in this book.)

Due to his exponential development rate, what took him 10–12 hours yesterday should take him less time this time.

He and his demon were going to take advantage of the fact that they were both aware of it.

They both knew what to do after that. He immediately got out of the chair, washed his face, and started making breakfast after standing up.

The same chicken, bread, eggs, and boiled veggies will be served for dinner.

Both Karma and his demon went to perform what was required for the movement.

Agastha sat down on the couch and immediately turned on the TV while holding the remote control.

Karma chose to give him his time while seeing that what he was doing was not at all helpful.

After washing his face and preparing his meal, he took another hour to eat and digest it.

Karma approached his demon after replenishing his energy for the day, who had a confused look on his face.

When asked why he looks so confused while watching TV, he answered, "I wanted to know more about how human relations work, so I thought I might get something if I watched TV drama."

He now understood why his demon was being perplexed.

"You were watching drama," Karma questioned as his right eye curled up.

Leaving that aside, Karma inquired out of sheer curiosity, "Did you find anything then?" He was curious to see how a demon would regard human connections.

It was then that the demon realized one other thing (Even demons make mistakes).


One word, followed by a minute of awkward quiet. They both concluded that TV dramas could not be used for any kind of study.

because they, especially Indian ones, are full of garbage.

(Anyway, let's get to it since you seem to be filled inside.)

Karma swiftly undid his shirt and sprang directly into the push-up position, without even wasting another second.

This time, his demon immediately gave him the weight of his body.

Now is the time to train nonstop till he passes away.


He has been working on it for several hours.

The tube light in the chamber beneath the starry night shines brightly on the sweat drips that have coated his entire body.

(A few more, and you're done.)

He was performing sit-ups just now, 15,000 of them. His devil tells him that because he can perform 10,000, he should now challenge himself and perform 15,000 instead.

The same amount of crunches, pushups, squats and jumping jacks were performed for the other exercises as well. Mind you, I must tell you that all of this happened while the demon was holding onto him and adding extra weight to him.


"Huff... Puff... Huffle... Puff... Done..."

As soon as he reached his goal of 15,000 sit-ups, he fell backward and struck the back of his head on the floor.

(Well done)

When you push your body to its breaking point, you may experience severe discomfort or even run the danger of harming it. The situation Karma was in was comparable.

It was difficult for him to breathe since his lower tummy was burning and excruciatingly painful. The same could be said for his hands, which also seemed precariously positioned.

Even his legs had the impression of having been repeatedly knifed. He only wished for immediate respite from the agonizing anguish.

"Huff... Stop... The nonsense... Puff... Heal... Puff... Heal... Huff... Puff... Me..."

(Oh yeah)